I always saw the Major's nudity as another offensive / defensive layer for her. Putting at least some of the men and women around her instantly on the back foot. While also being a part of her iffy relationship with herself - her body is just a 'thing' anyway, so it almost lacks sexual properties to begin with. While again, possibly in such a world, where so much is seen, it is in fact genuinely neither here nor there.
Lastly of course it simply satisfies the male gaze of the curent age, and then it becomes something I can only roll my eyes at, whilst absently, somewhat helplessly, checking out her android butt. It's a tricky one - representing a cool world in a cool way, where such things are no longer even considered, versus representing a cool world in a sad, exploitative way, for a sex-starved audience only too happy to lap this stuff up.
These days so many TV shows feature sex and nudity as part of the draw. But I think unless it's there for a vital reason, the best depiction is no depiction at all. But this is one stop away from puritanical froth, so it's not something to hit other people over the head with, just something I'm personally beginning to internalise.
It's a little like swearing in that regard. I heard someone once say that swearing indicated a lack of imagination on the part of the swearer. I've never forgotten it, and it's had a lasting effect on my verbal output.