I had to friend Taco Bell on Snapchat so I could watch a 10 second clip of two #influencers talking about how they're attending Dan's wedding
2017 sucks you guys
Does Dan know those influencers
I had to friend Taco Bell on Snapchat so I could watch a 10 second clip of two #influencers talking about how they're attending Dan's wedding
2017 sucks you guys
I had to friend Taco Bell on Snapchat so I could watch a 10 second clip of two #influencers talking about how they're attending Dan's wedding
2017 sucks you guys
Half way through the fifth dungeon in persona (82 hours in) and struggling to keep playing
After the fifth dungeon, I believe it was Haru and the localization that finally broke me and I haven't picked the game up in like a month and a half.
Having "this guy are sick" stuff in an otherwise very tightly-produced game in 2017 is ridiculous.
Also I can't not hear Futurama's Nixon saying "Haru" whenever she's mentioned or on-screen.
I quit at the same point and wish I'd gotten out earlier tbh
I just played through Virginia and: W H A T
Alex cat ☺️
kind of disappointed Dan didn't tie the knot in his waluigi colors. if you're gonna live the gimmick, live the gimmick, y'know
congrats to Dan & Bianca though
I'm sure he didn't want to do anything garish during his wedding in a Taco Bell
I've mentioned this a couple of times already but you guys absolutely just completed the low part of the game. I was kind of down on it at that time too. What follows really got me pumped again.
Also don't trash Haru.
Awww they look great and so happy.
Haru gets better, though she is terrible at first.
Dan & Bianca
I'm so lonely
Didn't Dan meet her in Tinder or OkCupid? I forget.
Haru gets better, though she is terrible at first.
Didn't Dan meet her in Tinder or OkCupid? I forget.
Most couples meet online these days.
IIRC, it was OkCupid because Dan mentioned that a reason he was interested in her was that for "Things I'm good at" she put "Soldier of Fortune 2 Multiplayer".
That was in one of the 50 Metal Gear Revengeance videos that they did.
You're in the final actShe was the first of the main cast that really sounded like an overdone breathy anime character. At least she showed up two-thirds of the way through the game.
God I hope I'm two-thirds of the way in.