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Gas or Charcoal, is there really much of a difference?

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I need to pick up a grill but I'm not sure which way to go. Some people have told me that charcoals taste soooo much better. But is it really worth the hassle?


I'd go with charcoal. I don't know what hassle you're talking about. And don't use lighter fluid, get a chimney starter.



Xenon said:
I need to pick up a grill but I'm not sure which way to go. Some people have told me that charcoals taste soooo much better. But is it really worth the hassle?

You can get a real deal on a gas grill by trading in your nuts. Hell if I wanted the flavor of a gas grill I'd just cook in my oven. To anwser your question I love the flavor from a standard grill however I grill with all wood and no charcoal.


Ferrio said:
I never get Hank Hill and the propane shit. I always thought texans thought propane = blasphemy.

LOL. Hank makes me sick everytime he whores his propane bullshit. :p


MIMIC said:
LOL. Hank makes me sick everytime he whores his propane bullshit. :p

Me too, especially when he starts pushing it on Bobby and disguises his pitches as some kind of "character building" bullshit. XD Makes for some funny as shit episodes though


since when were charcoal grills a hassle? people = teh lazy

Sorry I was in a hurry and left a bit of info out. This is going on a small suspended wooden deck just off the kitchen. So I would have to put something down to protect against possible falling coals. I also would have to carry out the used coals through the house. =\

If I had a yard it would be a no brainer.


Junior Member
Uh, guys, Hank Hill is a cartoon.

On topic, I'm useless when it comes to lighting a charcoal grill. And I'm not that much of a taste whore where it affects my dinner. It's like my brother, I just roll my eyes at him when he starts debating the differences in taste in a Pepsi that was opened yesterday or has a old 'born on' date. If you look closely, they have dates on it and he claims to be able to tell if it's old by taste. I did a taste test with him and I will admit there was some difference to the taste (less pop) but I don't give a shit. It's still acid on my tongue and doesn't compare to the all-mighty greatness that is home-brewn Ice Tea. It's like debating the difference between Miller Light and Bud Light and then ending the argument that the High Life is heads and shoulders above both of them.

WTF, gas is great cuz in 5 minutes, it's heated up. Time is money nowadays, and unfortunately, I don't have a ton of time to do things like wait for the charcoal to get hot. I'd rather be jerking off on a time efficient basis. Besides, it's still 'grilled' so WTF? Doesn't it all depend on the seasoning to it? Doesn't it all taste way better than McDonald's burgers? Isn't there a lil perspective on these type of things? Just get the propane and not worry about the taste cuz a steak on pretty much any grill tastes about 40 times better than the shit you usually shove in your mouth.

BTW, a bitrate of 300+ doesn't sound better than a bitrate of 192, PS2 games look just as fine as games on Xbox, steaks taste great on propane or charcoal grills and sometimes, my hand rivals even some fine looking woman, as long as I think about it right. Besides, Mary Palms is always ready to go and never says stupid shit, like, 'Does this make me look fat?' Get the propane and worry about life's bigger problems.
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