Typical Barca and their HGH abuse.
The resurrection.It is time to bring it back
Forget the mistletoe lads? @Official_BRFC's Lee Mansell goes in for a cheeky kiss with @GatesheadFC's JJ O'Donnell!
I guess that isn't really too big of a problem though because it's just a short little thread that'll probably die out quickly once everyone's had their quick laughs...
Edit: Didn't mean to come off exactly as harsh as it appears I've been taken. I'm not saying I don't find the pics/gif/vid funny (they did get a chuckle out of me, haha), it's just that there's pretty much nothing to discuss here. I guess that isn't really too big of a problem though because it's just a short little thread that'll probably die out quickly once everyone's had their quick laughs...
2 years and going
my legacy
Typical Barca and their HGH abuse.
Haha thanks for the laugh. As gay man I dont really think so though, the third one maybe, the others seem too forcefulAs a lesbian I can verify that those glitches are pretty gay.
And he still missed.
He fell in love with the goalkeeper leaving a served goal. And he missed cos it wasn't fair.Hate to break it to you, but this is just a regular glitch.
Holy shit...You'll get permabanned one day and this thread will still live.
Dancing like that? I don't think so! At a minimum he is quite happy.Hate to break it to you, but this is just a regular glitch.
Smh they allow suprise butt sex on the field? He even climaxedPlease understand, legit strategy to get the ball.
Hahaha god damnit it
Hate to break it to you, but this is just a regular glitch.