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Gaming Pet Peeves


World’s Biggest Weeb
Bad side quests.

Especially when they try to disguise their shittiness by adding paragraphs of text to it. It’s like listening to my incompetent coworker spin some long-winded story/excuse about why he got nothing done and needs me to do his work for him.

Especially when it makes no sense why someone would even need assistance or why my party would agree to help.

Especially when they fucking APOLOGIZE for asking you, like the writers are apologizing for their own lack of creativity.

Xenoblade series is atrocious for this:
“Hi, my husband simply LOVES when I make my famous donkey scrotum pie, but I ran out of donkey scrotums the other day and [16 PARAGRAPHS] so I HATE TO BOTHER YOU, but would go find me 3 donkey scrotums and 6 swamp onions?”

Bitch you live in a city. Your food comes from a farm and gets sold at the market that’s like 50 yards from where I’m standing. Why the hell are you asking a band of warriors to go forage the wilderness for your pie ingredients?
I have kind of the opposite of this: the disconnect between story urgency and actual gameplay.

"We have to hurry, she's in trouble!" - goes on doing 5 hours of side-quests first. I rather have the game run a timer and if I'm too late to save the person then he/she is dead and the story continues without that character.
I remember when I putzed around in REmake and that guy died before I could get him some anti-venom. It blew my mind that it was actually playing out like it would in reality and not artificial video game frozen time.

The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are the worst for this. The main plot in both keeps acting like you’re in a race against time but then the games themselves do everything they can to encourage you to fuck about for hours.


Thought of another one.

Fucking mysterious hooded figures. This is especially bad in jrpgs. Particularly SE’s. The hooded figure you meet in FFXVI who has their hood so far down they couldn’t possibly see anything. All you can see is their chin. Doesn’t make any fuckin sense. Just wear a mask wtf.

I think my thought process goes hooded figure > organization 13 > nomura > BELTS!!!! > OW THE EDGE.

If your story forces you to conceal your character’s identity with a stupid hooded cloak - write a better scenario.

Okay I think I got it all out of my system.
Thought of another one.

Fucking mysterious hooded figures. This is especially bad in jrpgs. Particularly SE’s. The hooded figure you meet in FFXVI who has their hood so far down they couldn’t possibly see anything. All you can see is their chin. Doesn’t make any fuckin sense. Just wear a mask wtf.

I think my thought process goes hooded figure > organization 13 > nomura > BELTS!!!! > OW THE EDGE.

If your story forces you to conceal your character’s identity with a stupid hooded cloak - write a better scenario.

Okay I think I got it all out of my system.
Regarding THAT particular hooded figure in FF16...was their identity ever supposed to be unknown? I guessed correctly the first time they were shown, and the "reveal" was done with very little fanfare. Strange choice.


Neo Member
When a boss fight is difficult because there is extra enemies or mobs you have to handle while fighting the boss. I absolutely hate it because I feel boss fights should be one on one and think adding extra enemies to the fight is just a lazy way of adding difficulty. the Resident evil revelation games did it, the evil within did it, remnants of the ashes did it and it annoyed me everytime and 2 of those games you had to limited ammo and resources which made it worse.


Honestly my biggest pet peeve is when I'm sitting there minding my own business playing video games and someone walks into the room, stands a foot away from me, and begins to have a conversation with me like I'm just sitting there staring at the fucking wall.

Such a passive-aggressive way to ruin the experience for you. It's not violently disruptive, so you can't get justifiably mad about how rude they're being, but they distract you just enough to ruin the entire experience. It's like the perfect way to ruin something for somebody. Talk over the thing somebody is watching or doing just enough to distract them from paying attention to it.

Next time somebody is indulging in their hobby, do the same thing to them and see how they like it.
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Popup tutorials.

but when you interrupt my gameplay with a popup explaining how to open a chest,
then when I open up the chest and obtain and item I get ANOTHER POPUP telling me how to use said item.

it's like WTF.


Glitches. Most are just annoying but game freeze pisses me off! When I have to reboot and start from the last save, it makes me want to throw the controller at the wall!!!

These guys spend thousands of hours making these games so why can't they spend a few days to correct these glitches in their next patch?
Side quests. I would rather 10 more substantial main quests than 100 side quests. They are usually awful in JRPGs. I like to 100% games so having to complete copy and paste repetitive tasks is annoying.
My new one is how every single indie game trailer starts with like 45-60 seconds of some shitty animated cut scene. I'm getting conditioned to skip the first 30 seconds at least of every single indie game trailer like, I don't even know what genre your game is yet, release your dumb animated scene later separately.


Boss fights that make it seem like you're supposed to win so you waste all your items only to find out its an auto loss into a cutscene when the boss is at 20%. Pisses me the frick off every time!


Gold Member
Multiple-phase bosses having become the expected norm. It used to be a special twist for some major boss battles. I wish From Software still had the gall to make a Lord Gwyn-like final boss that isn’t three or four ridiculous battles stacked on top of each other.


Mandatory stealth with fail condition.

Double health bars.

Final forms.

Edit: seems I’m not the only for that stupid multiphase multiple form boss fights. They are just irritating and unfun.
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