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GBA Mega Man Anniversary Collection pushed back to Jan. 2005

Kumiko Nikaido


Ship Date: 1/24/05

No more portable Mega Man lovin' this year after Mega Man Zero 3. Atomic Planet's GBA 5-game compilation has been pushed back to the end of January 2005. Perhaps they're still reaking from the GC "reversed-controls" incident. Heh. :p


Tag of Excellence
Dragona Akehi said:
The PSP version will have proper controls AND remixed music in levels.
But it'll include a worthless anime video instead of a documentary, the remixed music is all haphazard, the manual will be black & white, and thick black borders on the sides, oh noes!

EDIT: I adjusted perfectly to the switched buttons, actually it's adopted rather well to the GC pad and I really liked it. I still think that AP needed to include an option so those who can't adapt wouldn't have any trouble. Oh and the fact that all the games are PS ports instead of the actual roms, that's still amazing stupidity.

Now superior platform? Let's wait for it to be released first!


TekunoRobby said:
But it'll include a worthless anime video instead of a documentary, the remixed music is all haphazard, the manual will be black & white, and thick black borders on the sides, oh noes!
You actually nailed one of the issues a PSP port would face there, crazily enough. That or they'd stretch it out, or cut some vertical lines...


Tag of Excellence
At this point I'm worried that the games would be emulated correctly and with decent coloring than whether or not the controls would be switched. I really want this collection and I'm really looking foward to the art-mode and enhancements they promised but AP doesn't seem to be the brightest group of programmers.


I have this reserved at GameStop, too. :(

Anyways, Atomic Planet is retarded. You still can't argue with the fact that Megaman Network Transmission had the RIGHT button controls and came out WELL BEFORE Anniversary Collection. Why confuse a series of games?
Are they completely reworking these games from the ground up or simply colorizing them?

I ask this because the sprites and music in the original Mega Man II are completely messed up.
BuddyChrist83 said:
You actually nailed one of the issues a PSP port would face there, crazily enough. That or they'd stretch it out, or cut some vertical lines...

Well, the GBA screen is longer than the original GB's too. This is probably the biggest problem porting it to the GBA.


Tag of Excellence
BobbyRobby said:
Well, the GBA screen is longer than the original GB's too. This is probably the biggest problem porting it to the GBA.
It's got a nice colorful border on the sides. Actually the biggest problem is AP is filled with idot programmers.


Kumiko Nikaido

SonicMegaDrive said:
Are they completely reworking these games from the ground up or simply colorizing them?

Atomic Planet is going further than just colorizing them. They're tweaking the enemy's A.I. to be harder, adding new animations for the weapons, and adding bonus content, such as galleries, and whatnot.


Tag of Excellence
ninge said:
Guys - Atomic Planet are NOT doing the GBA collection so get off their backs!
You're ruining my mean spirited fun!

You know something funny, I can't get any confirmation on who's the actual developer of the game from any of the major newsites. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough.


ninge said:
Guys - Atomic Planet are NOT doing the GBA collection so get off their backs!
No. They screwed up one the simplest games ever. Rather than code an NES emulator and tweak it, the put CD IMAGES of 32kb NES games on the CD and demonstrated an amazing lack of any intelligence.

To top it off they follow it up with The Guy Game.

They deserve to have their headquarters burned to the ground and have their code peed on before I feed it to my dog.
Kumiko Nikaido said:
Atomic Planet is going further than just colorizing them. They're tweaking the enemy's A.I. to be harder, adding new animations for the weapons, and adding bonus content, such as galleries, and whatnot.

Great news! Now I'm actually anticipating this title! I was almost POSITIVE Capcom would take the lazy route with this one.


(more a nerd than a geek)
M3wThr33 said:
No. They screwed up one the simplest games ever. Rather than code an NES emulator and tweak it, the put CD IMAGES of 32kb NES games on the CD and demonstrated an amazing lack of any intelligence.

It's amazing how badly one team can screw up something as simple as a collection of Mega Man games.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
TekunoRobby said:
It's got a nice colorful border on the sides. Actually the biggest problem is AP is filled with idot programmers.

I am sure ninge would be ok with a code-off against you ;).


Tag of Excellence
Panajev2001a said:
I am sure ninge would be ok with a code-off against you ;).
Well thank god that has nothing to do with my comments since I know little about programming. Luckily I do know enough about blatent stupidity and bad implementation (regarding MMAC).


Tag of Excellence
Panajev2001a said:
Then why the "idot" programmers comment ?
Comeone now, do you seriously have to ask that question? Hasn't it been obvious from all the comments regarding MM:AC, the endless complaints that was evident in the multiple threads. This has stemmed from way back when the game was initially released on both the PS2/GameCube. Hell I'm not even the only one complaining about it in this thread and I find it funny that you specifically single me out since my playful "idot" programmers pales in comparison to the accusations/insults others have made.

The desicions could have been made by Capcom, AP might have been "under the gun" and were told to specifically follow directions on how to do the port but I haven't seen any evidence of that pointing either way. Actually I'm extremely fond with what they've done and I do highly enjoy the game but a key desicions really felt like the the project was rushed or because of ignorance/laziness.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I enjoy the PlayStation 2 port, I think all in all it was not badly done.

Second, do you think that programmers on a team make all the gameplay and button assignement decisions ? DO we know for sure this happened in that game ?


Tag of Excellence
Panajev2001a said:
Second, do you think that programmers on a team make all the gameplay and button assignement decisions ? DO we know for sure this happened in that game ?
Sadly we don't know and we'll probably never know due to legal reasons and NDAs. That's why I speculated in my last post about Capcom forcing desicions here and there. AP even dodged the controller issue when the first signs of fan backlash occured. Why would would the PS2 port get shafted with the anime video instead of the documentary, and the GC version with no remixed music (due to space of course but it still fits my point). Obviously Capcom had a lot to say in regards to what goes in and what doesn't and that's not even taking into considerations of the project management at AP.

I reiterate, I was being playful with my "idot" programmer quip hence why I didn't say idiot. Just a mild form of expressing my distaste for some of the key desicions on this project. I never once thought that the programmers were solely responsible for the problems and I never stated that. Yes, I said they weren't the brightest and they aren't, but they are certainly very good and did a damn good job with the menu (yes I liked the frontend a lot). Again I wonder, why do harp on me for that comment and ignore the "deserve to have their headquarters burned to the ground" and "It's amazing how badly one team can screw up something." Those comments are far more offensive and ridiculous.

I'll repeat it again, I really loved the end result and none of the issues really bothered me at all. From the stupid button oversight to the bloated PS emulation and lack of music I LOVED this release. Hell I applaud AP for tackling a project and doing a decent service to the series.

Retrospect: Of course I never did get an answer from Panajev regarding any of those points.


My beef was with the people in this thread that were falsly accusing AP of the delays for the gba version. That clearly isnt the case as they aren't doing that port.. As for the rest - welcome to 6 months ago! and get over it already.. :p

edit - goddamn i wish i coudl type proper like what i used to be able of.

PS - if i had to "guess" i would "guess" that sony had an "issue" with the documentary containing references to rival manufacturers platforms and that's why it was pulled and replaced with the cartoon. but that's just my take on it!


Tag of Excellence
ninge said:
A decision such as the layout of the buttons in a game would have to pass through several internal producers & designers / capcom producers & desginers / internal QA / external QA / nintendo QA and capcom themselves. I find your acusation that AP would have made the decision on their own laughable at best. You clearly don't understand how development works..
Are you confusing me with someone else? I never once said or even thought that. The closest comment I said regarding that was "I still think that AP needed to include an option" and that was assuming that if and when a desicion of that nature would be approved that AP would be the ones that would actually implement that feature.

EDIT 1 - Don't be hard on yourself, I understood you perfectly. I think your guess is rather good and sounds like a plausible reason. I myself am leaning towards Nintendo pulling some strings and having the documentary specifically on the GameCube. I remember when MMAC was going to be exclusive for the GCN for a week and having movies on the demo discs as well, probably something related to that.

Well you didn't upset me, I just thought you confused me with someone else. The button swap was absolutely no trouble for me. I actually liked the switch and it feels nice, unfortunately not a lot of people can do the same and that's why I thought having an option was something that was sorely looked over.

EDIT 2 - Ahh you sly man, I get you now. ;P Someone at Sony should be shot, they've singlehandedly made the GameCube version the better choice for consumers and the hardcore fan.


Tag of Excellence
jarrod said:
So if it's not Atomic Planet... who's doing the GBA MMAC?
Hell if you can find the actual developer of this you're a much better man than I. I searched all the popular news portals and no mention of the developer anywhere (with the exception of IGN saying it was AP doing the GBA and Capcom doing the GCN version but that's obviously wrong). So far all we know is AP isn't doing it.

I actually would prefer the AP team since they've already had experience with MMAC.
I can't believe anyone here is willing to defend Atomic Planet. They dropped the ball on the simplest of projects and deserve every bit of hate they get.
TekunoRobby said:
EDIT: I adjusted perfectly to the switched buttons, actually it's adopted rather well to the GC pad and I really liked it. I still think that AP needed to include an option so those who can't adapt wouldn't have any trouble. Oh and the fact that all the games are PS ports instead of the actual roms, that's still amazing stupidity.

I have the same sentiments - adjusted more or less. Although... can't do charged shots very well. Bit annoyed with this :mad: Haven't played most of MM collection; looking back thought I did but

I'd only played


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