I had to pick up a thermometer and some medicine from Walgreens, and as I was passing the toy aisle some dude was struggling to keep hold of all the blind box toys he was buying. I asked him if he had a kid who was addicted or something, and he told me he was chasing down the rare toy and that this was the 3rd Walgreens that he had hit for the day. He then told me that he was going to open them all out front and that I could have all of his doubles if I wanted them. Heck yes I did! I guess Captain America was the rare one, and he got two, so I even got that off of him.
They're not the best looking toys, but they have a decent charm to them. For free? Can't complain.
Avengers assemble!
Sorry for the crappy pic. It's just my cell phone at my desk...