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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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I think you guys are giving Ian too hard of a time over Souls.

At this stage I don't believe I could watch a person do an entirely blind run. They're giving Vindog the right amount of aid to make it entertaining to watch.


I think you guys are giving Ian too hard of a time over Souls.

At this stage I don't believe I could watch a person do an entirely blind run. They're giving Vindog the right amount of aid to make it entertaining to watch.

yea, and Ian tweeted that he knew maybe he was giving too much advice so i bet it'll be less of an issue for viewers in the next episode.

i mentioned in chat that it doesn't matter how many tips they gave Vinny, he'll still die and he did.


bish gets all the credit :)
I think you guys are giving Ian too hard of a time over Souls.

At this stage I don't believe I could watch a person do an entirely blind run. They're giving Vindog the right amount of aid to make it entertaining to watch.

I thought he was fine. You don't want to get a ton of replaying sections during streams.
Man that latest Jar Time... I felt myself nodding in agreement a lot.

Jeff is an oddly relatable guy.

Edit: Holy shit at the Brad pasties. That girl is rad.


The real question about the "soccer" quick looks is - will they score a goal this time (in either game)?

Also, why do americans like to pretent they can't make any sense of soccer? I have watched me some NFL and - even though they are introduced to it from birth - if they can understand that then soccer is a sinch.

For example they will claim to be bewildered by offsides even though hockey has a very similar rule.

It isn;t like they are trying to learn cricket and that is only hard because when an Englishman teaches a "yank" about cricket he is duty bound to make up silly terms just to confuse the poor colonials.
Fantastic OP. A thing of beauty.

I've fallen so far behind on content I'm afraid I won't catch back up. Since starting my job I miss all live shows.
I'm not gonna link it, but @GiantBombSquad a few days back posted a picture of some girl wearing nothing but two little cut-outs of Brad Shoemaker's face on her nipples






Damn. I misread that as Brad Shoemaker Pasties (as in Cornish Pasties). I am so dissapointed. I though it would have been romanitic if some girl sent him home made pasties. Maybe with his face on? Screw it, I am looking in to kickstarting a Brad Showmaker shaped pastry cutter.


Why do you think people know anything about hockey either?

Specifically Jeff used to be in to it. In the NHL QL he was all "oh, that was offside" and in Soccer QLs he is all "Offside? I don't even know what that means. Soccer is dumb".


Drunky McMurder
The real question about the "soccer" quick looks is - will they score a goal this time (in either game)?

Also, why do americans like to pretent they can't make any sense of soccer? I have watched me some NFL and - even though they are introduced to it from birth - if they can understand that then soccer is a sinch.

For example they will claim to be bewildered by offsides even though hockey has a very similar rule.

It isn;t like they are trying to learn cricket and that is only hard because when an Englishman teaches a "yank" about cricket he is duty bound to make up silly terms just to confuse the poor colonials.

Offsides baffles people who aren't fans of soccer (or hockey) because it seems on its face like an absolutely terrible rule that does nothing but prevent scoring in a game that is criticized most for low scores. Mostly, Americans refuse to try and figure out why so much of soccer is standing about not shooting on goal, and then flailing about like you got shot when somebody does make a move towards the goal.

For what it's worth, they also disable offsides penalties in hockey games instead of trying to figure out why the whistle blows. Also, Jeff and Vinny don't understand American football rules either but football games don't require you to understand the small rules that are insane and complex. NFL and NCAA football games just make it impossible to get penalties for things like illegal motion or shifts, or illegal moves on tackles and blocks.

edit: Also

The two rules really aren't that similar besides the name.

They're a lot closer in spirit than soccer offside and American football offsides, at least. But I guess it could cause some more confusion.


Specifically Jeff used to be in to it. In the NHL QL he was all "oh, that was offside" and in Soccer QLs he is all "Offside? I don't even know what that means. Soccer is dumb".

The two rules really aren't that similar besides the name.



A woman posted a picture of herself nude with Brad Shoemaker's face covering her nipples.
Therefore, a man must post a picture of himself nude with Jeff Gerstmann's face covering his penis.

Must be uncircumcised though.


Neo Member

A woman posted a picture of herself nude with Brad Shoemaker's face covering her nipples.
Therefore, a man must post a picture of himself nude with Jeff Gerstmann's face covering his penis.

Must be uncircumcised though.

I really don't think escalation is the answer we should be seeking here.


Just got my membership auto-renewed, I don't mind because I would have renewed anyway, but it would be nice if they sent an email a couple days prior, just to give a heads up. It's really easy to forget when something's due if payments are 12 months apart.


Just got my membership auto-renewed, I don't mind because I would have renewed anyway, but it would be nice if they sent an email a couple days prior, just to give a heads up. It's really easy to forget when something's due if payments are 12 months apart.

yeah, auto-renew seems against the spirit of what GB stand for - they did it from the start so can't blame CBS - even though nearly every site/service does it.

The "trick" is to cancel immediatley after subscribing. You get the remainder of your sub (1 year) and can manually re-up if you wish in your own time at the end. Not really a trick as the staff have suggested doing it this way a number of times.


That's the thing, I don't mind auto renew at all, in fact I prefer it. But almost every service I pay for has the courtesy to email a couple days prior. You'd think this would be even more important for annual shit.


Man that latest Jar Time... I felt myself nodding in agreement a lot.

Jeff is an oddly relatable guy.

Edit: Holy shit at the Brad pasties. That girl is rad.

When it comes to taste in games, Jeff is confusing. But when it comes to the games industry in general (journalism, business, marketing), Jeff is usually spot on.


Jeff on the front page of Reddit with this. Poor bloke.

edit: cracking response on his tumblr

I find it really hard to understand this sort of stuff, mainly because I'm a gameplay first kind of guy and not really giving a hoot about that stuff since it doesn't affect me. So seeing different sides step over the neutral, "be respectful" line to tear into each other just leaves me confused. There's probably a good point for the argument of better/higher female representation, but it just gets undermined by what I perceive to be faux outrage or people who are just looking for an excuse to get angry (or arguments made by people who really shouldn't be arguing, it's hard to tell).


Neo Member
Obviously Arsenal because, as with the Aggies in NCAA, there's a big gun in the crest.

The most hilarious thing with their obsession with the New Mexico State Aggies is that when people talk about Aggies in relation to NCAA anything, it sure as hell ain't NMSU they're talking about.


I have to give Ian props for that Souls thingy. I would have shouted advice every second but he just gave the minimum amount to keep him progressing.

On the other hand I think going to the Tomb of Giants at that point was the worst possible path for a "new" player.

I also laughed when Vinny and Rorie hyped Ian up as being a experienced player, yet he didn't even recognize the BKH.

Looking forward to the next part!
FIFA Quick Look.

From now on I'm going to call Juventus "Oue-ven-tood".

Also, when they were scrolling through teams, in League One they stopped ONE SHORT of my team.


Soccer QLs would be entertaining if Jeff didn't sound like he was getting his teeth pulled out. At least Vinny is trying to make it watchable.


Soccer QLs would be entertaining if Jeff didn't sound like he was getting his teeth pulled out. At least Vinny is trying to make it watchable.

Are you telling me you only enjoy Quick Looks with genuine and/or faked enthusiasm? That's the exact reason I hate most other websites because I want people to show their true feelings even if they don't match mine.


I find it really hard to understand this sort of stuff, mainly because I'm a gameplay first kind of guy and not really giving a hoot about that stuff since it doesn't affect me. So seeing different sides step over the neutral, "be respectful" line to tear into each other just leaves me confused. There's probably a good point for the argument of better/higher female representation, but it just gets undermined by what I perceive to be faux outrage or people who are just looking for an excuse to get angry (or arguments made by people who really shouldn't be arguing, it's hard to tell).

everyone will have a better and more productive time in these discussions if they stop assuming that people on the other side are being dishonest about their motivations


real talk americans don't hate soccer because it's incomprehensible, they hate it because it's slow and boring as shit

and yes this attitude is inconsistent with our appreciation of baseball and golf


real talk americans don't hate soccer because it's incomprehensible, they hate it because it's slow and boring as shit

and yes this attitude is inconsistent with our appreciation of baseball and golf

It's slow and boring while being incredibly active. With baseball and golf, you know when to lean forward and get on the edge of your seat and when to sit back and talk with the people you're with. Soccer is always moving, never static, anything can happen at any time....but often doesn't. It's like low scoring games in basketball, people hate those games, but they love it when the score is like, 123-121, even though that means both teams were probably playing like garbage.


Wait someone called football slow and boring when both Baseball and American football matches can take fucking forever. Crazy.

You enjoy your sports and we'll enjoy ours. Thanks.
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