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GGXX Reload for 20 bux?!??!?!?!

I literally stood in front of the copy at EB saying:

"No way. This has to be wrong. How could it be?"

*looks at 'Guy Game' priced at 40 dollars*

"No fucking way... but if it iss....."


What taints this event is that I was in the store seeing if Kohan II was out yet :(


didn't you get the memo MAF? Kohan II sucks.

And GGXX has been known to be a budget title for months now.
I know kohan II sucks, but I still wanna play it :(

As for GGXX, ive been out of the loop for a while. A new xdude title at 20 is news to me.


MrAngryFace said:
I know kohan II sucks, but I still wanna play it :(

Well christ on crutches...give it a few weeks to


instead of paying out the ass for it.


MAF are you east coast? I need some more people on my friends list who have this game and are near me. Attention other GAF members who play Reload: I totally suck! Add me to your friends list for some easy wins! Gamertag: Mike Cathcart

Anyone know of a webpage with good tips for beginners? And by beginners I don't mean "I've played SF2 every day for ten years but I just don't know how to use Millia all that well" type beginners. I mean more like "the most advanced thing I've ever done in a 2D fighter was this one time where I accidentally did shoryuken instead of hadoken just when my friend jumped so it looked like I knew what was going on for like a second there" type beginners. Any Millia tips?

Dave Long

I think Cathcart's feeling a little bit battered and bruised after my I-No took him to school last night. :)

You could just play me every night for a week. I will teach you, grasshopper.


her broom move hits low (ie. you can't standing block it), and her moon move hits high (you can't crouch block it). so you can surprise/annoy people with these. my friend used to do that to me a lot.

also, you can use her disc move when the other person has been knocked down.
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