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Gaza's only power station shuts down over fuel shortage

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The local energy authority said it had no option but to shut the plant down due to unpaid bills and taxes in a row between the Palestinian Authority government and the Islamic movement Hamas, which seized the enclave in 2007 from the Palestinian Authority; in control of the West Bank.

The two factions have been involved in a bitter dispute over tax bills on fuel imports amid a long-running border blockade by Israel and Egypt that has worsened power shortages.

The head of the energy provider, Samir Metir, said that all the plant's fuel, purchased in January with funding from Qatar and Turkey, had been used up.

The latest closure means Gaza's roughly 2 million residents will have to rely on electricity supplied by Israel and Egypt.

The Maan news agency cited a Palestinian government spokesman as accusing Hamas of collecting millions of shekels from Gaza residents for electricity without forwarding the payments.

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