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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Official Teaser Trailer

Power Pro

Can you even trust critics anymore? Sadly the audience score is more credible these days. If we even had a movie theater where I live, I would consider watching this. Thanks COVID for closing the only movie theater in 20 miles.
I don't trust anyone but myself when it comes to movies. Too many people praise things I find to be crap, and ignore things I love.
46% on RT now with 100+ reviews

Just gonna quote myself from the first page of the thread:
From the director of the Poltergeist remake...

Judge Judy Do Not Want GIF


Tag, you're it.
Shocking: the sequel to the already average 2021 Ghostbusters film is also average, almost bad.
Who could have seen this coming, I wonder...

People need to stop falling for the bite of memberberries, take out their blinding glass and stop asking for more. The last good movie came out in 1989 and let it be that way.

Power Pro

I'm debating if i want to go see ghostbusters by myself or not tonight. Haven't seen any good reviews, which doesn't mean a lot to me, but it also doesn't encourage me.

I originally wanted to try going to see if my Dad was in shape to go see it with me, but his condition has only gotten worse, and his mental state doesn't make it easy to take him out of the nursing home.

I always get hung up thinking I'm a loser going someplace by myself cuz I got no friends to go with. I live in the same area as redlettermedia, so I've probably been one of those fat losers with popcorn they've complained about lol


Gold Member
Just got back from seeing it. I quite enjoyed myself but will forget about it fairly quickly. I found it to be a harmless fun family movie that reminds me of the 80's type family movies with a bit of swearing, some scenes that will probably scare little kids, and some fun humor. Thought it was better than Afterlife.

Power Pro

Just got back from seeing it. I quite enjoyed myself but will forget about it fairly quickly. I found it to be a harmless fun family movie that reminds me of the 80's type family movies with a bit of swearing, some scenes that will probably scare little kids, and some fun humor. Thought it was better than Afterlife.
Yeah I just got back from seeing it also. I think it was better than afterlife as well, because it actually felt like the same type of movie as the original.

I don't know what critics are really talking about when it says it relies on nostalgia too much. I found it to be a decent balance of new ideas, and characters, mixed in with some old references and characters, but it never feels too forced or overwhelm the plot by any means. I think this movie does what I wanted Afterlife to do...introduce new characters, but still have the old characters relevant to the plot. Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson obviously just enjoy being Ghostbusters...and well...Bill Murray is obviously there for a paycheck, but whatevs.

It's not perfect, but I think it still gets my seal of approval. I think the setup for the villain is more interesting than the confrontation with the villain.

I do think I like Phoebe more in the last movie...she was smart, but amusing in that one...in this one, she's an idiot. Maybe cuz she's a teenager now? I dunno...her decisions were just really poor for someone who used to be the smart one.

Although here's the elephant in the room, and I hate to sound like a jerk by complaining about this, and I dunno if it would be considered a spoiler, but...this movie totally hints that Phoebe is into girls. Just makes me roll my eyes, and I'm tired of seeing it in everything. It didn't kill my enjoyment of the movie, but ugh...

Edit: I also just want to add...I think the thing that as a movie goer I need to start accepting is very few movies are going to be better than ones that come before it. There will maybe occasionally be one like Everything Everywhere All at Once that I loved....but for the most part, the talent of writers and directors is just not there anymore, and Hollywood is too scared to try new ideas, or give movies too hard of an edge like they used to. In a world full of franchises, reboots, and sequels, all we can hope for is if we're lucky, we'll at least get movies like this that try to be decent, and try not to ruin the source material like 2016 ghostbusters did.
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Although here's the elephant in the room, and I hate to sound like a jerk by complaining about this, and I dunno if it would be considered a spoiler, but...this movie totally hints that Phoebe is into girls. Just makes me roll my eyes, and I'm tired of seeing it in everything. It didn't kill my enjoyment of the movie, but ugh...
How big a part of the movie was that Phoebe subplot? Was it totally obvious that's what they were hinting or could it just be how we read into things now because movies and TV shows seem to think that girls just can't be friends with each other and it always has to be something more so when we see a portrayal of good friends of the same sex, it's hard to not assume that there somehow romantically interested?
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Gold Member
The original cast only appear for 10 minutes like the previous one?

No, they're in it a lot but mostly Ray and Winston.

How big a part of the movie was that Phoebe subplot? Was it totally obvious that's what they were hinting or could it just be how we read into things now because movies and TV shows seem to think that girls just can't be friends with each other and it always has to be something more so when we see a portrayal of good friends of the same sex, it's hard to not assume that there somehow romantically interested?

Her love interest is a ghost played by Emily Alyn Lind.
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Power Pro

How big a part of the movie was that Phoebe subplot? Was it totally obvious that's what they were hinting or could it just be how we read into things now because movies and TV shows seem to think that girls just can't be friends with each other and it always has to be something more so when we see a portrayal of good friends of the same sex, it's hard to not assume that there somehow romantically interested?
The subplot is pretty critical to the actual conflict in the movie, so a pretty big part. And it's not like she made out with a girl or anything, but....you can tell by her facial expressions, and the way she acts, that she's into this other girl. Here's a spoiler:

The girl that Phoebe befriends, and is into is a ghost...and their interactions totally come off as Phoebe being into her, and she even goes as far as remove her spirit from her body so she can become a ghost and being on the same dimensional plane as the ghost girl......like, you don't do that unless you want to touch them or something.

The original cast only appear for 10 minutes like the previous one?
Fortunately no. Ray is actually one of the more important characters to the plot. Winston is surprisingly in it very little though. Bill Murray...like I said before, he's there for a paycheck. He is probably only 10 minutes of screentime, although the first scene he's in, I enjoyed.
The subplot is pretty critical to the actual conflict in the movie, so a pretty big part. And it's not like she made out with a girl or anything, but....you can tell by her facial expressions, and the way she acts, that she's into this other girl. Here's a spoiler:

The girl that Phoebe befriends, and is into is a ghost...and their interactions totally come off as Phoebe being into her, and she even goes as far as remove her spirit from her body so she can become a ghost and being on the same dimensional plane as the ghost girl......like, you don't do that unless you want to touch them or something.

Fortunately no. Ray is actually one of the more important characters to the plot. Winston is surprisingly in it very little though. Bill Murray...like I said before, he's there for a paycheck. He is probably only 10 minutes of screentime, although the first scene he's in, I enjoyed.
Thanks. if I do see it I'll probably just wait till it comes out on streaming or I just won't see it. I know that sounds kind of silly to not see a movie in a franchise that I like because of something this minor. but if it's something I don't really care to see or don't like, I just don't have to see it and that will be the end of it.


I enjoyed it, there was one part of the trailer that never happened which I kept waiting for but overall it was a lot better than the previous movie. The kids weren’t featured as heavily either. More ghost busting and less about family connections/drama.
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Perpetually Tired
How big a part of the movie was that Phoebe subplot? Was it totally obvious that's what they were hinting or could it just be how we read into things now because movies and TV shows seem to think that girls just can't be friends with each other and it always has to be something more so when we see a portrayal of good friends of the same sex, it's hard to not assume that there somehow romantically interested?
It is very heavy handed and handled with as much subtlety as a bull in a china shop.

The film was overall fun, but every time these two interacted it was mind numbing.

Nok Su Kow

Just seen it

Needed about 50% of the characters cutting as well as a couple of plot points, nothing really happens and then it's over as soon as something does

Still ok but nothing great


It is very heavy handed and handled with as much subtlety as a bull in a china shop.

The film was overall fun, but every time these two interacted it was mind numbing.
My biggest issue with the subplot is that it just isn't done well enough to make up for how much screen time was devoted to it. The chemistry between Phoebe, Podcast, and Trevor was really good in Afterlife and it's pretty much missing in FE.

Ray probably got the most attention outside of Phoebe which was nice but the rest of the cast really could have used a bit of the same. I mean I probably would have dropped Lucky and Patton, moved the ghost girl to the Trevor and Slimer subplot, make it lighter and more comedic, and maybe have Venkman and Dana help with Phoebe's issues if they were intent on her not working through it with Callie and Gary directly. Winston also needed way more time but he almost always does unfortunately.

I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit but that subplot needed tweaking, especially since it doesn't really connect with the stuff between Phoebe, her Mom and Gary very well, and the 3rd act was way too rushed.
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The Skull

Saw it last night and it certainly is better than critics are saying. As others have said there's way too many characters and the third act comes together too fast and judging by the bts videos / trailers and TV spots there's a lot of cut content. I hope there's an extended cut as it could really help the film.

It has some neat ideas but doesn't capitalize on them enough. Having said that, I really enjoyed it.


Saw it last night and it certainly is better than critics are saying. As others have said there's way too many characters and the third act comes together too fast and judging by the bts videos / trailers and TV spots there's a lot of cut content. I hope there's an extended cut as it could really help the film.

It has some neat ideas but doesn't capitalize on them enough. Having said that, I really enjoyed it.

Yeah, it's still a really fun time, I laughed quite a bit, it's just messy. It's also weird how little Ghostbusting is in it. They really needed a montage or little set piece in the middle. Especially since the one scene we get is another car chase like the last film.

I would be totally down for an actual director's cut.


I noticed that the pilot episode of Extreme Ghostbusters is on Youtube:

I recommend watching it. The whole series was there at some point.
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It is very heavy handed and handled with as much subtlety as a bull in a china shop.

The film was overall fun, but every time these two interacted it was mind numbing.

They must get additional funding for this as it is just shoehorned in to all these Hollywood movies now And they must know it hurts the box office.


Just seen it

Needed about 50% of the characters cutting as well as a couple of plot points, nothing really happens and then it's over as soon as something does

Still ok but nothing great
I agree 100% with this take. There were just too many characters. A lot of them redundant or unnecessary to tell the story. They should have cut a lot of the Afterlife characters. Podcast, the black girl, and even the Stranger Things kid could have been "off to college" and absent and it would have only made the movie better. There was just no reason for them to be in New York. Paul Rudd and the mom were pretty useless too other than the contrived "I'm dad now love me plz" shit.

I didn't think it was a bad movie though. The firebender guy was a surprise hit for me, he actually got some laughs out of my cold dead soul.

Also Dan Aykroyd was great and I loved his little library bit. Well, except that I fucking can't stand that little shit gremlin Patton Oswalt. I thought that ghost girl was totally Chloe Moretz but I IMDB'd her afterwards and it wasn't her.

Also kinda salty that the little red dot ghost got 100x more screentime than the freaky jagged tooth abomination.

Anyways, it was a nice enough stupid popcorn flick. Still doesn't capture the magic of the OG Ghostbusters, but compared to the absolute garbage being released these days, at least it was watchable.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Just seen it

Needed about 50% of the characters cutting as well as a couple of plot points, nothing really happens and then it's over as soon as something does

Still ok but nothing great
I agree 100% with this take. There were just too many characters. A lot of them redundant or unnecessary to tell the story. They should have cut a lot of the Afterlife characters. Podcast, the black girl, and even the Stranger Things kid could have been "off to college" and absent and it would have only made the movie better. There was just no reason for them to be in New York. Paul Rudd and the mom were pretty useless too other than the contrived "I'm dad now love me plz" shit.

I didn't think it was a bad movie though. The firebender guy was a surprise hit for me, he actually got some laughs out of my cold dead soul.

Also Dan Aykroyd was great and I loved his little library bit. Well, except that I fucking can't stand that little shit gremlin Patton Oswalt.
Agree with this generally speaking.

I think the concept for the film was pretty good, thought it was quite funny in a couple of places.
Liked the firebender. Liked the ghost girl. Liked the first half an hour or so with the establishing of the baddie, the car chase, the mayor's office.

However, after that, it's a film that's creaking under the weight of so many characters seemingly there just because they need to service a hundred different things, rather than make a good film.

All the stuff with the lab and James Acaster (science-y glasses man, for non British people) just ate away at the film's run time. And for what?

Also it 100% would have made sense for Ray to have been doing the research, rather than bringing in Oswalt just as an excuse to go to the library, just to have a 1 second shot of the librarian ghost.

All the stuff with the lab was overplayed and seemed to take up lots of the film. And then once you wade through all of that stuff to the grand showdown, it's all wrapped up in a scene that consists of 2 groups of people either grimacing as they hold onto a proton pack or grimacing as they try and push a handle down.

They could have done loads with the big ghost - attempts to heat him up with flame throwers or a chase with the car being attacked with giant shards of ice, etc. Etc. instead, he pretty much appears, goes straight to the firehouse, everyone grimaces and the film is over.

Podcast - no need (though I didn't dislike Ray's YouTube scene and podcast's hammer).
The black girl at the lab - no need (onscreen for about 10 seconds, what's the point?)
So much James Acaster - too much!
Patton Oswalt - no need
Marshmallow men - no need (again)
Sorry to say it, but Bill Murray - no need - either be in it or don't. But don't do a 3 minute cameo so they can put you on the poster.
Also, Janine again? No need.

All these characters take up screen time at the expense of things like, I don't know, ghostbusting. How many times are proton packs deployed in this film?
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Agree with this generally speaking.
Yea you get it. Having the 'big bad' cause more ruckus earlier in the movie and cutting out 90% of the tertiary characters would have made the movie so much better. There were minor other common logic problems that popped up like why would you keep the source of the demon god's power (his horns) in the same room where you kept him loosely confined?

I do appreciate that they tried to mimic the cheaper effects from the 80s for most of the garden variety specters. It gave it more of an authentic Ghostbusters feel opposed to just making everything common modern CG shlock.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Yea you get it. Having the 'big bad' cause more ruckus earlier in the movie and cutting out 90% of the tertiary characters would have made the movie so much better. There were minor other common logic problems that popped up like why would you keep the source of the demon god's power (his horns) in the same room where you kept him loosely confined?

I do appreciate that they tried to mimic the cheaper effects from the 80s for most of the garden variety specters. It gave it more of an authentic Ghostbusters feel opposed to just making everything common modern CG shlock.
Another "what is this film?" Moment was when Paul Rudd recites
the words to the Ghostbusters song.

Are people just wanting a series of flashing images that remind them of things? Is that enough? How is there time for that, but not for plot or action.

That was my biggest problem with the first film. Again, these films seem to be trying to service too many things at the expense of making something good. It's a shame, because I think they do get so many things right.
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Another "what is this film?" Moment was when Paul Rudd recites
the words to the Ghostbusters song.

Are people just wanting a series of flashing images that remind them of things? Is that enough? How is there time for that, but not for plot or action.

That was my biggest problem with the first film. Again, these films seem to be trying to service too many things at the expense of making something good. It's a shame, because I think they do get so many things right.
Think it was just a lead up for the joke-

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Think it was just a lead up for the joke-
That's exactly
the song though - he's literally repeating the joke from the song. He's just reciting the words to a song that old people will recognise.

Some people may love that, but I think it's a shame that they could have made a really good film that everyone would have liked anyway. Rather than this, which got middling reviews pretty much everywhere and barely anyone seemed to really like.
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Watched to the movie today and frankly absolute solid movie, good cast, good acting liked to see the old guys in it. Wish bill Murray had a bit more lines then a handful that i noticed.

The only complain i had was that it felt a bit rushed at the end, but it was fine al with all.
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