What the hell, GT time shows up on YT BEFORE it hits their own Website?
They pretty much shove it up as soon as it's done. They probably need extra time to convert it to the GT player or whatever.
Great GTtime this week, it helps that Elyse is probably the funniest of the crew.
Also, yesterday i watched Marketa Lazarova, and the lead in that movie looks a lot like her, sort of uncanny, i thought.
Also as usual, gotta love Brandon's passion.
When Elyse isn't all nervous and fidgety she makes an amazing fourth member. I love how she plays along with Kyle's various jokes. It creates much needed balance now that Damiani is gone, since Bloodworth is very dry and Brandon is somewhere in-between. Kyle really needs someone that picks up on his silliness.
Huber and Kyle are doing a full playthrough of The Order right now if anyone is interested.
Ace, that should be up soon then!
They said during the stream that it's too long to put on youtube but the twitch archive will be there. Stream is about to end, it was good. Not as good as their Evil Within or REmake full playthroughs though.
New Mandatory Update is up
Ian's hair is terrifying
Protip: Don't read the comments on the YT Mandatory Update
Just hateful stuff :/
Protip: Don't read the comments on the YT Mandatory Update
Just hateful stuff :/
GT comments made me laugh:
Protip: Don't read the comments on the YT Mandatory Update
Just hateful stuff :/
March Release Calendar is pretty funny with the Bloodborne music switch.
March Release Calendar is pretty funny with the Bloodborne music switch.
That Paul Walker joke was fantastic. And then Ian's "'cause he's fucking dead!" almost killed me. Pure gold.
The Bloodborne delay episode of Mandatory Update is definitely one of the best. Ian Hinck crying in Michael Damiani's arms... it's something incredibly beautiful.
Yep I appreciate it as well. I wish Hogger's character would develop a little more personally. Still feels a little bit one dimensional to me despite warming up to pervince slightlyLast tabletop adventures was fun. Glad they're making an effort to deliver an episode next week despite GDC happening.
Their Retrospectives are very well done, and I've learned a lot about the history of certain franchises I've never played because of it.
All in the site pretty much. If you go and see a list of all their shows there should be one for retrospectives.I see people talking about the GT retrospectives, but I see just 1 on the youtube channel, I'm I missing something? or are they all in the site page
I see people talking about the GT retrospectives, but I see just 1 on the youtube channel, I'm I missing something? or are they all in the site page
I love almost everything on GT, but I've never watched Mandatory Update.
I'm starting right now and I'm afraid I'll hate it.
I love almost everything on GT, but I've never watched Mandatory Update.
I'm starting right now and I'm afraid I'll hate it.