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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


Just watched let's all go to the trailers. Damn those characters in the DGU one look horrible. It wasn't really a great crop of trailers this week. Certainly none I would rate above a 7, which the exception of MLB the show on part 2.


Really clever episode of Bosman, loved the format of it.... Even if I do think Bosman wanted to use his Stan Lee voice. Holy shit at the bonus bit though.
Miyamoto quotes in the voice of Stan Lee in a Stan Lee off between Bosman and Jones
Brandon Jones was better by far lol.

This was a pretty funny and clever episode as well. Also it reminded how much fun I had with the PS1 spiderman games, especially the narration for the first level, so much nostalgia.


MY TEXTS AREN'T GOING THROUGH. Is it because I'm in the UK?

I've watched everything in 60fps and liked it, but I'm one of those weirdos who like Hobbit in 60fps.


yea, he's getting it changed so it'll take like a day or two.


I'll grab it when it's done then, sweet.


Brandon's Stan Lee was pretty damn good i have to say.
The scruffy lower voice is too key for Kyle to nail it, in my opinion.


Brandon's Stan Lee was pretty damn good i have to say.
The scruffy lower voice is too key for Kyle to nail it, in my opinion.

Yeah, I thought that the whole thing was just a setup for Kyle to win because he started doing that voice on GT Time. Then Brandon swoops in and clearly already had one in the closet ready to pounce.


Damn, I forgot about that one.

They should do a full podcast episode where they try and hold impressions for the entire time and make listeners guess who they are.


Youtube and GT player be damned. I actually really appreciate the possibility to download their content directly. Quality is ok and that allows me to watch the shows on my way to work on my smartphone in the train without hogging mobile data.

I like current crew and shows. A pitty things are not always evolving their ways.


Brandon had that in the bag. For the Order, I know it was part of the bit, but is that the highest score he's given a game?


Just Played: Steamworld Dig with Huber, Bosman and Hinck

YouTube Link
GT Link

Also, the Android app got an update. It still doesn't work on Lollipop, but if you boot it on a Lollipop device, it at least tells you to use the mobile version of the site.


Brandon's whole discussion with the Order on the current GT time made me want to experience it for myself. His Evil Within example killed me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJBk6i_ThrY&t=17m39s

Reposting from the other thread:

I think Brandon (who repeated multiple times to not having played the game, so obviously his argument was more in general) made some good points.
Specifically, that length in and out of itself doesn't mean shit compared to value, since we have games like Assassin's Creed that pad out the experience to absurd levels, and games like Vanquish that are short but very deep and you can replay them multiple times, exploring new aspects of the gameplay.
And also that The Order was marketed pretty much for what it was, for better or worse, me and many others were very skeptical about it since months prior to release, exactly for that reason.

That said, i was annoyed by how condescending him and Kyle got about "people want points popping off of enemies' heads for headshots" and "experience points, lol".
No reason to get on the high horse there, when the only thing they kept repeating about The Order being good, was how nice the graphics were, which is a pretty shallow reason to love a game (however valid).
And most reviews about the game, point out many more flaws that aren't the length, from a disappointing story, to a very shallow and bland gameplay and game design.
You can't leave out that aspect, when you discuss how a game's length is seen.

Journey was short, Vanquish was short, Ico was short, but all those games offered something crucial that The Order doesn't seem to offer, in the way of game design and gameplay.
So it's not just people bitching about length in a vacuum because they aren't keeping "an open mind", and there's no ground to be patronizing about it, again, especially if your point is about how well they modeled a fruit basket.

I think he made some legit points, but him and Kyle were a bit annoying with the condescending attitude.


I kind of agree with UrbanRats, but they never felt too conscending with it. I could take length out of the equation with The Order as I managed to get it at a price where I platinumed the game in 10 hours on the Friday and sold it for a profit on Saturday, but the game has a lot of issues for me.

The pacing as it felt like a 90 minute script stretched out to the point where something so short managed to overstay its welcome, the pointless QTEs in some cases that weren't action based, major issues to the story, dodgy lycan battles and an ending that actually made me angry until the post-credits scene that was so bad it was laughable.

I think at that point though, only Bloodworth had played it and almost all of the conversations were about length on the forums, not just here but in GT comments on the review too. I think their attitude came from a place of being tired of hearing all the arguments about length before the vast majority had even experienced it.


so it GTTime a Thursday show now? Seems like it gets uploaded to Youtube more quickly than on their own website :)

not that i'm complaining. i can watch their show from my ps4 now that they are trying to up their yt presence.


I'm only 2 minutes in and I've lost it at Noprah. Holy shit.

I like how Kyle doesn't even fact check for "corrections" lol

I hope he never bothers looking them up. Bloodworths look at Kyle when he makes an incorrect correction is gold.

The Reviews channel has a couple of awesome things up too:

Gotham is Mine Trailer Analysis - Batman Arkham Knight Brandon Jones spends an hour pouring over every detail of it as he's a huge Batman fanboy so picks out a few things some of us may have missed.

The Journey Begins - Shenmue II Playthrough Part 1 Matt Blair, Michael Huber & Bradley Ellis start Shenmue II. I may watch this just because I assume Huber gets way overly excited.
Tabletop Adventures is up on YouTube now. Excellent news. Their player is such a struggle at times.

Just caught up with GT Time. Can we have Elyse every week please?


Tabletop Adventures is up on YouTube now. Excellent news. Their player is such a struggle at times.

Just caught up with GT Time. Can we have Elyse every week please?

Yeah, watched GT Time and it was great. Elyse cracks me up so much. Shame about the E3 plans, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with now it's in lower budget mode.

About an hour into Tabletop Adventures. Awesome episode so far, but their progress can be summed up in one image.





That's what makes it so good, everything that could go wrong, does go wrong :D

Oh god I know. I think the gravity of this new planet is effect the number of 1's people are rolling.

Also [current episode spoilers]
With the promise of Andry and Hoggar getting their hands back if they pass the test, but not in the way they were expecting... Anyone thinking Andry and Hoggar are going to get the wrong hands back? That will make them have 2 rights and 2 lefts each D:

The ending with Pervins failing that intelligence check was brilliant. I can't wait to see how he likes his new friends while the rest are in that other room.

Really glad they were going to try and squeeze another episode in yesterday for next week. Hope they pulled it off.


That was the first episode I watched of Tabletop. I thought it was pretty funny but the one thing I'm wondering is there a lot of people who play it?

How long would that game actually go on for?


That was the first episode I watched of Tabletop. I thought it was pretty funny but the one thing I'm wondering is there a lot of people who play it?

How long would that game actually go on for?

So this is the second act of their game and it's episode 18 with every episode being between about 90 minutes and 2 hours, so they've been playing for close to a full day at this point.

I've not played D&D for years, but one game lasted an entire school year. It was pretty fun until my character died completely. I was far too attached to make a new one.


Great GT time, Elyse is great. Looking forward to Huber next week.

That fan comment/question was great, should've spent a bit more time with it. Also, Brandon reminded me how great their E3 coverage was that Summer, great memories.

Edit: Just noticed how many times I said 'great'. It was though.


I guess I'll stick with GT for this year's E3. Years ago I always used Gamespot but when Spike/Keighley went all in I switched to GT. I'll stay there for the personalities even though they need to scale back. As long as they do post conference talks and plenty of Just Played's, they'll be fine. I don't need a live show from the venue as long as they still do a few funny show floor impressions videos or two.

Edit: I wonder who Geoff is working for this year though. His status allowed him to conduct some great interviews with questions other interviewers don't get to ask.


I guess I'll stick with GT for this year's E3. Years ago I always used Gamespot but when Spike went all in I switched to GT. I'll stay there for the personalities even though they need to scale back. As long as they do post conference talks and plenty of Just Played's, they'll be fine. I don't need a live show from the venue as long as they still do a few funny show floor impressions videos or two.

Oh yeah, as soon as they said people would still be on the floor, I was hoping there would be more Bosman and ManUps E3 specials since they're great. pretty sure a Huber Hype would be pretty entertaining too.

If I was in charge of GT during E3 (and this was all logistically possible), I'd probably do something similar to Giant Bomb for the conferences and have their reactions live during the streams, then send the aforementioned shows there along with Bloodworth and Ben Moore to play as much as they can for Just Played while the rest of the guys back at the office do some E3 related streams and content.

Edit: I wonder who Geoff is working for this year though. His status allowed him to conduct some great interviews with questions other interviewers don't get to ask.

I'm assuming he'll do some Bonus Rounds from E3, but other than that, I wouldn't be shocked if he announced his own thing like he did for the VGAs. be cool if he could link up with GT for some extra content though.
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