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Georgia candidate for Governor participated in Anti-Sharia ralliy in Atlanta, Georgia

I have a feeling that those guys are more if an imediate threat than the " sharia law" they're so afraid of.

well, what i find funny is that the same fear mongering that goes on to get them in line behind this campaign is the same kind that is perpetuated to get young men to jon ISIS and blow themselves up "Theyre coming for you!"
They use the fact that Shari'a court exist in some country of Europe, or can be theoretically use in some case in the US, mostly around marriage and divorce, as a boogeyman for the Shari'a slowly taking over the West.

It's really crazy when you start pondering on the giant difference between what really exist (boring offices who deal with couple issues all day) and the fantasy of those "anti-sharia" group.
It's potentially very dangerous because you cannot be muslim without believing in the shari'a law, since it's literally the path which lead to God in the muslim faith, so there is a very big dissonance between what the word mean for western general public (cutting hand, stoning..) and what it mean for everyday muslims (praying 5 times a day, don't lie, respect the rights of your neighbours..).

The jewish community have the exact same court (halakha court), to deal with the exact same issues. Certainly, 50 years ago, those same people marching against shari'a would be marching against jews taking over the West.
Is Anti-Sharia just a way to say they hate Muslims without saying it, or do they really think this country is on course to be governed in a way that even most Muslim countries aren't?

It's just a way to say they hate Muslims. The most hilarious part is I'm sure they'd be completely fine with Christian law becoming the law of the land...which is basically a hop skip away from "Sharia law" anyway (do these fools even know sharia itself means law? They're basically saying law law)

Too many white folks in this country are scared of any group of people not white. Not even sure why they're so scared since American law and society itself is set up in their favor. This is a country where you can be a white male who is part of a hate group who makes bombs and made statements about wanting to kill/blow people up and judges will say you're not a threat.
Oh great, now we have a defense force for LITERAL HATE GROUPS because they think the SPLC is not reputable (even though they actually are VERY reputable).

Are you guys next gonna claim that the ADL is a shitty organization?
I am in no way defending hate groups (seriously screw these protestors and the governor candidate as well) but when you put someone like Majid Nawaz on an anti-muslim hate list, it means people won't take you seriously when discussing ACTUAL HATE GROUPS. That's the only point I was making.
What's the three fingers mean?

It make me think about the serbian nationalist salute.


Kind of spooky, since they made the last genocide in Europe, which was against muslims.
Yes, the right is really doing a dirty job of manipulating politics these days. It requires too much nuance to explain to the masses how horrible these anti Sharia organizations can be.

It's quite simple really. Conservatives show up to vote. Progressives spend more time shaking their fists at reactionaries on the internet than they do hanging out at the polls.

I am particularly amused by the outrage in this topic. You have the right to be outraged, but when you grew up in the south, you get used to seeing stuff like this go on unabated.

Consider that the senator for my home state is now the Attorney General of the United States of America, despite being denied becoming a federal judge and Coretta Scott King's letter.

These people haven't actually *done* anything that we know of, so it doesn't even register to me. If it did, I would be driven to Madness but all the other things I've witnessed.
I am in no way defending hate groups (seriously screw these protestors and the governor candidate as well) but when you put someone like Majid Nawaz on an anti-muslim hate list, it means people won't take you seriously when discussing ACTUAL HATE GROUPS. That's the only point I was making.

Reading the Atlantic article on Nawaz's inclusion, it looks like a combination of American ignorance on British politics and the editor having a personal beef with Nawaz.

Not a good look, and Nawaz makes a similar point - his inclusion lowers the legitimacy of the rest of the list. However, even he recognizes the worth of the SPLC.


Back on topic, it's hard to make the case that the SPLC is off-base here when you have a literal armed white power rally taking place fighting against the strawman of Sharia in the US. And yes, counter-protestors are made to look stupid if you show up "anti" to a sign that says "no genital mutilating". Don't play their game on their terms.


Muslims make up the grand total of like 1% of the US population, I can totally see how they're afraid Sharia is going to take over any day now.
Meanwhile 15 000 people died last year from gun violence but we don't talk about that.


I am in no way defending hate groups (seriously screw these protestors and the governor candidate as well) but when you put someone like Majid Nawaz on an anti-muslim hate list, it means people won't take you seriously when discussing ACTUAL HATE GROUPS. That's the only point I was making.

I agree. Nawaz belongs nowhere near that list.
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