People who pre-order get to play this game this Friday pls. Everyone else plays this Tuesday.
Oh shit.. You just got me excited. Can I still preorder off the Windows Store then and play this Friday?
People who pre-order get to play this game this Friday pls. Everyone else plays this Tuesday.
Oh shit.. You just got me excited. Can I still preorder off the Windows Store then and play this Friday?
only ultimate edition let you play on friday
Oh shit.. You just got me excited. Can I still preorder off the Windows Store then and play this Friday?
Would someone please clarify for me: I thought I read that if you order Gears 4 - in general, i.e., any edition - before 2017 you get the 360 collection regardless. OP says it doesn't come with the standard edition. So is it anytime before 2017 or would I need to preorder?
Edit: I see this has already been asked.
I am really intrigued by this game; I haven't played a Gears game since Gears 2 and the quality of the PC port looks high. How meaty will the campaign be?
Friday for Ultimate Edition owners.
Tuesday for regular plebs.
So those playing on PC, are you going mouse/keyboard or controller? I can't make up my mind. I usually go with mouse/keyboard for any shooter, but I'm so damn used to playing the Gears series with a controller.
If I have the UE on XB1 can I get it on PC on Friday?
If I have the UE on XB1 can I get it on PC on Friday?
It's the same version...Aw shit, I gotta get the digital version of the X1 game to get the PC version? Damn that sucks.
Awesome, that sounds like the perfect length for this type of game. I will probably end up getting this, but do I need to know much of what happened in the older games? I only played the first 2 and that was a long time ago.10 hours but impressions say its the best one yet.
Guys, I want to play gears I really do
but that rodeo run camera shake kills me, I get motion sick. PLEASE tell me I can turn it off this time? I played through the first one years ago...just barely because of it.
Hard to believe it has been 10 years since the first Gears of War. I have some of my best memories of playing with fellow GAFfers from those days that still rank among the best times on Xbox Live for me. Nostalgia has more to do with me wanting to play 4 than anything else. Truly wish Rod and everyone on GOW4 the very best!
It's the same version...
You can buy it from the Windows store.
Controller all the way. I play my FPS games with keyboard and mouse, but third person shooters work best on controllers. Also, Gears without a controller would feel "wrong"
Digital? If it's digital then yes.
I'm in on PC. Just waiting for user reports on the port. I've seen the nvidia guide and DF video, but after FH3 I'm waiting for gaffers to try it first.
OT is still a work in progress. Let me know if I missed anything (or made any typos!) and I'll correct it.
In Rod We Trust
Fixed for ya, etta ;]Roddamn it.
Is there anyway to upgrade from standard edition to ultimate edition? I suddenly really wanna play on Friday