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Giant Bomb |OT31| I Think it Might Be for Show

- J - D -

I like how Rorie is the first person on Heartache to firmly recognize a Final Fantasy character and recall their name ("Hey, that's Squall!"). And you don't even see Squall's face the first time he appears in KH!
Well, I finished season 2.

That was, uh, wild. I effectively knew what was going to happen to Dale from seeing vague season 3 stuff, but I didn't expect it to go down quite like that. For it to end like that too... that'd be a lot to deal with, even with FWWM, for this long with no expectation of an answer. I think even me watching it in the past couple years, like I always meant to, would have been painful. I am sorta happy I've only watched it now, though, both for the knowledge that there's more and as my sister's now old enough to also be watching it thanks to my suggestion, so we've been talking about it was we watch independently, which's been nice.

Planning to watch Fire Walk With Me later tonight. Then I'll be reading Secret History this week before starting season 3 this weekend. Hoping to catch up by the finale, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull off that pace. Gonna be weird to suddenly jump 25 years in time, in any case, and knowing certain actors aren't back in advance makes that even weirder.

Is it worth watching The Missing Pieces as well, if you've seen that?

Yup, it's worth it and you're basically moving along the right path when it comes to being prepared for S3. FWWM will basically let you know what to expect in terms of tone when it comes to S3 but even then S3 is its own beast.

Gonna use this moment to post some of my favorite music from the series.

Sycamore Trees
Wheeler's theme
Laura Palmer's Theme
Hank's theme
Falling Nostalgia ver
Dance Of The Dream Man

Man, the show is filled with amazing music.
I like how Rorie is the first person on Heartache to firmly recognize a Final Fantasy character and recall their name ("Hey, that's Squall!"). And you don't even see Squall's face the first time he appears in KH!

To be fair Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie are weird kid versions of themselves Squall/Leon just hast slightly longer hair, but otherwise looks the same.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I wish Ben would take voice lessons or just talk at a higher pitch. I can't even get into a minute of videos with him. It's so horribly grating.

Yes he totally didn't mention speech therapy in his past or anything recently.

jesus christ.

as someone who also had to attend speech therapy, everyone complaining about ben's voice can go suck a lemon. legit its annoying and genuinely hurtful. we can't help what is innately our speaking voice, we who have attended/do attend classes live with what me/we have and do our best even tho we understand it can be hard for people to understand me/us.


Yup, it's worth it and you're basically moving along the right path when it comes to being prepared for S3. FWWM will basically let you know what to expect in terms of tone when it comes to S3 but even then S3 is its own beast.

Gonna use this moment to post some of my favorite music from the series.

Sycamore Trees
Wheeler's theme
Laura Palmer's Theme
Hank's theme
Falling Nostalgia ver
Dance Of The Dream Man

Man, the show is filled with amazing music.

Ooh, thank you for those. I've already had Sycamore Trees in my head from what was in the show alone.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
No Man's Sky released in August 2016.. so one year.

It's the Trump Time Warp Effect, time progresses at x5 the rate of a normal year while only still being on the same 24hr cycle as usual. It's like a dog year situation.
as someone who also had to attend speech therapy, everyone complaining about ben's voice can go suck a lemon. legit its annoying and genuinely hurtful. we can't help what is innately our speaking voice, we who have attended/do attend classes live with what me/we have and do our best even tho we understand it can be hard for people to understand me/us.

Sorry you take offense to this, I meant to say vocal lessons.

This has nothing to do with comprehension/how he pronounces things, and more the annoying gravel he has every time he opens his mouth. He can't say anything without sounding like a chain smoker, but he could improve that if he learns. It's not an impediment, it's a bad habit.
I haven't played FFviii since it came out. I'm having a hard time remembering the story. I've replayed 7 and 9 multiple times I should go back and replay it
It's just being used to hold up my original ET cart ATM
I just binge-listened (over last few days) to the last 3 months of east and west podcasts while playing Stardew Valley and... I really, really need a break from the east coast guys. Dan's trademarked playing it dumber than necessary, Vinny's joking around without ever holding back never playing it cool and Abby's youtuber screams and being clueless about Bayonetta's tone. Jeff B was ok and Alex is always welcome, but Vinny(!), man.
Ever since Alex was gone for a while Vinny is like that co-worker you like and talk to a lot, but too much of him and you really need some isolation cell alone time. Or a cold shower and a slow cup of tea in silence.
I just binge-listened (over last few days) to the last 3 months of east and west podcasts while playing Stardew Valley and... I really, really need a break from the east coast guys. Dan's trademarked playing it dumber than necessary, Vinny's joking around without ever holding back never playing it cool and Abby's youtuber screams and being clueless about Bayonetta's tone. Jeff B was ok and Alex is always welcome, but Vinny(!), man.
Ever since Alex was gone for a while Vinny is like that co-worker you like and talk to a lot, but too much of him and you really need some isolation cell alone time. Or a cold shower and a slow cup of tea in silence.
i found it...... the worst take on GAF


I watched Twin Peaks for the first time earlier this year and it is kind of amazing how much Deadly Premonition "borrows" from it.
I dunno man, I feel like the lesson here might mainly be "don't binge listen to three months of podcast x 2 in one sitting".

Haha I was gonna say. I mean all of those things are kind of true - Vinny's bits often overstay their welcome, Dan's shtick is annoying and shrill, Abby is cool so that part is wrong - but they're not really that bad in the grand scheme of things. Rather that than the bombcast's tired formulaic approach and Brad's hosting skills.

Actually Dan does need to dial down his shtick several notches he's been worse than usual the last few weeks/months I feel like.

Real Hero

Sorry you take offense to this, I meant to say vocal lessons.

This has nothing to do with comprehension/how he pronounces things, and more the annoying gravel he has every time he opens his mouth. He can't say anything without sounding like a chain smoker, but he could improve that if he learns. It's not an impediment, it's a bad habit.
Maybe its just his voice?


Abby discussing her "gaming" iMac was cringey and infuriating to me. God knows how much she spent on that 32gb of RAM and ancient mobile GPU. She completely dismissed building a PC because she needs to use Photoshop (Which doesn't exist on a Windows platform, right?). The others just went along with it too...even calling it "decent".


Abby discussing her "gaming" iMac was cringey and infuriating to me. God knows how much she spent on that 32gb of RAM and ancient mobile GPU. She completely dismissed building a PC because she needs to use Photoshop (Which doesn't exist on a Windows platform, right?). The others just went along with it too...even calling it "decent".

is there a competition on bad hot takes today?

she clearly doesn't know a thing about PCs and doesn't want to build one, if this actually infuriates you, you have issues


Abby discussing her "gaming" iMac was cringey and infuriating to me. God knows how much she spent on that 32gb of RAM and ancient mobile GPU. She completely dismissed building a PC because she needs to use Photoshop (Which doesn't exist on a Windows platform, right?). The others just went along with it too...even calling it "decent".

She does video production which actually does need a lot of RAM and a 780 (even an M) is decent. I still use a 760 and haven't had significant issues playing anything even with lower spec CPU. She's probably not playing on Ultra but she probably doesn't really care.


She does video production which actually does need a lot of RAM and a 780 (even an M) is decent. I still use a 760 and haven't had significant issues playing anything even with lower spec CPU. She's probably not playing on Ultra but she probably doesn't really care.

PCs can't have 32GB of Ram confirmed.


My biggest problem with them is that they don't like the exact same things I do? Like, why am I even paying them?

On a serious note, Vinny hating Splatoon means he's objectively the worst duder.
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