I think, as the article also highlights, it is a little more nuanced than that. Microsoft will benefit from either scenario (making it exclusive or adding it to Game Pass day one).lol I remember being told that MS would never make COD exclusive. Well, even after all those assurances from MS execs, Sony is still worried and isnt buying their bullshit.
No one spends $70 billion on something to make it multiplatform. The entire point of this is to get the PS COD audience to pick up an Xbox instead so those 46 million PS+ users who generated billions in PS+ revenue alone become XBL users and generate billions in revenue for Microsoft. And this is before the hundreds of billions spent on the digital store on game purchases and microtransactions. MS wants that 30% cut more than they want a few million gamepass subs.
People switched from Xbox to PlayStation due to Fortnite because Sony didn't charge for online play with F2P games (I know this first hand). COD can certainly do the same for people who play COD on PlayStation and get them to sign up for Game Pass to continue playing COD. The execution is what is going to determine that and subscriptions have already been somewhat normalized before MS even started Game Pass. Now I know, someone selling their Xbox to play Fortnite on PS due to online play being free isn't exactly the same since you still have to pay a monthly subscription fee, but the key question is, will people do that? It is a real possiblity and that could be what worries Sony.
When MS first started speaking of Game Pass and other things related to gaming, I thought they were aiming to change the gaming landscape in a very big way but then their messaging got muddy; that made me realize that MS isn't that kind of company (Sony isn't either). It'll take someone like Apple to enter the industry (full-time) and disrupt it like they did with the iPhone. Well, Apple has entered the industry....somewhat casually. Now, just waiting for the disruption.
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