10 hours but impressions say its the best one yet.
This is taking in to account that the game is played on Hardcore difficulty. Normal difficulty will be completed much quicker.
10 hours but impressions say its the best one yet.
Why would anyone play gears on normal? Thats like easy mode.This is taking in to account that the game is played on Hardcore difficulty. Normal difficulty will be completed much quicker.
Why would anyone play gears on normal? Thats like easy mode.
Why would anyone play gears on normal? Thats like easy mode.
Contact customer support and cancel your order and then order the ultimate edition.
I wonder when they'll add the ability to easily upgrade if you want.
So came back from the Gears 4 launch event and it was amazing! Almost 100 people in a packed building with star power up the wazoo. I arrived a little "early" late at around 2ish while the doors open at around 230. They let an x amount of people in and I wasn't a part of it. They told us that they wouldn't guarantee a spot for us, but we were more than welcome to wait if we wanted to. Half of the people in front of me left, but I was like "fuck it" might as well wait. Like 10 minutes later they let us through, but we were awaited by another line. Maybe an 40 min later they offered to let us in and I got to see all the celebs, gear, and bright lights you guys saw on the stream.
Liam, Eugene, and Laura (secret waifu btw) were all great, polite, and legitimately happy to be there and be a part of this franchise now. Hopefully they are a part of the future as well
Can't believe they gave out the UE of Gears 4 for free#INRODWETRUST
So came back from the Gears 4 launch event and it was amazing! Almost 100 people in a packed building with star power up the wazoo. I arrived a little "early" late at around 2ish while the doors open at around 230. They let an x amount of people in and I wasn't a part of it. They told us that they wouldn't guarantee a spot for us, but we were more than welcome to wait if we wanted to. Half of the people in front of me left, but I was like "fuck it" might as well wait. Like 10 minutes later they let us through, but we were awaited by another line. Maybe an 40 min later they offered to let us in and I got to see all the celebs, gear, and bright lights you guys saw on the stream.
Liam, Eugene, and Laura (secret waifu btw) were all great, polite, and legitimately happy to be there and be a part of this franchise now. Hopefully they are a part of the future as well
Can't believe they gave out the UE of Gears 4 for free#INRODWETRUST
Amazing, thanks for sharing.So came back from the Gears 4 launch
man... no multiplayer cross play with a controller only option just really upsets me. I'm glad I get to play horde with my console owning buddies, but Warzone was our shit back in the day... =(
That is freaking awesome!
Also, I don't know who you are out of the three people in the photo but all good looking so #DatPrettyLife 😁
Oh yeah I see it here available on 07/10/2016 awesome. One more question, if I buy an XB1 code (off cdkeys), do I enter it into Xbox.com and it should show up in my library on PC? Or do I need an XB1 console to activate it for PC? Not done the play anywhere thing yet.
That is freaking awesome!
Also, I don't know who you are out of the three people in the photo but all good looking so #DatPrettyLife 😁
No way to lock it down that is why. You can easily "trick" any game into thinking you're using a pad when infact you're using K&M.
Though, I think it should be allowed in "friendly" mode where stats or whatever don't matter.
I believe those are the voice actors for the 3 main characters JD, Kait, and Del.
shiiiit that's JD, Kait, and Del
I was telling them that Laura had to be on Supergirl somehow seeing as how Liam (JD) was on the Flash and Eugene (Del) was on Arrow
the thing is, you can do it on consoles too...it's just not as wide spread of an issue.
Damn it hurts =/
Just got back from Blaire Witch. This thread is the best thing I've seen all day. So exicited.
Don't screw this up hurricane Matthew.
Love the OT!
What time do the reviews go live?
Should I preorder from the Xbox store or Microsoft store? MS store has the ten dollar gift card, does the Xbox store have any exclusive bonuses?
Getting ultimate if that matters.
Legit jealous. Nice swag.Liam, Eugene, and Laura (secret waifu btw) were all great, polite, and legitimately happy to be there and be a part of this franchise now. Hopefully they are a part of the future as well
Can't believe they gave out the UE of Gears 4 for free#INRODWETRUST
What time do the reviews go live?
Two hours from now, I believe.
I'm going to try the prologue with M+KB and switch if I feel like it. Forza I HAD to play with a controller. Gears I might still use a controller for old times sake.So those playing on PC, are you going mouse/keyboard or controller? I can't make up my mind. I usually go with mouse/keyboard for any shooter, but I'm so damn used to playing the Gears series with a controller.
I thought it was at 12:00 PST? I'm not 100% sure though. Great OT btw!
Glad to see voice actors being discussed. Love covering them in the reviews and they get mentioned so little these days.
hope I can still enjoy the story
If I bought the standard edition on the Windows store can I upgrade to the Ultimate edition or would I have to pay the full $99?
That's awesome. I love getting games early. Rarely happens but it's always fun.I was worried that Best Buy was going to screw up and I wouldn't get the game (Ultimate Edition) by Friday, so imagine my shock when I got home from work today and had a package.
I've played it for about two hours and the most accurate thing I can say about it is this; "Yep, it's Gears." I'm playing on Hardcore and have died at least half a dozen times, about a 50-50 on me being stupid and the game playing dirty. But all in all I'm enjoying it. I can't really talk specifics about what I like or dislike without spoiling anything, but I can say Gears fans won't be disappointed.
If I bought the standard edition on the Windows store can I upgrade to the Ultimate edition or would I have to pay the full $99?
Why would anyone play gears on normal? Thats like easy mode.