Do you remember where you got the key or what's inside?I guess is a key if I remember right.
Do you remember where you got the key or what's inside?I guess is a key if I remember right.
Do you remember where you got the key or what's inside?
Rotating mini-map? And I thought we were friends....
Have no idea where's the key or what's inside. Never went there, never bothered to do any research. Google knows nothing too.
So eh... whatever is inside it's ain't no primos which means...
It's easier this way xDRotating mini-map?
LMAO, scrapping the bottom of the barrel but still can't get enough of GI...I have been trying to glitch through the floor with Qiqi for a while
It's the curiosity more than anything that's motivating me. And from my searches so far, nobody else has even thought about trying to get in there very much. Maybe it's an ARG where the first one to get in there wins an all expenses paid trip to MHY headquarters where they are treated to dinner by women in cheongsams dressed like Ganyu and then stabbed in the parking lot by unhinged CN fans.It's easier this way xD
LMAO, scrapping the bottom of the barrel but still can't get enough of GI...
It's the curiosity more than anything that's motivating me. And from my searches so far, nobody else has even thought about trying to get in there very much. Maybe it's an ARG where the first one to get in there wins an all expenses paid trip to MHY headquarters where they are treated to dinner by women in cheongsams dressed like Ganyu and then stabbed in the parking lot by unhinged CN fans.
Could use less airbrush/photoshop on the face, but yea that's the ticket.
Could use less airbrush/photoshop on the face, but yea that's the ticket.
Really like this fanart:
It's a work in progress. The main story continues as new regions are added to the game. Some additional story stuff is explained in limited events, but those come and go.dose the story have a conclusion? or is the campaign just a set up.
It's an ongoing story of you searching for your long lost sibling.dose the story have a conclusion? or is the campaign just a set up.
We're 1 year into their 7 year schedule with the game, so no conclusions anywhere. Each area gets its own little "wrap up" but it's likely we'll be going back and seeing more of each area as time goes on.dose the story have a conclusion? or is the campaign just a set up.
Oh right, I forgot...
Already passed Tart.
I think he's doing his business behind that tree.First Ayato leaks. Feels pretty similar to the description about him a month or so ago.
I really hope he's one of the "extremely overprotective of his sister" types. That'd be a fun new direction for a Genshin character, with how hard they're pushing the waifu vibes with Ayaka.I think he's doing his business behind that tree.
Would be a nice change of pace and contrast to Itto who is likely going to be a full on goof, or maybe my perception is tainted by those comics posted here...I really hope he's one of the "extremely overprotective of his sister" types. That'd be a fun new direction for a Genshin character, with how hard they're pushing the waifu vibes with Ayaka.
Yea the fans certainly have taken off on that angle. I hope Itto is that rowdy immature short fuse character, it's a fun archetype if done well.Would be a nice change of pace and contrast to Itto who is likely going to be a full on goof, or maybe my perception is tainted by those comics posted here...
It would fit with an oni if he had that, too. I think it'd be nice if some characters were kind of detached from the typical human personality/characteristic. At least his character story should be fun with possibly more Sara.Yea the fans certainly have taken off on that angle. I hope Itto is that rowdy immature short fuse character, it's a fun archetype if done well.
The Domain event really did Sara dirty...AGAIN.It would fit with an oni if he had that, too. I think it'd be nice if some characters were kind of detached from the typical human personality/characteristic. At least his character story should be fun with possibly more Sara.
Jokes on him and his gorgeous hairs then. I ain't pulling him.I really hope he's one of the "extremely overprotective of his sister" types. That'd be a fun new direction for a Genshin character, with how hard they're pushing the waifu vibes with Ayaka.
SendHoping I get the sacrificial sword, and got 3 Homa in my 10 pulls lol!!!
Sendn00ds. I mean screens...
Your spear characters are set for life lmao
Haha. The only spear character I had was Xiangling. This also fucked up all my plans, i was saving my ressources and pity for albedo. But then this happened and I felt forced to pull Hu Tao, si I pulled her and I'm lvl her since a week now.Your spear characters are set for life lmao
BTW do you even have Hu Tao, Xiao or Geo Lord?
I already have Primordial Jade spear that got in perma banner
Good enough, they can work together.Diluc and Qiqi as 5*
I mean yeah... same happened to me after I pulled Raiden's spear. Made me to pull for her constellations.I felt forced to pull Hu Tao
Haha yeah, I found HT super fun tho, even tho I wasn't planning to pull her at first because mainly Albedo should be in next banner.![]()
Say whaaaat
Good enough, they can work together.
I mean yeah... same happened to me after I pulled Raiden's spear. Made me to pull for her constellations.
Hu Tao is Ok, kinda annoying to play, but eh, with Homa she's doing some beastly damage.
You can drop Beidou to make a room for Hu Tao. Can also drop Diluc and switch him for some support. Thoma if you have him.Xinqui, Beidou, Diluc, and Diona
Never gonna drop Beidou shes the best girl and most fun to play character. I'll put HT in a second team for Abyss and/or gonna switch her w diluc for some time for some change.You can drop Beidou to make a room for Hu Tao. Can also drop Diluc and switch him for some support. Thoma if you have him.
There's not much in there, just an empty cage, some training dummies and some torches..
Have no idea where's the key or what's inside. Never went there, never bothered to do any research. Google knows nothing too.
So eh... whatever is inside it's ain't no primos which means...
Yeah nothing wrong with the RNG of this game.
Nah. He was made for Hu Tao.Yes luckily I got Thomas he's super fun too but I don't think I'll put him with Hu Tao cause he may eat XQ vapes and that's not something you want lol
Right.The only way to get the Staff of Homa is the weapons banner right?
Yeah, she's fun. She makes GI play like a Souls game lolNever gonna drop Beidou shes the best girl and most fun to play character.
LMAOThere's not much in there, just an empty cage, some training dummies and some torches.
Crawled in from underneath using Qiqi lol.Nah. He was made for Hu Tao.
Yeah, she's fun. She makes GI play like a Souls game lol
But how did you get there?
Crawled in from underneath using Qiqi lol.
Laughs in Ayaka and Baal. You had your chance. Now people who refused to see their light should suffer in Geo bois ghetto. Mwuahahah.I'm kinda sad they started Inazuma with waifu overload
Which both looks subpar and 1 of them is a 4☆.except for maybe the two ladies from Liyue
I heard quite the contrary, something about the Chasm coming soonish. Otherwise I see no meaningful content on the horizon.I'm hoping for Dendro soon, but the current rumors don't say much about that so I doubt that's coming anytime soon.
Geo is already one of the least interesting elements
Who thought that was a good idea? Absolutely 0 variety.
Yep. Tart's 3rd rerun was a hilarious disaster. He still sold good enough in JP, but seriously... nobody asked for this lolWeird choices all around.
I had to skip Ayaka and Yoimiya because I was expecting a Ganyu rerun soon. Who could've guessed that they'd delay her for a full year? Inconceivable.Laughs in Ayaka and Baal. You had your chance. Now people who refused to see their light should suffer in Geo bois ghetto. Mwuahahah.
In terms of character leaks we have the two Liyue girls, the Inazuma guys and Yae Miko. That's three patches worth of content at the least if we assume some reruns along the way. That's at least 4 months without Dendro or Chasm. It ain't happening anytime soon, unless the Chasm releases during lunar new year, which I wouldn't expect.I heard quite the contrary, something about the Chasm coming soonish. Otherwise I see no meaningful content on the horizon.
Yeah he's broken, but is he interesting? Hold E for shield is not exactly riveting gameplay. I'm sure you can make powerful Geo teams with the resonance (and it seems that's what they're pushing for with this patch and Gorou) but you basically sidestep elemental reactions entirely. That's the core of the combat in Genshin, so ignoring it leaves you with boring gameplay IMO. Zhongli is still on the bench on my account, sitting at lvl 20, never to be used. Get fucked Zhong.![]()
To each his own, Geo Lord is absolutely broken, same goes to C6 Noelle. Plus geo resonance in general is amazing.
That's just their strat to get people to pay. Can't have them all without paying up, and if you don't get them now you'll be waiting for months on end for anything of interest. Very sneaky. Not sure it's the way to go.Apparently MiHo decided to balance things out and release an avalanche of dudes to make Japan happy.
I'm sitting here with 275 wishes burning a hole in my pocket...And I can't be more happier about that. Precisely because I'm skipping em all and it gives me enough time to save up xD Raiden was fucking expensive.
Pull for Homa haha I assure you, the moment you'll spend all your wishes any time left till Cocogoat rerun will be "too soon". That's exactly how I feel about Yae now.I'm sitting here with 275 wishes burning a hole in my pocket...
Yeah, my friend skipped Baal because he was waiting for Cocogoat. No dice lolI was expecting a Ganyu rerun soon. Who could've guessed that they'd delay
Seriously. You either pull on the 1st run or you'll stuck in limbo for God know how long. Ofc unless you're a Tart fan lmaoand if you don't get them now you'll be waiting for months on end for anything of interest. Very sneaky
He let's you play almost on autopilot and do things you find interesting instead.Yeah he's broken, but is he interesting? Hold E for shield is not exactly riveting gameplay.
Who knows, maybe lunar new year wouldn't suck this time? ;D Get ready for another free 30$ value package!That's at least 4 months without Dendro or Chasm. It ain't happening anytime soon, unless the Chasm releases during lunar new year, which I wouldn't expect
Ganyu rerun is clearly their next "we need an influx of income" button. Out of all the upcoming characters, I'm most excited for Yae and Shenhe. I just hope the initial rumors of Shenhe's kit are changed/wrong, because she's just a 5* souped up Rosaria at this point. Hydro polearm would be a much better combination than another Cryo polearm.
Not sure if she was back in that pic, but she's 5* now. Also, supposedly signs at the Wangshu Inn hint that she actually IS Cloud Retainer and she has a yandere crush on the traveler. I wouldn't have believed it myself if it weren't in the game.![]()
I remember when she was initially leaked lol Been ages ago.
Isn't she a 4☆?
Knew it lmao.I wouldn't have believed it myself if it weren't in the game.