SHould I pick up Until Dawn. It's 10 bucks on PSN, I think it'll be a fun game to play with my bf.
YESSHould I pick up Until Dawn. It's 10 bucks on PSN, I think it'll be a fun game to play with my bf.
SHould I pick up Until Dawn. It's 10 bucks on PSN, I think it'll be a fun game to play with my bf.
SHould I pick up Until Dawn. It's 10 bucks on PSN, I think it'll be a fun game to play with my bf.
okay maybe saying Excitebike doesn't hold up is the most insane thing Dan has said
with all due respect TT your posts are beginning to feel like some Flowers for Algernon shit
Nintendo, what are you doing?
At least they didn't shrink the controllers too like the Famicom version.
SHould I pick up Until Dawn. It's 10 bucks on PSN, I think it'll be a fun game to play with my bf.
At least they didn't shrink the controllers too like the Famicom version.
Nintendo, what are you doing?
Not liking Kirby trumps everything.
Kirby is video games.
I love them bothOnly Reaper players claim to hate Kirby.
All of the recent content is great but its not Hitman
I mean, Kirby is on the second or third tier of Nintendo games at best
Vinny is Dan's Giant Bomb dad
dan thought super castlevania iv was hard
he should ask papa vinny some questions about castlevania when he heads out east
Castlevania IV was child's play comparerd to the superior Bloodlines. Too bad GBEast didn't care much for Bloodlines, it's easily the best 16 Bit Castlevania.
that depends on whether you consider pc-engine
cd games to be 8 or 16 bits
but super castlevania iv is child's play compared to any of those old-style games! it's baby's first castlevania!
Why did Nintendo make those NES controller cords so short, lunatics.
is he gonna get arrested for not recycling that
Dan is not this dumb. This farming quicklook is astounding.
How does that Farming QL compare to Ryan's classic Farming QL?
It's pretty different...How does that Farming QL compare to Ryan's classic Farming QL?
Why did Nintendo make those NES controller cords so short, lunatics.
Yeah it was never good.okay maybe saying Excitebike doesn't hold up is the most insane thing Dan has said
It's where gamers go to know.according to this email I just got from Bungie, Biogamer Girl says the new Destiny DLC has "a ton of new content"
there are no other press quotes in the email