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Gaming-Age...you let me down!



B+?!?!?!? You gave that piece of crap a B+?!


This is more outrageous then that overrated C- for Ninja Gaiden.

From this day on, I will never view the front page again. NEVER!



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
People don't come here for the reviews. They're usually more wrong than right.

but as they say repeatedly…EA Sports, it’s in the game.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I hereby banish you to the IGN forums!

(not really... but it could have happened!) :)


To add insult to injury, the reviewer is a self admitted Cards fan!!!

"EA Sports, we took a shit its in the game! NCAA FOOTBALL 2005!"
You know, I'm a huge college football fan, but I could care less about this game every year. It's just like Madden with more teams. Look, a dancing mascot! Funny but meaningless. I hear people say that the reason football games don't change much from year to year is because the formula has been perfected so much. Fuck that. There's so much wrong with that statement. The closest thing I've seen to real innovation in football video games is Sega's first-person mode, which is an awesome idea that needs to be tightened up a bit. I think you could also do so much more with the Blitz approach...imagine a rated M football game in first-person, with lineman talking about eating each other's children and shit. That's what football is really like. Current football games are more like coaching simulators; none of them offer the player's experience, and only Sega's is even trying. That's why I'm ready for someone like Retro Studios to enter the market with something completely new and fresh.


Wow, I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

For one, I agree with DM, the game is just out and out bad. First and foremost, the passing game is broken. I don't know if it was done to up difficulty or make it seem 'more realistic', but the number of passes that receivers drop is horrendous. As an example, FMT and I played a game over the weekend (I think most of you will agree that we aren't newbs to pigskin games, that we can call good plays and hit the open man) I ended up that game with 2/17 passes completed, FMT was I believe around 5/20. That's absolutely hideous. Not that I was using a horrible team either, it was OSU. Considering that passing is half of a balanced player's offense, this is totally inexcusable. Balls bounced off the receiver's helmets and even off of their numbers on their chests. Receivers not even running backs or tight ends, the players that are out there because they can supposedly make catches.

ANother issue that the review totally missed is the new feature of the homefield advantage, it's a fairly big addition too. So big in fact, it decides between winning and losing depending on the stadium in which the game is being played. Forget about playing as the away team at LSU, OSU, Ole Miss, etc. the players on your team will be so rattled they will be wothless. I played a game against the CPU, Oregon (me) versus Ole Miss. At one point, my offensive line was so rattled that the defensive line of the other team was on top of me before I can hand off for a run, or plant my feet for a pass. It's totally game breaking, and playing a balanced game becomes nigh impossible.

On paper, it sounds real good. The execution leaves a lot to be desired. The flaws are just too big to ignore. I ended up quitting more games halfway through because of them than I ever actually completed.


It kind of sucks to be a sports gamer that actually knows their stuff. I feel as if I'd be much better off just playing the games ignorant of all the flaws :( The reviewers sure are. I don't really care about this review, but much like FMT's thread says....it's all a load of crap :)
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