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GCN - Metal Arms:GITS or I-Ninja?


It probably sounds like a really weird comparison, but I've been trying to decide all day and haven't had any luck.

Found a bin of $20 CDN Games at Costco, I want to pick up one more to make an even 30 Games (I have problems). Looked at both of them, have heard good things about both (More in Metal Arms direction) and was wondering what the concensus is among those who have played both.

I'm generally a big fan of Action Platformers, so I-Ninja interests me, but I've heard strong things about Metal Arms, plus it has the addition of Multiplayer.

I know it's kind of Apples and Oranges, but any opinions on either of the games, or on both, would be most appreciated.


Edit: While it seems like Metal Arms was decide upon, a recent sale kind of made me rethink this. Pac Man Vs./Pac Man World is now only $20 Canadian as well at Future Shop, and I'm torn. Anyone who can help me with this one would really be a class act.


Metal Arms beats the shit out of I-Ninja. Metal Arms is a must own.

I-Ninja is still a decent title. I picked it up for $10 bucks and even though Ive only completed 2 worlds thus far I was not dissapointed

Metal Arms however I finished off in 2 sittings. Its addictive crazy ass shooter fun.
AeroGod said:
Metal Arms beats the shit out of I-Ninja. Metal Arms is a must own.

I-Ninja is still a decent title. I picked it up for $10 bucks and even though Ive only completed 2 worlds thus far I was not dissapointed

Metal Arms however I finished off in 2 sittings. Its addictive crazy ass shooter fun.

Metal Arms EASILY. GREAT game.
In case still in doubt...

METAL ARMS!!!! In some ways, its better than Halo, mostly diverse level designs.


Yeah, take Metal Arms first. The game is fun and has lots of atmosphere.

I-Ninja is worth a look, too. "Must.. kill.. stuff"


Wellington said:

Thank you Teddman for turning the majority of us onto this gem!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Metal arms was so so so good.

The controls reminded me of HALO for some reason.


I will concur with AeroGod and say that they're both very worth getting, but Metal Arms is the superior one. Get both if you can, MA if you have to pick.
You're joking right?! METAL ARMS!!!! NO freaking contest!!!

Best action I played this generation until Ninja Gaiden. This is fun from start to finish!!

I-Ninja is by no means a bad game, but doesn't hold a candle to Metal Arms: Glitch in the System...........


Chili Con Carnage!
Only thing better than metal arms is your legal copy of metal arms copied onto your Modded Xbox hard drive to do away with almost all the loading.
clipunderground said:
No offense to all the fanboys, but Metal Arms smokes Halo single player mode.

Both games are awesome, but Metal Arms does not smoke Halo in any way, shape, or form. Have you even played through Halo?
PanopticBlue said:
Both games are awesome, but Metal Arms does not smoke Halo in any way, shape, or form. Have you even played through Halo?

No. I'm just like making stuff up. :\
Of course I have. I beat the game. Starts off really well and falls apart halfway through. I personally had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more fun playing through Metal Arms then I did with Halo. I don't see the big deal with Halo anyhow. Pretty standard FPS IMO. It was good but not mindblowing. Metal Arms on the otherhand is one of my favorite games this gen.


I'll pick up Metal Arms...I'd get both, but I've bought a lot of games recently and my mother seems to be getting frustrated. It's quite funny.

I woke up half an hour ago, and was playing Animal Crossing at 2 am last night. Bad combination.


Topping this...it's now Pac-Man Vs./World or Metal Arms, and I'm just as bloody torn. I know the love for Metal Arms was high, but I've been looking to grab Vs., as it gives me a four player game before I buy a fourth controller.
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