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Georgia rectifies recent transgressions and give you the ability to buy Drunker Beer.

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Yes, in a startling change of events, beer in Georgia can be as high as 14% Alcohol Volume. Bars everywhere are stocking up on the great beers that were once denied. No more watered down wheat brew because of the law, many people declaring this "Beerdependence Day" are nothing but happy at the prospects and new guzzling experiences ahead.

So if you live in Georgia, and want for better beer, then today and forever on, you may go forth and sipple. But you won't sip, now will you?

Now if only there were a stronger root beer...


Good news. Guess I'll have to make a trip to the package store tomorrow and stock up for the 4th.


Yup. Me and my roomies celebrated tonight by purchasing some excellent 10% belgian dank beer. The liquor store down the street is putting in a whole new room of kick ass high alcohol content beer. ME = HAPPY.


Banstick Emeritus
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