Someone from Saints Row said that. Now they are gone.ROFL
I'm pretty certain "we don't want you here and we don't want you buying our games" has essentially been the message for a good while now.
Someone from Saints Row said that. Now they are gone.ROFL
I'm pretty certain "we don't want you here and we don't want you buying our games" has essentially been the message for a good while now.
If you look at specific local minima (ie. countries or parts thereof).Bullshit. The amount of diversity in media is leaps and bounds beyond the actual amount of diversity in real life....
It is massively overrepresented.
Computer games. Funny old things eh?She makes a good and obvious point. Diversity exists in real life; if you don't like it, get over it. No one should bend over for intolerant assholes.
This thing is the perfect epitome of 'fiddling about'
Hiding behind the same law enforcement they call to have disbanded? Weird flex, but I don’t expect anything else.Anyone want to take her on yet?
According to Giant Bomb, games have diversity (LGBT etc) because the developers are diverse:
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeShe makes a good and obvious point. Diversity exists in real life; if you don't like it, get over it. No one should bend over for intolerant assholes.
you mean ryan d.Who the fuck are these people?
Remember when Giantbomb was an S-tier outlet? An actual reputable source of information? Filled with respected people with an insane amount of knowledge about the industry? How they went to the E3 shows and did a livestream every evening while half-drunk and had prominent guests on and grilled them about the state of the videogame industry? Remember how amazing their chemistry was? Good vibes all around.
Jeff Gerstmann rolling in his grave.
Is that person supposed to be physically intimidating? Lmao
Why do they speak so badly? "fuck" this, "stupid motherfucker" that, "cunt" and so on.
No education? No manners? No respect for you then.
This is absolutely not Giant Bomb anymore. They should have renamed it when everyone jumped ship.
According to Giant Bomb, games have diversity (LGBT etc) because the developers are diverse:
they know if they make it will not sale and only be liked by ere crowd.Well, natural diversity is all I have been asking for...
Make a RPG where every character is a trans woman or trans men. With characters of other races, nationalities. Where men and women have the same amount of agency in the story.
Give me all of that.
I will play it, if I like what I see (Gameplay, art style, so on) Just stop with the grand-standing. Stop with the virtue signaling. Stop with white-guilt and over compensating shit.
Make games with diverse characters, and shut the fuck up, can you do that?
Can you make that diverse game, release it, and let it speak for itself?
Senior Editor at Kotaku that has been very vocal defending Sweet Baby Inc. And she belong in an mental instutition with all the shit she spits and does.No idea who she is. Don't care. Seems like a boring person with nothing interesting to say.
Yeah, current Giant Bomb is NOT Giant Bomb. I loved Giant Bomb but it's dead now and has been for a long time. Honestly, I know people don't like him but Dan leaving was the beginning of the end combined with the East/West split.That's not Giant Bomb. Just a freak wearing its skin. Disgusting.
What's even funnier is right after she says this in her little remote location safe on her coach with a dude who looks like he's from some 1970's porn flick behind her is the guy asks if anyone has taken her up on that offer and she says no because they all pussies thinking she's hard"Come fight me physically..bitch."
She would literally get her ass whoop d by most 12 year old boys.. She's gonna fafo one day I'm sure.
That Frosk energy. It ended well for G4. Kotaku is not far from the same fate.'I want people in the industry to be a little bit louder about people being mean to other people and maybe say it's not a good thing, maybe say we don't want you around if you are going to be a cunt and hateful.... And that the game's industry is diverse naturaly, not because anyone is making it diverse, because the world is diverse you stupid motherfucker and if you have a problem with that come fight me physically bitch'
What a disgusting way to make a point.
People still watch giantbomb?
Damn, she was kinda cute.To think this is the same person
I'm sure this depends a lot on where one lives. If one lives in a major populating center, they are going to be presented with much more diversity than someone living in a rural area, at least in the US. So if a game (or movie/show) is located in a metropolitan setting, it makes since for its diversity to be more apparent than overall population statistics would suggest.Bullshit. The amount of diversity in media is leaps and bounds beyond the actual amount of diversity in real life....
It is massively overrepresented.