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GDC 2015: Game Developer Choice Award Nominees Revealed.



Is that a spirograph?


Also WHY THE HELL didn't Danganronpa get nominated for narritive of the year or even mentioned (fucking Haifu Boyfriend even got an honorable mention)!?

Damn these people. Damn them all. IT SHOULD be nominated for GOTY but I would have settled for best narrative at least but no...

One of its mechanics is innovative, but 95% of what you do in that game is lifted either from the AssCreed or from the Arkham games. And for me personally, the nemesis didn't make much of a difference.

Good thing the award is due to that innovative mechanic and not on the whole game. I would like to see arguments for the other nominees in regards to innovation, especially since I'm personally unfamiliar with a couple of them.


Good thing the award is due to that innovative mechanic and not on the whole game. I would like to see arguments for the other nominees in regards to innovation, especially since I'm personally unfamiliar with a couple of them.

Monument Valley probably deserves to be on that final list less than Shadow of Mordor does, since it's basically a much more visually interesting take on Echochrome's perspective puzzle solving. I figure it's more because of how well it's used from a storytelling standpoint, but it's not exactly a groundbreaking game for 2014.
Tropical freeze robbed yet again for best soundtrack =/

I kind of expected that...tbhq, at this point in the industry's history Nintendo-like games (Rayman, Donkey Kong, etc.) are the animation of the video game industry...they'll get token mentions at best even if they're Super Mario Galaxy-quality games.
Tropical freeze robbed yet again for best soundtrack =/

Note, there is no best soundtrack award. The audio award is based on music & sound effect quality but also on how well the game uses the audio to further the game's overall goals & whether the game does anything innovative with the audio or audio tech. Just having an entertaining soundtrack doesn't guarantee a nomination.


One is on pc. One is on vita. So yes.

Let's not pretend that a game being on the PC is an automatic guarantee of heightened exposure. There are significantly less posts for all the threads surrounding Hatoful Boyfriend on this forum than even a spoiler thread for either of the DR titles, and we're supposed to be the hardcore gamers.


Let's not pretend that a game being on the PC is an automatic guarantee of heightened exposure. There are significantly less posts for all the threads surrounding Hatoful Boyfriend on this forum than even a spoiler thread for either of the DR titles, and we're supposed to be the hardcore gamers.

It's also popular on forums like Gamefaqs too. Even Tumbler too for what that's worth. XD

But it also shouldn't matter how niche it is damn it! The Golden Globes have freaking BoyHood nominated for best motion picture in drama and I have yet to meet a single soul who has even heard of that movie.

Pure Philistines I tell you. :(
Destiny a mediocre game at best, only gets in these lists because of the name and marketing dollars behind it. I've not seen another game that scored 75 on aggregate and thus not even close to being at the top, getting to be on goty lists and among the highest scoring games, surely it must be the first time.


Destiny a mediocre game at best, only gets in these lists because of the name and marketing dollars behind it. I've not seen another game that scored 75 on aggregate and thus not even close to being at the top, getting to be on goty lists and among the highest scoring games, surely it must be the first time.

Yes, even game developers themselves are persuaded by money and clout and there is literally no other reason theyd nominate Destiny for best Audio or Techhnology.

Both finalists and winners are selected by the Game Developers Choice Awards-specific International Choice Awards Network (ICAN), which is an invitation-only organization comprised of leading game creators from all parts of the industry.

I totally agree that its a weird pick for Game of the Year, but I also think its weird you think developers themselves arent allowed to like it or are somehow bias.


Man, I really hope my work can send me to GDC this year. It's just down the street, and my position is marginally related to games. Come through, powers that be.


This. It will probably sweep the awards, deservedly so, but why is it nominated for the category regarding its biggest criticism? That's like nominating Mass Effect 3 for Best Ending.

Also, WTF at Destiny being nominated for GOTY and not Dragon Age or Smash?

Dragon Age doesn't deserve it but Smash? Why the hell not Smash!?
only list destiny should be one is most disappointing. can't believe destiny got in over any of those honorable mentions. they're all better than destiny in every single way possible.
I kind of expected that...tbhq, at this point in the industry's history Nintendo-like games (Rayman, Donkey Kong, etc.) are the animation of the video game industry...they'll get token mentions at best even if they're Super Mario Galaxy-quality games.

In the case of Donkey Kong, they should have gotten a best design nomination. In terms of pure game design chops, not many are better than Retro, and the shitloads of fantastic levels in Tropical Freeze show that It really is shocking to me how it didn't even get an honorable mention.

Note, there is no best soundtrack award. The audio award is based on music & sound effect quality but also on how well the game uses the audio to further the game's overall goals & whether the game does anything innovative with the audio or audio tech. Just having an entertaining soundtrack doesn't guarantee a nomination.

The sound effects are stellar, and in a series like DKC the soundtrack has always been very important. It's why DKCR is considered a great game and Tropical Freeze is considered a GOAT platformer. It was a snub, plain and simple.


Best Debut for me Respawn.
I played no other game in the last years as much as Titanfall and I still play it every day.
Flawless online connections would also mean best Technology for me, but well...

Edit: also happy for the Alien nominations, fantastic game.
In the case of Donkey Kong, they should have gotten a best design nomination. In terms of pure game design chops, not many are better than Retro, and the shitloads of fantastic levels in Tropical Freeze show that It really is shocking to me how it didn't even get an honorable mention.

While I've argued for why I don't think DKCTF's level design quite reaches the heights of something like SMG1-2 and SM3DW, it's still top notch and I'm also quite surprised that it wasn't nominated.
iD Tech 5? Best tech? Hahaha.

I'm very surprised and happy to see Alien Isolation up for vote as GOTY, although personally I have to hand it to Bayonetta 2 above and beyond the competition :)
What are some of these nominations even...

I mean I'm all about everyone being entitled to their own opinions and all, but what the deuce is with Shadow of Mordor being nominated for best narrative? It's a fun game but the game's narrative is the very definition of a weak story used to contextualize gameplay mechanics.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's also popular on forums like Gamefaqs too. Even Tumbler too for what that's worth. XD

But it also shouldn't matter how niche it is damn it! The Golden Globes have freaking BoyHood nominated for best motion picture in drama and I have yet to meet a single soul who has even heard of that movie.

Pure Philistines I tell you. :(
Movie industry is very different, a move doesn't have to be the most well known film ever to be nominated for best motion picture, especially if we're talking about a film that's as good as Boyhood. That movie is fucking amazing.
Destiny winning goty would be hilarious because of the reactions, but Alien Isolation is incredible and the best thing on that list. That Shadow of Mordor crap is probably going to win, though.
It never ceases to disappoint me every time Donkey Kong gets snubbed for best soundtrack/audio. Not even an honorable mention is completely unbelievable, imo.


Junior Member
Wat?? Over games like AS:U, SO, A:I, I:SS really...

LMAO seriously, Destiny is not technically impressive. Even Watch_Dogs has more going on than that game.

Edit: They also nominated Wolfenstein TNO for best tech?! This shit is laughable as hell, an idTech 5 game getting nominated for tech....


Let's not pretend that a game being on the PC is an automatic guarantee of heightened exposure. There are significantly less posts for all the threads surrounding Hatoful Boyfriend on this forum than even a spoiler thread for either of the DR titles, and we're supposed to be the hardcore gamers.
Aren't gdc rewards voted for by developers? Don't think all of them are hard-core folks.


Neo Member
Whoa, whoa... neither The Wolf Among Us nor Walking Dead Season 2 got nominated for best narrative... and yet a single episode of Tales from the Borderlands got an honorable mention!? That is downright trifling.


I really wish more people had played Tropical Freeze. Game is criminally overlooked in awards. :(

On the plus side, it's nice to see Bayonetta 2 get some attention. It always feels like Japanese games get overlooked in awards chosen by Western developers.
Mordor seems to be the safe pick this year for awards alongside the surprisingly absent Dragon Age, but lol at those narrative/innovation nominations.

Still crossing my fingers for Bayo 2 winning despite the odds being against it.
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