I was definately planning on buying it, seeing that I love the manga, but not anymore, no way am I paying for 13 discs for 26 episodesdistantmantra said:So... how do you feel about ADV's plans for Gantz on DVD? I have serious problems buying DVDs that contain only 2 episodes per volume, even if they are cheaper. ADV lost my cash on this one.
DeadStar said:I was definately planning on buying it, seeing that I love the manga, but not anymore, no way am I paying for 13 discs for 26 episodes
distantmantra said:So... how do you feel about ADV's plans for Gantz on DVD? I have serious problems buying DVDs that contain only 2 episodes per volume, even if they are cheaper. ADV lost my cash on this one.
Crazymoogle said:Normally I give equal opportunity to anime and manga, but in this case, the manga is definitely better anyway. The swerve on 185 = wow.
For those who don't mind a major spoiler:
100 points gives the player one of three choices: their freedom, a powerful weapon...or the resurrection of any human being still in system memory.
Four very important people still seem to be on that list.
Drexon said:Oh yeah, I still haven't gotten an answer to the question: At wich ep in the manga does the anime trail off? I guess I could just check for myself... but, you know....and I really want to continue reading the manga.
DeadStar said:I think im going to give in for the DVDs. Realistically theyll be about $12 at Best Buy
Chrono said:
DeadStar said:Id rather just go to a store and buy it, thats just the way I am :lol
Kabuki Waq said:If Berserk can get Licensed anything can get licensed.
Best Buy always has a great selection, though recently they havent been getting in new Gneon releases. I was forced to get ROD vol. 4 at Sam Goody :|Chrono said:Do you guys think the GantZ manga has a chance of being licensed? There's just too much blood and nudity I think. If it does get here it'll get heavily censored.
There's barely any anime in any of the stores close to me... Borders has a decent collection but it's mostly dbz. >_> They do have a huge manga section though and it's getting bigger every time I go there (They had every freakin' volume of all the manga out there except the first volume of Battle Angel Alita... I'm ordering that from the Viz website. ) They even started selling wall scrolls. I almost bought the Last Exile one but it was too big to carry around the mall...
Chrono said:In two months it's going to be exactly a whole year I've had the box set... gotta get to watching it someday. :lol
Chrono said:Well, that was the worst last 5 minutes of any anime I saw.
And fuck you, Gonzo, for completely ruling out the chance for season 3. I seriously think that even the writers don't know what the hell happened in episode 26.
Its over now. The manga is enough I guess.![]()
Grizzlyjin said:I really don't think that ending alone would rule out Season 3. .
Chrono said:GantZ is gone. It's over. Stop talking nonsense and let me mourn!
BigGreenMat said:Wait so the Gantz DVDs are going to be censored? Nothing pisses me off more than censored material that doesn't need to be.
BigGreenMat said:Wait so the Gantz DVDs are going to be censored? Nothing pisses me off more than censored material that doesn't need to be.
Chrono said:The vampires are just an awesome twist. Exactly why do they think the people wearing GantZ suits are their enemy? Do they even know GantZ? And how do they get those nanomachines? "discovered several hundred years ago" ? Does this have to do with the "end of the world" kei read about on nishi's website and the "invasion" whatever it is? alien tech? so many questions. And the fact that KEI'S BROTHER is one of them is just scary. The two brothers not getting along too well sets it up for a big fight probably.
Oh and I just want to make sure of something: Tae was able to see everybody because she was the target right? I know it's stupid but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Chrono said:The last option seems kinda cheap to me. =\ It's an easy way out. It reminds me of kauro in kenshin ( I finished Kenshin about a few days ago ) ~ huge spoiler ~ turning out to be alive ~ end spoiler. Anyway this manga will go on for a long time if kei is planning to revive Katou, Kishimoto, Tae, and that kick-boxing girl that died in the temple fight. That's 400 points. -__-'
Crazymoogle said:I think it's pretty clear that getting 400 points could be near impossible (failing just once had disastrous results and reset the points) plus he still needs to earn his way out, so it will be really interesting to see who he chooses and why.
There's also the whole Tokyo Tower issue - what happens if Kei finds Gantz outside of the game? Maybe a weapon grant would give him that opportunity. In any case, it seems pretty clear that there are some big story twists yet to come. Every big bad event seems to be making Kei into a true leader and game powerhouse.
Chrono said:What do you mean if Kei 'finds' Gantz outside the game? I don't think he can...
I really like the idea of a bigger plot going on right now. Vampires, invasion, all that stuff. The last two chapters though were disappointing. I guess that's what I get from reading volume after volume to single chapters. >_>
Chrono said:They won't be censored.![]()
Drexon said:The manga's out there, you just need to look harder. Anime sucked ass though. >_< "BANG"? Bang? What-dog?
Anyways, glad I picked up the manga, totally kicks ass, even though only 2 chaps have been released since I picked it up and read it over one night.
I'm thinking the ppl he resurects will not be part of GantZ game and live a normal life, until GantZ kills them again that it.![]()
CloudNL said:I found this site: http://shocwave.caticus.com/download.html
But nobody is seeding those torrents :'(
Chrono said:Forget the torrents.
d/l from that link. Gantz manga isn't licensed so there shouldn't be a problem with posting links. All chapters up to 187 are available in that link. You can get 188 from the same site you linked -- just click the news section and it's on top. Or even better go to their irc channel for everything gantz. #shocwave at irc.rizon.net/org/com or none of those servers work try irc.reversed.net.
Cloudy said:Umm, so what exactly happened at the end of ep 26?![]()