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Gaming related dreams


Have you ever had dreams that relate to games or even take part inside of them?

I've always had crazy detailed dreams and sometimes they take part inside video game worlds, like one in which I was running away from Azealia Banks (...) aboard the Jehuty from Zone of the Enders. It was awesome.

But last night It was probably the most detailed I've ever had: I was at some sort of conference in a run down school building in which a new Tekken Tag Tournament 2 version was announced - the familiar TTT2 theme music was playing and it was showing off a new gachapon like mode and... I could tell in advance from the blurry textures that the game will be released for PS Vita... I should have realised it was just a dream when I was running back and forth between Tom and Donna from Parks and Recreation asking them if they will join me for a cigarette...

...damn, I really need to get a life.

But do you ever have weird dreams that relate to video games? Or do they ever look and feel like a video game?

(really wasn't sure where to post this)
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