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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


whhyyyy are they not diligently uploading their twitch streams to youtube?

twitch is so garbage for watching archives, not to mention the extremely limited availability

I'm enjoying the stuff that is there on Youtube, but they're referencing so many playthroughs I can't watch anymore. :mad:

The major issue with this is sometimes they lose their full playthroughs, mainly the Resident Evil stuff, as it's not on youtube and no one puts it in the highlights on twitch.


I think you're mistaking entitlement for the feeling of emptiness someone may have once they realize they can never watch Kyle's Chicago Enforcer playthrough.

Real talk.

For Grandma episode will be forever in my heart and memory but I'm so sad that I won't be able to see the face moment again.
Sorry if it comes across as that. I get it. I'm really just coming from a place where i want these guys to get the success their talent deserves. I want them to be fucking rich, and get millions of views, and be the best that they can be, and in the words of dr dre, to fuck bad bitches for all the nights they never had bad bitches. I just don't want them to disappear. I know they're moving in the right direction. But i still reckon they can fucking grind more and put more effort in. I want them to crush it. Not for me, for them.

Lack of effort is absolutely not a thing that I would attribute to the GT crew and it's actually unfair to say that. I'm sure they all know exactly what needs work and where they're lacking and they all seem to be always buried in work. But I remember that we had a similar discussion a while ago and it mostly stemmed from the notion that we just wanted them to do better and be more successful.

Their Twitch and Youtube channels kinda being their own thing is a problem. If they have a regular series on Twitch (Dumb Game Monday), I don't understand why it's not uploaded to Youtube or properly archived on their homepage.

I can go to gametrailers.com and definitely see stuff that needs work. I'm glad that they finally transferred their content from Viacom to Defy, which must have been an enormous undertaking and hope they (or is it just Matt?) can start to sort the page out. For example, Backtrack is still listed under shows in the drop down menu of the nav bar, but the last episode came out in 2013. Then you go to Shows and see lots of old shows on the top and shows with more recent episodes at the bottom. Stuff like that needs to be sorted out, literally.

I really don't want to see their to-do list (I do want to see it). It must be huge. And in a way it seems like a management problem, but there's no way to judge something like that from the outside, without coming over as some sort of armchair-asshole. But it does remind me of that one E3 stream when they had some guy from a different Twitch or YouTube channel and he showed them Socialblade, which seemed to be completely new to them. Then they told Brandon about it and he had no idea about it either. I think I said something similar back then, when I wondered why Defy isn't helping out with that kind of stuff.

Anyway, of all the channels, podcasts, streamers and passive-aggressive premium sites, the people at GT continue to produce the only video game related content that I want to watch and I hope that this year is going to end up being an amazing year for them. The fact that Daniel and Brad take their time to regularly check the thread and respond to posts is also pretty awesome.

This is just a wild guess, but... self-employed vs. being employed? is maybe the difference there? He can handle funds/his time/coordinate on a whole nother scale, because he's in charge of everything.

That absolutely makes a difference. Even things like driving to the office is time that can be used more productively while working from home.


As pointless as this discussion is as it's not really our business, you'd be surprised that most YouTube "personalities" have small teams behind them that do all their editing.

Even Hearthstone's Trump has a guy who does all the editing and uploading for his videos.

As Blood has said in the past, after the last layoffs and the move, Blair is now doing the job of 3 people. Uploading and editing these videos is not as simple as you're rudely making It out to be.


I have been wanting to do some sort of highlight reel of their streams for quite sometime like I did once for their smash 3DS demo stream a while back :
In fact, something like this might be good for someone who, say, didn't watch all of the Table Top episodes and might want to catch up but doesn't have the time to sit down and watch hours of videos. A condensed version of each episode was something that I had in mind but decided not to do it since it might not be good for their views on the actual episode and also, this is a disclaimer they have on their videos :
Please note that any reproduction of this video without the express written consent of GameTrailers is expressly forbidden.
I don't know if this also applies to their stream but I don't want to infringe too much on their territory.
We all want the best for them and would love if they produce more but every single one of them, i'm assuming, work on different and multiple projects at a time which is their main focus. The livestreams are something, I feel, they sit down during a break or at the end of their day, and do for fun.
They use to do highlights of their stream about 2 years ago (there was a whole section of those in the old site) but that was when they had more people and looking at their views on youtube for their full-playthroughs, not a lot of people are willing to sit down and watch the whole way through.
Editing those down might entice more people to watch them but that's also a lot of work.
Would love to do more highlights (if I have the time) but not without their consent, they might have plans for that.


If we get a new GT time, I demand the Shemue campaign deciding not to give Paypal backers any rewards be a topic and Huber be a guest.

There are rewards, just not kickstarter exclusive ones. You can still buy the game and all that.



The major issue with this is sometimes they lose their full playthroughs, mainly the Resident Evil stuff, as it's not on youtube and no one puts it in the highlights on twitch.
Yeah, it's a shame. I know that there are issues with Twitch -> Youtube export, but archiving is just so important. I know that some of the older stuff is just lost because it surprised a lot of people when Twitch announced their archives would be purged (and fuck, who knows, maybe the same thing happens to Youtube in the future), but it still sucks.

I'll try to downloader thing someone posted above, I've done similar things for GB Premium stuff because their on-site player also isn't great (though better than Twitch at least).


Someone refresh me on the whole luchador story, i remember Huber refusing the teachings and then what?

Hope we get a following soon, love me some GT-lore.

Yup. We're back on track.

Nice, hope you guys had great holidays, but i really craved for more content lol
Yeah, it's a shame. I know that there are issues with Twitch -> Youtube export, but archiving is just so important. I know that some of the older stuff is just lost because it surprised a lot of people when Twitch announced their archives would be purged (and fuck, who knows, maybe the same thing happens to Youtube in the future), but it still sucks.

I'll try to downloader thing someone posted above, I've done similar things for GB Premium stuff because their on-site player also isn't great (though better than Twitch at least).

It'd be great if they could get some of their old GT content on Youtube too, it took me like 10 minutes to find some of the 2014 Final Bets shows on the new site because for some reason, searching "Final Bets" only came up with two results.
Dear Kyle

I am an upcoming shooter with Heroes that's had it's thunder stolen by a jealous and mean bully rival. What can I do to convince people that my juvenile humour and dreamworks esque character design is better than the solid gameplay and interesting lore of my bully?
Please help me.

preorder now for exclusive beta and early access to new character!


The pictures of Huber and Bosman in the thumbnails for their new videos are both exactly how I felt waking up and seeing that we got not just one, but both of them.


Kyle has really aged in a year.

It happened, it finally happened, Kyle's pessimism of star fox 0 has finally rubbed off on me. I don't think the game will be bad, but after all the negativity around the game I'm not really excited for it anymore.

is riptide actually a good game? is it worth downloading?


It happened, it finally happened, Kyle's pessimism of star fox 0 has finally rubbed off on me. I don't think the game will be bad, but after all the negativity around the game I'm not really excited for it anymore.

I honestly cannot wait for Star Fox pulling a Super Mario Maker (a.k.a. Super Mario 3D World) on Bosman and on this community.


I honestly cannot wait for Star Fox pulling a Super Mario Maker (a.k.a. Super Mario 3D World) on Bosman and on this community.

Never gonna happen. Game looks like straight up buttgarbage. Like, look at that chicken walker stuff. It's like they completely forgot what scale was, because it looks closer to morph balling in Metroid than flying a spaceship. Actually, you know what it looks like?

It looks like you're playing G-Force, except with worse animations.

I want it to be good, but when Nintendo, which is usually the aesthetic king, doesn't even bother to get the most basics of that part of the game right, it's hard to see it as anything other than them shoving something out the door to say they had something coming out the door.


Neo Member
Never gonna happen. Game looks like straight up buttgarbage. Like, look at that chicken walker stuff. It's like they completely forgot what scale was, because it looks closer to morph balling in Metroid than flying a spaceship. Actually, you know what it looks like?

It looks like you're playing G-Force, except with worse animations.

I want it to be good, but when Nintendo, which is usually the aesthetic king, doesn't even bother to get the most basics of that part of the game right, it's hard to see it as anything other than them shoving something out the door to say they had something coming out the door.

I don't have high hopes for the game but it could end up a similar case to a Link Between Worlds, another long awaited Nintendo sequel which initially underwhelmed and then eventually blew everyone away.

I think what's most worrying is the delay and the reasons they gave for it.
Nintendo normally has a kind of quiet confidence before they release a game and so to see that even they have doubts is troubling for sure.


I think what's most worrying is the delay and the reasons they gave for it.
Nintendo normally has a kind of quiet confidence before they release a game and so to see that even they have doubts is troubling for sure.
I'd rather have a delay that have another Mario Tennis U situation.
The GOTY discussion on GT Live is getting heated, but chat is getting even more heated. If you get a chance to watch the vod on twitch or youtube, definitely check it out. I realize that's basically a lot of nothing. There's very interesting discussion about most (I missed the opening so I can't say all) of the GOTY categories where they explain decisions behind choices. It's interesting to hear that some of the choices were swayed by a few strong voices who felt very passionately about their game. Huber also going on that rant about Fallout 4 taking up GOTY nomination spots from other games. I can't say I disagree with him, but I haven't played more than 10 hours of FO4 so my opinion isn't as relevant.


The GT Live was alot of fun this week, and while both the crew and chat were arguing, no one really crossed a line from what I saw.

Also, quick question, with the site redesign it won't load older episodes of final bosman when I go to the show's page when I went back to watch old episodes. Is this true for others, and if so is their any way to access that archive otherwise?


I never subscribed to the notion that the discussion would be compromised or they'd hold back because of cameras being on them and that stream proved it's not an issue. Hopefully you guys can make it happen next year Blood.


Star Fox is such a travesty. Everyone was saying, "give us Star Fox" for YEARS. Then it gets a lukewarm showing and people immediately give up on it. Sure it looks kind of meh now, but I felt like people turned the other way too soon before this.

Stuff like this worries me because it might make Nintendo think that it's not worth revitalizing old franchises like that.


I had a lot of fun watching and interacting with chat during that GT Live.

I'm still not sure how it'd work to hear them deliberate over GOTY awards but as long as we get a similar show next year I'd be happy with that.


I think it's just the fact they'd have to record and put up like 8-9 hours of discussion, pretty time consuming when you think they're normally shooting and producing GotY videos around the same time


Just finished the GOTY discussion. I gotta say, if they just did this every year, I'd be content with that. I would MUCH rather hear the full and uncut discussion, but if that is simply not possible, I'd be good with this. I would have liked to hear a little bit more finite details about the process though, because it's the stuff like the Vivi doll that makes it interesting.


This is a far better solution then listening to the unfiltered version of them trying to decide a winner. Not to mention it'd be just a waste of their time that they could spend on GOTY videos and such.
To me it felt like Bethesda took a step forward in terms of how combat feels in Fallout 4, but they took a step back in terms of dialogue choices. At first I liked the 4-button system, but I also realized that it becomes kind of limiting. Also, someone made a point that I mostly agree with (I forget where) that most of the perks now feel like 'Do more damage in x fashion' as opposed to how there were also more dialogue-impacting perks in FO3 and FO:NV.


Brandon really didn't do a good job defending the genre awards. Like... at all. Bosman and Huber are right.
I do when I'm not working/finishing Witcher 3. Damn these bastards expecting me to work for my money!

I wish I could play The Witcher 3. I pre-ordered the PC version and got it on Steam, downloaded day one, but the time commitment for this game makes it really intimidating. Not to mention that I got a TW2 playthrough that I started a while ago and haven't finished for the same reason.
Bought it just before Christmas. Been really looking forward to getting into it.

FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

You might still enjoy it. Just try to go into it without all the criticisms in your mind and see if you enjoy it. I honestly do the same thing to myself where I read all the criticism before I start a game and I get down on it even though I sometimes like the games. I think FO4 is decent, but maybe not GOTY material.
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