see you in like fucking 8 years lmao
see you in like fucking 8 years lmao
It's not behind the scenes talk, it's literally what that show was about before it got terminated.
And obviously, choosing a black actor to portray a character that has to be white literally for plot reasons, already tells you that they go wokeness over plot.
If it's not on TV, it doesn't matter to me.
If it never made it to the network that qualifies as behind the scenes talk. Again, don't care about that. I've seen the shows they've been putting out. In two different shows HBO put out certain characters almost had sex with a corpse and in one of them the person beat the person to death beforehand and then considered it. Again, this is shit you won't find on other networks except maybe Netflix when they're bold enough.
When the wokeness you speak of actually happens on screen, then we can talk. Until then you're speaking nonsense, rumors, and hearsay.
If somebody wanted to pay me 8 figures to not write books I'd probably jump at it.
I don't see the point of signing a 5-year-deal with someone who looks like he is ready to drop any day now.
Oh no! N-not...BLaCK pEoPLE!!! :OThey are hiring black actors to portray people who should be literally white and blonde by the plot. And that thing called Bloodmoon that got terminated was literally the story of black people opressed by the white people of westeros.
They don't give a crap about the source material, they just want to ride on the success and taint everything with the woke message. And that's obviously a recipe for an absolute shitshow.
Sadly, no.
Why won't people just leave him alone. Be it producers or Fans.
Just let the man write his books, it was all going well with covid forcing him to stay at home and write.
He probably had a meltdown watching the Witcher on netflix.Oh no! N-not...BLaCK pEoPLE!!! :O
Are you actually a maniac?
Oh no! N-not...BLaCK pEoPLE!!! :O
Are you actually a maniac?
He probably had a meltdown watching the Witcher on netflix.
The meltdowns when amazon's LotR show comes out will be even more glorious.
Im glad theyre all white. Had one of them been brown I dont think I could suspend my disbelief.
Im glad theyre all white. Had one of them been brown I dont think I could suspend my disbelief.
Shame they got a carribean actor instead of a middle eastern actor like in the source material.I present you to Mr. Bitch tits, the fiercest warrior the unsullied ever produced.
I present you to Mr. Bitch tits, the fiercest warrior the unsullied ever produced.
It never fails, everytime you criticize the woke doctrine, the defenders of the faith come quickly to call you RaCiSt! SeXiSt!
You don’t even believe that so we will ignore it.
Shame they got a carribean actor instead of a middle eastern actor like in the source material.
Naw. They need to be middle eastern as most of the eastern setting in the book is clearly based on the old Ottoman Empire and Babylon. Get your woke ass out of here trying to race bend the characters.I didn't knew Bristol was in the carrrribean.
Also, the actor, even for a british with some carrrribean heritage, looks perfectly in line of what an habitant of Essos and the descendants of the Old Ghis could look like. You obviously should know that before running your mouth about middle easterns but I guess you just don't care that much about the source material.
See? You can put people of color in your adaptation without them being a token political whim while respecting the source material at the same time. It's not that hard, actually; you just have to value the source material and the story over your narcissistic virtue signalling needs.
It's one thing for regular people to dislike something, and it's another for critics to dislike it. Most critics are tuned into the Marxist cult stuff, so when they see a champion of the people turning into an awful human being due to her irrepressible anger, they know where the criticism is being directed (hint: wokeism, i.e. Marxism). It wasn't a great season, but you should know that the hate for it isn't entirely from the grass roots level either.
No, the Ghiscaris aren't based on the Ottoman Empire, but at this point is obvious you don't care about the source material to begin with. The continent of Essos is also a huge amalgam of cultures and races both based in real life or fantasy but the decendents of the Old Ghis are literally described as a mongrel race.Naw. They need to be middle eastern as most of the eastern setting in the book is clearly based on the old Ottoman Empire and Babylon. Get your woke ass out of here trying to race bend the characters.
Danny’s “irrepressible anger” is pretty weak. Let’s see...she sacrificed one of her dragons to save the bums in the north, Jon Snow was fucking around especially and had he just got on, the dragon wouldn’t have had to die. Dany was also the most impactful/responsible for stopping the white walkers (this is only one of her great feats). She then also stopped Cersei who no one wanted to be Queen and has done much worse for Westeros.
And what does she get for thanks? Most bum north randomly turn on her cause she isn’t fit to be queen? She was forced to watch her best friend die by Cersei after indirectly helping her and the rest of the bums. And then in the end, the most useless character of all Bran was chosen to be king? After all of Bran’s buildup he literally did nothing to help the cause.
I’d be angry too and I think many can sympathize with Dany and the random BS she had to face
For some people the culture war is everything. They don't realise most people don't care about it.What is even the point of this forum posting anything about any TV Show/Movie getting greenlit? It just turns into bitching about "wokeness" lol
Maybe a containment/mega-thread is in order, so people can discuss entertainment here w/o your political nonsense.
For some people the culture war is everything. They don't realise most people don't care about it.
Were never going to see the end of the books are we.
Danny getting mad was actually one of the very few scenes I would save from that season. It could have been executed better, but still it's a great twist for the savior/messiah character to actually be the final villain and end up so corrupted by power, revenge, delusions and the Targaryen madness.
Everything else around her character was atrociously bad that season, though. But that happened to almost literally every character: they utterly butchered Varys, Littlefinger (the previous season), Tyrion, Jon Snow, Bran, the Night King, Euron, Sansa, Arya...
All the characters that were once cool and brilliantly written, turned into shit pretty quickly.