So, after about 50 hours, reaching AR 25 and completing everything in the first region outside of chests, I decided to finally go in the 2nd region, and... I really like it a lot less so far.
It's the first time I feel kind of bored and annoyed in the game, which isn't a good sign for me.
I loved the first area, but this one is really tedious.
It was already annoying having to switch a party member with amber all the time for puzzles in the first region, but now the 2nd region rellies heavily on the geo element, which is an element that I don't really undesrstand, it feels useless and weird. So on top of amber, I also now have to switch another party member to a geo character for these puzzles. The main character can switch to geo, so I did that, but I noticed that there are still puzzle that need wind, and my only other wind character, sucrose, is sent on an expedition for 20 hours right now... So I have to place markers on the map to come back later, which is annoying.
There also seem to be a lot more ennemies, and the ones with the rock shield are super annoying for me because I don't use any 2 handed weapons characters, I would maybe if I had dulic, but I don't like the one I have with 2 handed weapons, too slow. The wood shield were already annoying me before because I had to use amber, but this is even worst.
The element system was cool at first, but now it seems like it's going to be very annoying for me, as I have to play with characters I don't really like to have a smooth exploration, otherwise I have to switch my team every 30 seconds. There are also more ennemies using magic shields, like these hunter / knights, who use fire, electricity and water shield, and if you don't have the good characters in your team before the combat starts, you are in for a 5 minutes long tedious combat.
I don't know... I really really liked the game so far, a lot, but this here really killed the fun for me.
Also I don't understand the geo power of the main character, these balls seem very useless.