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German Samurai on the Loose in Woods Near Berlin

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BERLIN (Reuters) - A camouflage-clad German man wielding a samurai sword attacked at least seven hikers in forests west of Berlin, performing sword tricks before ordering them to leave the woods, police said Friday.

The man pushed two elderly people off their bikes and, flashing his sword, shouted at them to leave the forest. He later tried to drive a young couple out of the woods. No one was seriously hurt.

I hear he's going to attack a magazine rack next.


I wonder if the guy really knows how to use the sword, or is he just swinging it and doing stupid samurai-like stuff. Either way, funny shit.
some one needs to keep tabs on this, hes gonna cut someone pretty soon...................and subsequently blame it on scenes from "The Last Samurai"


This looks like a job for the American Ninja.


Why does the American ninja look like Ben Lee?


lol, someone needs to get video of this

Do we have any German GAF memebers willing to risk confrontation with a crazy man for our amusement?
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