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GI.BIZ: Half of US and UK players want more diverse characters in games

Games Industry.biz said:
Research conducted by Newzoo shows that gamers want publishers to take an "active stance" on societal issues
Newzoo's latest Gamer Sentiment Study on diversity and inclusion showed how important themes like inclusion and diversity are to players.

54% of US players said that diversity is important in game characters, with 47% adding that they avoided playing a game in the past because they felt it wasn't made for them. The results were a bit lower in the UK, with 47% of the respondents feeling that diverse characters are important, and 41% having avoided a game not made for them.



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Gold Member
Could probably toss this in the garbage.

45% of players in the UK and the US identify as women. 13% of all respondents identified as LGBTQ+ in the US and 14% in the UK, while 30% identified as disabled in the US, versus 20% in the UK.

So 45% of players "identify as women" yet every main gaming genre is 70%+ male: https://quanticfoundry.com/2017/01/19/female-gamers-by-genre/


Anyone who listens to 'data' like this is chasing shadows. The masses A. dont think for themselves B. What "they" want shifts with the wind of trend so you can never appease. and C. What they want....isnt what they really want.

As a creator you are suppose to create and then the consumer will/will not respond. That is the way it must be. Decision by committee is the action of an established power/brand/org that is decaying.
Now do a survey from every part of the world that isnt a western nation and see what the response is.

My take?

No one really gives a damn too much and this mentality is nothing but white guilt festering in the midst of western societies.

And yes, I am a person of color born from a country in Asia.

In general, we dont watch western films and think to ourselves, man, I wish we had more asians on screens.

Edit: We rather want our own people to make movies that are the same caliber of Western films with a real understanding of our own personal struggles. Which is one of the reasons why Mulan bombed in China.

Same applies to gaming.

The only ones who do, are those city born kids who spend too much time on social media and being infected with liberal propaganda that makes them brave enough to speak out against "atrocities" in America, but wouldn't do Jack for their own country because they're afraid of the authorities even though things are worse - or left much to be desired - in their own countries with the same problems they vocally support in America.

Asians posting a black post for BLM on social media made me laugh profusely.
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GAF's userbase is not a representative cross-section of the gaming public at large. It's why the outrage here is always so funny. You see the skewing clearly in the Politics forum. Nothing surprising in this article, although its data might not be 100% reliable. It's going to be closer to reality than any poll of this forum's users.


Gold Member
There are more important issues like getting a good new Command & Conquer or Ultima game.
I'd just ask for better games :S

It's not like a more diverse game suddenly makes it any better, just like how a non-diverse game doesn't suddenly become better. The things that factor into a good game are wholly independent of what skin color, gender or sexuality the protagonists are. This should be Logic 101 but sadly there's a whole generation coming up who don't know what the skills required to create real talent or creativity looks like.

-Do you play video games?
-Do you read comics?
-Do you watch hero movies?
-No! But that doesn't mean this is right! I want representation!!! NOW!

Also this from the new writer of Bloodlines 2:


When the game fails and is their own ME: Andromeda screw-up, I wonder what the narrative will shift to :pie_thinking: ...
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I don't get the "feeling it wasn't made for them" crap. I loved both GTA 3 and GTA SA for example...one black one one white it was cool seeing two different perspectives, why do people only want to play to what they relate too? how dull


I'm Filipino and I do not give a shit about diverse characters in videogames. I just want to play good videogames.

And the best characters I've played in this gen were usually white.




With the exception being two from Japan...



Can we not turn gaming into a pissing contest about diversity and just demand good games? Please?


GAF's userbase is not a representative cross-section of the gaming public at large. It's why the outrage here is always so funny. You see the skewing clearly in the Politics forum. Nothing surprising in this article, although its data might not be 100% reliable. It's going to be closer to reality than any poll of this forum's users.
Mental exercise (and no gymnastics as a lot of people do). Consider this forum and Era together and the data is still far off.
I've met a lot of female gamers over the years and it's still nowhere near a 50% split.
The ones that actually care about this so called "misrepresentation", are a tiny fraction of it.

That said, if we go by the box office numbers of "woke" movies, it's even smaller in the general public.

A person screaming makes a lot of noise in a library and draw a lot of attention. This is what is happening lately.
Small crowd being noisy, this won't last.
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47 and 41% avoided a game? I'm more than ready to bet 10.000$ that these results are not repeatable if you ask 1000 random gamers. You wouldn't even get these numbers on ERA.

Also i'm pretty sure that video games are way more diverse than reality itself.
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I agree! I want as many as possible diverse waifus!

Waifus>>>>Generic dudes.

Epic Seven and gachas fans (in general) knows what I am talking about!

Diverse waifus makes fun debates and tier lists! Also, pleases everybody!


Take a look at the latest E7 character:


If you don't like it you don't have a dick...... I mean, you are weird. :messenger_squinting_tongue:
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I always ask my self where are all the gamer girls / women. I met some, know some but it's a far cry from those statistics. If you go to stores like gamestop, media mark, etc. In Germany you see the occasional women buying games but that's about it. Also back in the day during my mmorpg frenzy with FFXI women were underrepresented. And the ones that claimed to be women you could never be sure they are 😂


I don't care at all, I don't even make a custom character in a game. I just rush through that process


I can't image the mental illness someone has to have to say "this video game character isn't the same gender or color as I am and that hurts my fee fees."


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I want a wheelchair in the char creator.
I was curious, checked it up. Non-representative online study, dubious overall in terms of reliability and validity. You could just as well do a poll on GAF, honestly, then just fix up the numbers. There's no reason as to why think that the study could be extrapolated to a general population. That's not to say that some of the numbers aren't likely, like the amount of disabled gamers (disability is crazily high in general in the US population, probably also because of a wide definition of disability, which in the study is self-reported) as if you're suffering from disability gaming can be a likely pastime activity. Same with the ethnicity, as 60% non-hispanic whites, with the remaining 7% being hispanic whites. Or white people are just overrepresented in the hobby, who knows. The problem is their overall methodology.


The article and sources don't even tell us what the questions specifically are and are hard to interpret. "Wants publishers to take a stance"? That tells us nothing. Especially when the go-to answers are "neutral" and "important". There's also way too much focus on "feelings", when the factual situation might be different. That might be a contention of communicating features, but when you see a large percentage of people with disabilities (a lot which have no bearing on playing the game) say that they don't believe accessibility options have improved, then it feels a bit dubious. After all, numerous strides have been done in terms of accessibility options, whether software-wise or hardware-wise (like with Microsoft's Xbox Adaptive controller).


Gold Member
Yeah no mention of how the study was conducted, just a total of 4k people across US and UK.
Article title is severely misleading, and on purpose I'm sure.

And then 45% identified as female, and 54% need more diversity. Makes sense
Bunch of retards.

I as straight white male with green blue eyes can play as Lara Croft or gangsta in gta and it is completely fine to me. I almost never choose character that looks like me(in games with options), I like to make weird characters anyway.

They should not play games if they think it is reality and character have to look like them or it is offensive etc

They really lack the imagination and are just nuts if playing male or female is a problem to them.

What next, they cry that you play as a cat in Stray:messenger_angry:

These kind of people ruin the creativity for others because they lack of it

So people should be fine with games having non white characters. It's no big deal

They are hypocrites, when resident evil 5 had black enemies = omg racism

Just ironic that massacring whites for decades is the norm, but then there should be more "diversity" but then it is not ok to make "massacre african villages simulator" while it would be based on reality.

Political agendas dont belong in games and people whom want some LPGTPTGT+ characters can just build their own companies or buy an imagination
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