Listened to a bit of this record through LEGIT SAMPLING METHODS haha lolz. Its clear they wanted to continue doing what they did with their third cd but the influence of their first two cds is pretty heavy, which makes it a solid fusion.
I dont think its fantastic. Certain tracks stand out while others sorta are just there. 2.0 is sincerely hard to top and it feels unfair expecting them to create another perfect CD. But for those garbage fans scared away by their last CD this one is worth checking out.
Just not quite as dark as I would like it.
I dont think its fantastic. Certain tracks stand out while others sorta are just there. 2.0 is sincerely hard to top and it feels unfair expecting them to create another perfect CD. But for those garbage fans scared away by their last CD this one is worth checking out.
Just not quite as dark as I would like it.