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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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Yes, when they want to put out content they do, which is why I think a lot of the "meetings" excuses and such are probably somewhat bullshit.

Even the biggest fan has to admit that them not working Mondays to produce more content from home (which isn't what most people want - we want them together) has turned out to be a con.

I understand that people don't want to come off as assholes and I don't either, but I feel like this thread cuts them too much slack which is the type of attitude that doesn't lead to more content.

Let's be real here, they have an easy job. You can work hard in an easy job, but it's still an easy job.

I work really hard - sometimes I write up to 10,000 words a day, edit over a hundred articles, attend meetings, manage our marketing etc - but it's still an easy job relatively speaking so I'm not taking a holier than thou attitude here..

At WORST, the guys have to attend meetings, deal with PR people, write emails, etc. That is not a hard job - they work 4 days a week, they seemingly come into the office quite late with flexible time. They're not starting work at 6am, outside, in the cold, doing manual labour, saving lives, constantly running around in a retail environment, etc.

They just need to find enough time in the day to sit in front of a camera with a video game. Millions and millions of people would kill for that to be the main focus of their job. They're extremely lucky.

I for one don't believe that 90% of their day is taken up with corporate BS which prevents this. I think they've found a sweet gig which doesn't have a demanding schedule, which is great because I'm sort of in the same situation so I know first hand, but I roll my eyes when I see people bend over backwards to defend them.

If I'm wrong, Vinny come bitch slap me, Jeff come dunk me... at least it would be admitting the problem. As it stands, as others have pointed out, many Twitch and YouTube personalities put out more content, with high quality camera work - it's pretty sad when you think about it.

And before anyone says it, no I'm not going to cancel my sub so I'm part of the problem, because I want to experience all of their #content.

This place has gone loco. No wonder myggen doesn't post here anymore.
I'm running a mod that removes everyone's clothes.



...on second thought...

Why can't GB just be more like PewDiePie??!!

Nah, serious talk. If we continue like this every time there's a drought the mods will close this topic and I wouldn't even blame them.

I blame people who don't think that SMG2 is the best game of all time. They are the real enemy.


I'd be fine with their rate of output if the content they did put out had more energy and creativity behind it. I just recently ran through all the episodes of the Monster Factory (and Car Boys) over at Polygon, two aspects in particular make those features shine: they're based around fun, unique gimmicks and the McElroy's (and Robinson) clearly have a lot of fun making those videos. Even Griffin's solo Nuzlocke Run is more entertaining than a lot of recent GB premium content.

I don't think it's that the GB guys are less entertaining, it just feels like sometimes they're not quite as excited by what they're producing. The recent GBEast Gears of War 4 streams are pretty great examples, long stretches of silence while they sit in front of camera and play a recently released shooter. I skipped around a bit to see if things perked up a bit but I gave up. It was just boring.

I feel like Giant Bomb is at its best when they're showcasing some of the weirder, niche sides of gaming history and less so when they're just covering new stuff. It's why Demo Derby and Game Tapes are probably their best ongoing features at the moment. Stuff like Random PC Game and the LPs of strange FMV games are still some of the best content on the site. They have a certain collective passion for that kind of stuff that really made those vids a joy to watch.

That's just my personal bias though. I'm sure a big reason they abandon those types of features is they just didn't get the hits that multiple-hour streams of them playing Destiny get, but it's still a bummer.

Sorry if this is incoherent rambling. I'm bad at articulating my thoughts on mobile. I love the guys and think they're great personalities, and I've been subbed every year since they introduced subscriptions and I'll continue to do so as long as the site is still alive. I just want the guys to produce content that's fun for them to participate in, these days those moments feel like the exception rather than the norm.


Unconfirmed Member
I will guest on this podcast and only talk in ridiculously long german words. Did you know the word of the year in Austria is Bundespräsidentenstichwahlswiederholungsverschiebung? Fun fun fun.
Well the German word of the year is postfaktisch so I will assume you made that up.
Dang, its been a month since demo derby, 2 months since the endurance run and 4 months since game tapes. If they wanted to make easy content, they should just make more LP style videos. Just play a game and record, release one video every day.
The nonstop complaining about content is pretty ridiculous for this / last week. What do you expect during GOTY time when they are recording skits, long podcasts, etc?
The nonstop complaining about content is pretty ridiculous for this / last week. What do you expect during GOTY time when they are recording skits, long podcasts, etc?

Not too surprising, it's been this way for a bit. Now it's worse because of GOTY, and everyone understands that, but at the same time, there is literally nothing else to talk about. So here we are.


The nonstop complaining about content is pretty ridiculous for this / last week. What do you expect during GOTY time when they are recording skits, long podcasts, etc?

Just two weeks ago we were drowning in #content, were we not?

No one expects anything during GOTY season. That's not the point and you know it.

Anyway, can't wait for GOTY podcasts. I really hope they'll play some games together again like what they did last year was it? Everyone's playing their GOTY after the skits and they talk about it. That was fun.


Every year during game of the year the content on the site gets slow because they are super busy. Being self righteous and comparing your job to theirs is silly. Your job is not theirs and you don't actually know what they deal with. I want good content. Good content requires time and some passion. They may have a "cool job" but it takes a good bit of risk to get in that position. If I wanted to watch youtube I would watch youtube. I pay for GB because it is better than that, and I assume it is because of something they are doing different. If not making themselves miserable is part of that then I am all for it.


Unconfirmed Member
Steven Poole is a pretty interesting writer:

Incidentally, he had an interesting perspective on MGSV & Kojima. Curious what folks here might think:
Hey, just wanted to say that I've read the piece. I'm sorry, but I didn't like it too much.
I think the audience for it is supposed to not be necessarily familiar with the franchise and maybe video games in general, so that might explain it.

Metal Gear Solid being critical of military developments is basically the origin of the franchise. Even mentioning the "military industrial complex" like he does is evidence of that. But the whole selling point of MGS being the antithesis of everything else in the medium is weak.
I also don't like a few specific premises in it, like this one
The Metal Gear Solid series is, in a sense, a decades-long engagement with that very question: at one moment, the games will clownishly revel in the clichés of the form; the next moment they will deconstruct those very clichés and force the player to confront real suffering. These are anti-video game video games, in their postmodern exposure of the medium’s unspoken assumptions and shopworn tropes.
I think he's too focused on a few military shooters, when he should be comparing the gameplay to other stealth games like Splinter Cell, Thief or Dishonored and its tone to Japanese games in general. The last bit doesn't make sense either, all video games are postmodern.
I think you could even argue that "western military gone rogue" or "good guys are actually the bad guys" is a tired trope itself in video games, just because it's such a convenient setup for your enemies.

Where Kojima usually falls flat for me is the consequences of his setups. Ok, the Cuban base is basically Guantanamo and the Red Army in Afghanistan is used to show parallels to current conflicts. But then what? The conclusions to his games are based on personal relationships, intrigues and power plots, not those events. He doesn't actually say all that much about it. Granted, even the inclusion of something like rape or child soldiers in a video game is actually still unique and powerful.

So all in all it does a good job of highlighting that video games can have something to say on topics like that and more people should know, but i think "we" have always known that.
Yet theres no thread. And the bombcast never gets threads anymore. Who's really dropping the #content ball here gaf...

Threads stopped when the livestream of the bombcast started happening, because if you posted the thread when the stream was happening only premium users would converse and have the discussion, and by the time the bombcast went out at its regular point, all the discussion had been done already. There wasn't much more for new people to contribute.

Or ask Daydream since they were in charge of those threads.


Neo Member
I wish Giant Bomb made more videos on a consistent basis. As someone who follows the site closely, I sometimes hold a cynical view on the whole site in general and other times I just don't care and will happily consume most of what gets released on the site.

We live in a time where we have this weird relationship of sorts with other people that we probably have never met. We share bits and pieces of our lives across the Internet whether it is through a forum like Neogaf, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

I think it is OK to question the output of the site and question the contributions of the various dudes or to challenge the criticism itself. At some point though, it begins to feel a little strange or creepy to me that people (including me) know (or think we know) so much about the people that work at Giant Bomb. Idk

I don't know what a 'good' or 'satisfying' amount of content is to me. I just want more.
I wish Giant Bomb made more videos on a consistent basis. As someone who follows the site closely, I sometimes hold a cynical view on the whole site in general and other times I just don't care and will happily consume most of what gets released on the site.

We live in a time where we have this weird relationship of sorts with other people that we probably have never met. We share bits and pieces of our lives across the Internet whether it is through a forum like Neogaf, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

I think it is OK to question the output of the site and question the contributions of the various dudes or to challenge the criticism itself. At some point though, it begins to feel a little strange or creepy to me that people (including me) know (or think we know) so much about the people that work at Giant Bomb. Idk

I don't know what a 'good' or 'satisfying' amount of content is to me. I just want more.

I definitely understand (and agree) with that. It's the stuff where "they have such an easy job, it should be so simple to produce content!" that gets ridiculous to me. I would love more GB videos as well, but it's not like they are not working / super lazy like some people in this thread like to say. Do we really need Vinny to come post another days schedule?
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