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Gaming Conventions that just don't work anymore.

ge-man said:
Don't blame Mario, just thank the developers that didn't seem to grasp what made Mario 64 a special game--all collectibles required that you do some platforming.

Collect-a-thons can be very fun, but they won't be fun the challenges are busy work that does not require mastery of the game's system.

Amen, brother! Mario gave you stars as rewards. The game was the journey, with the star as your reward for completion. The hacks saw this and decided games where collecting shit is the focus was the same thing. They tried cloning Mario, but failed to grasp what they were cloning. Sucker Punch was the one developer who grasped this and it''s why Rocket is the second best 3D platformer of all-time (Behind Mario 64).


Hellraizah said:
Slime creature in japanese RPGs.
Unless it's the hero of said Japanese RPG. :)



I thought one I really, really can't stand today while playing Galleon, since it's very good at doing it. I really can't stand it when walls or other objects slow down or stop your character. There will always be some shoddily modded object or an invisible wall or something in the way to fuck up your cruising in games that do this. Always! Please just take it away, it just isn't fun in any way possible.


Matlock said:
Aye. And in Ratchet and Clank 2, you had to collect parts for a machine you needed.

Plus you had to keep re-killing enemies to level up your weapons so that you could beat some of the harder parts.

I love the games, but you're grasping at straws that ain't there, Snake.
You're blaming R&C for the wrong type of collecting. Sure, you had to piece together the...thing, but it was exactly like you guys are describing the stars in Mario 64, the ice crystal one aside. I guess I was wrong in my earlier post; it does force you to collect. For like 10 minutes. It's just the crystals (desert and ice, dunno their names) that need to be collected, and it's so easily accomplished I didn't even think about it.

You really don't have to level up your weapons in that way either. I promise, and I feel pretty condident in making this promise since I've beaten the game five or six times. (Yes, I was unemployed for a long while.)

Aaaaaaand you don't have to "collect" goals to unlock a new level. You have to beat the specific goal that unlocks the new level.

User 406

Here's one that hasn't been mentioned: "Lassie" type main characters. Everyone else in the game is able to talk, why not me? "What's that MAIN_CHARACTER_NAME? You say we should help the old man by finding his lost item? Okay!" The stories are usually bad enough without that kind of intelligence insulting crap. :p
The obligatory plot twist where the spy/commando is *omigosh* betrayed by his own agency, boss, mentor, best friend, or pet ferret. You know what would be a really cool plot twist? You complete your mission, and your boss gives you a medal and a promotion.


Unnecessary multiple game endings that only differ with an extra 3 second cutscene. If they aren't at least moderately different, why bother?

Fighting games that just read your moves. So basically you have to win by reading how the computer reads your moves. Fuck you Gill and Mr. Karate!

Edit: And every other SNK boss ever created.
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