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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game



sorry, i need to use this at any possible opportunity, as tenuous a connection as it may be

also shift+o, hit the text, 'select' from the menu bar, "grow.." +1 or 2, ctrl+shift+n, shift+b, fill the selection black, drop the layer underneath the white text, merge the text layer down

"teach a man to fish" and all

Oh sweet, thanks. I'll have to bookmark this shizz since I know Photoshop/After Effects makes it easy, yet everything in GIMP works, but it's a few steps longer and not as obvious . I could do it in Gifcam, but capturing a gift with that and doing it feels kinda redundant.


Finally able to go back and watch the final Life is Strange just played. Nice and now odd to see Elyse in a video.


Really enjoyed this weeks GT Time, needed that pick me up after a shitty week.
I've really enjoyed their GT Live guests lately too.

Lol at Ben streaming a neptunia game next friday, lewwwdddddd


You could feel the crew holding themselves back from calling out their superior when Jones asked if Naughty Dog could be in Insomniac's position in two years. That comment was stupid.


You could feel the crew holding themselves back from calling out their superior when Jones asked if Naughty Dog could be in Insomniac's position in two years. That comment was stupid.
That made no sense and was actually onfused why he said that.


That made no sense and was actually onfused why he said that.

It's all just about what Naughty Dog is going to do once Uncharted is wrapped. But besides the fact that TLOU showed that ND is perfectly fine without the Nathan Drakeiverse, I think they'd have to have at least one lukewarm release before that sort of speculation is anything close to pertinent. It actually would've been a good question after Uncharted 1 came out, when they were past Jak and Daxter and Uncharted 1 was just "decent". UC2 settled that pretty fast though.
You could feel the crew holding themselves back from calling out their superior when Jones asked if Naughty Dog could be in Insomniac's position in two years. That comment was stupid.
I dunno, it's definitely possible. Lots of franchises/studios have gone to shit when key production/creative staff members die/leave.


They have Bruce and Neil... Also The Last of Us 2 will be huge on PS4. I doubt they will make something on the level of Fuse.

FUSE is pretty good though. If it had the backing of a good publisher and maintained its personality it could've been a great game.


I dunno, it's definitely possible. Lots of franchises/studios have gone to shit when key production/creative staff members die/leave.

Yeah, anything is possible, but the only real point of comparison between these two developers is that they made their names off of PS1 platformers.


Yeah, anything is possible, but the only real point of comparison between these two developers is that they made their names off of PS1 platformers.

They made similar games for two generations of Playstation. Even with PS3 they also took similar turn and started making M-rated shooters. The difference is that Naughty Dog had then hired an amazing writer that lead the studio to a new direction while Insomniac was delivering PS3 games every year while most other first parties were still struggling with the new architecture.


You could feel the crew holding themselves back from calling out their superior when Jones asked if Naughty Dog could be in Insomniac's position in two years. That comment was stupid.

Uh? They have 0 problems talking back to Jones usually, i don't know where you got that vibe from, to be honest.


I laughed way too hard at that 'moment of silence'. Pretty sure I would've added like 3 to that list had I voted. Pretty crazy that stuff like South Park: The Cracked Anus, Torment, Ni No Kuni, Shenmue, etc. are on there, but whatever. Small sample size, different marketing budgets, unsure release dates and so on and so forth.

I love you, whoever said Camelot Unchained.


You could feel the crew holding themselves back from calling out their superior when Jones asked if Naughty Dog could be in Insomniac's position in two years. That comment was stupid.

I don't think they held back but yeah, Jones sometimes comes out with some really bizarre questions/comments hahah.


Everyone only had 2 votes too so it's a little difficult to pick the likes of Gravity Rush, Wild etc.

Oh Wild would absolutely be on top over everything else, for me, but it's just so far away.
I'm not even sure it'll be out in 2017.
It looks like the best game ever.


The point Blood made on GT time about the devaluation of iOS games and therefore The Witness was excellent.

I think Witness is in a hard place, because it looks like a harder sell than most, especially at that price, it has a lot of competition from titles that are immediately able to demonstrate their value, with a single trailer.

In general though i stand by my idea that people pay what they're willing to, it may be a sad fact if you're a gaming enthusiast, but it's still the truth.
No matter how good a game is, it'll never be worth 40$ to some people.

Just like a pair of jeans may never be worth 600$ to someone, or a particularly fancy dish may never be worth and expensive dinner, and so on.

But i concede that there's definitely a communication problem here, being unsuccessful in underlining the key quality difference between a 5$ game and a 40$ one, especially when you don't have insane, self evident production values of a Call of Duty.

That said, i haven't bought The Witness yet, and i'll probably wait for a sale myself, because i see no reason not to, personally.


Mandatory Update killing it this week

The expression on Kyle's face after Ian brought up depersonalization around 47:48 made me laugh and a bit sad, looks like Kyle had some internalization.
The expression on Kyle's face after Ian brought up depersonalization around 47:48 made me laugh and a bit sad, looks like Kyle had some internalization.
The depersonalisation effect that Ian talked about is very similar to a panic attack symptom.
That sounds similar to a personality type on some weird personality charting thing that used colors... IIRC, that may or may not be paired with internal narration.

Then again, a lot of mental stuff is super similar, which is why the DSMV (or whatever it's called) calls it a "spectrum".


That sounds similar to a personality type on some weird personality charting thing that used colors... IIRC, that may or may not be paired with internal narration.

Then again, a lot of mental stuff is super similar, which is why the DSMV (or whatever it's called) calls it a "spectrum".

Also, self diagnosis is usually not a good idea.
I'm saying just in case someone hears about some symptoms and obsess themselves about having some mental disorder.
The fact that you can miss on a 95% chance to hit is one of the charms of XCOM in my opinion. I haven't played another game where I notice missing fairly high percentage hits as XCOM, and it makes the every action a bit more tense. There are definitely times where it gets annoying, but I try to look at it the way that Burt put it: rolling natural 1's sucks.


In the off chance anyone's wondering, I haven't uploaded Friday's Resident Evil 5 Desperate Escape playthrough because these types of videos usually get uploaded to their YT channels.

But I have the video set in private mode and ready to go in case it never gets uploaded.
Awesome games of February video. Love the music choices in these videos


well done Ian

In the off chance anyone's wondering, I haven't uploaded Friday's Resident Evil 5 Desperate Escape playthrough because these types of videos usually get uploaded to their YT channels.

But I have the video set in private mode and ready to go in case it never gets uploaded.
They just uploaded it


In the off chance anyone's wondering, I haven't uploaded Friday's Resident Evil 5 Desperate Escape playthrough because these types of videos usually get uploaded to their YT channels.

But I have the video set in private mode and ready to go in case it never gets uploaded.

you are the best dude. my internet is really shit and twitch doesnt play in anything above 'medium' and most of the time i have to watch in 'low'... but for whatever reason, youtube is fine, so having you archive the stuff they wont, really is a godsend. thank you.
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