The GB timeline split and we didn't even realise.Beardless couch is like an alternate reality
The GB timeline split and we didn't even realise.Beardless couch is like an alternate reality
Jeff will quit GB after this day. Look at him.
The Wii was a great system with a great library and Nintendo put out better games for it than for the GameCube by far unless you have a huge boner for F-Zero and Eternal Darkness being "mature" or whatever (and the N64, minus Mario and Zelda is worse than the Wii by far as well).
Drew's never seen Conker's Bad Fur Day?
...They didn't really do demos on the 64 did they
Man, when did Brad get so salty? When did the joy leave him? Why would anyone think the N64 is worse than the Gamecube or the Wii?
The Wii was a great system with a great library and Nintendo put out better games for it than for the GameCube by far unless you have a huge boner for F-Zero and Eternal Darkness being "mature" or whatever (and the N64, minus Mario and Zelda is worse than the Wii by far as well).
And the Wii U is already better than the Wii.
Woah, really? Punch-Out and the Galaxy games are the only cases I can see being made to support that statement, and even then it would be heavily disputed given how amazing the original Punch-Out and Super Mario 64 areYou are a crazy person. Wii is the height of Nintendo's first party output. THE HEIGHT
Not until we get a new Zack and Wiki, dammit.
Which console has Blast Corps?
I rest my case.
The Wii was a great system with a great library and Nintendo put out better games for it than for the GameCube by far unless you have a huge boner for F-Zero and Eternal Darkness being "mature" or whatever (and the N64, minus Mario and Zelda is worse than the Wii by far as well).
Metroid Prime, Pikmin, SSBM, Animal Crossing, Wind Waker, F-Zero GX, Paper Mario TTYD
The Mario Galaxies, NSMB Wii, Kirby's Epic yarn, and Donkey Kong Returns
I'm taking GCN.
Listen to me guys.
Kill the kid, torch the thread, we gotta get outta here.
Giant Bomb #12 | Waluigi Start
ilomilo is an underrated classic of the XBLA era
they need to shaveBeardless couch is like an alternate reality
Listen to me guys.
Kill the kid, torch the thread, we gotta get outta here.
The Wii had Sin & Punishment, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Punch-Out, the Galaxy games, NSMB Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Prime 3, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, the best version of Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword (haters begone), superior versions of Metroid Prime 1+2, superior versions of Pikmin 1+2, Xenoblade, Brawl (haters begone!!!!), a better Animal Crossing, and even weird hidden gems like Excitebots, the Endless Ocean games, import stuff like Captain Rainbow, Another Code R, Fatal Frame 4 and FF2 remake.
Also, it had three Trauma Center games so WHATEVER