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Giant Bomb |OT33| LOOK AT THAT CORN!

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah this is the worst thing he has said. I'm legit shocked

What? Why would you support Bret? Vince was 100% in the right, he can do what he wants especially in that situation.
I'm comfortable saying she's wrong with those opinions. Not liking something isn't the same as them being overrated, and people conflate the two too much. Regardless of whether or not you like the Beatles or the Beach Boys, their impact on modern music cannot be overstated.

Well yeah, that's what the extended cuts are for right? The people who want more information and are already sold on the story are going to want the extended cuts. If you're not into that I'm not sure why you'd watch the extended cuts

This is true, and I don't mean to shit on people who like the extended cuts. If you enjoy them, great!
Hat in Time QL removed from the schedule?

I've played a bit of the game (backed it) and I've enjoyed it so far, but it really is hard to muster up much enthusiasm about the game with the JonTron situation. Wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't already years ago.
Hat in Time QL removed from the schedule?

I've played a bit of the game (backed it) and I've enjoyed it so far, but it really is hard to muster up much enthusiasm about the game with the JonTron situation. Wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't already years ago.

I remember Dan mentioning elsewhere that he was really enjoying it, but he didn't say a word about it on the Beastcast so I'm guessing they're just shutting it down.


Hat in Time QL removed from the schedule?

I've played a bit of the game (backed it) and I've enjoyed it so far, but it really is hard to muster up much enthusiasm about the game with the JonTron situation. Wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't already years ago.

That would be legendary


I agree with Sunny in a giantbomb thread, what is this day

Bret refused to follow the script of a scripted television show, the end
Dan's shtick is his real personality.

I don't know why people don't realize this yet. Dan's a troll. He's somebody that would have a shitty, mean prank YouTube channel if he wasn't into games.

I get it, for every one time it’s really funny there are two times when it just kills the flow of the conversation and redirects it to the same old Dan talk.


Drunky McMurder
I have a friend who recently picked up Shadow of Mordor because of all the wardor talk lately. He's thinking about giving it up because he's found the opening hours too hard.

Sometimes it's good to have perspective when we think that GB is collectively bad at games.

Mr. F

Please Stop: using Millennial "ironically"

So Dan, Abby and Ben all like saying outrageous shit for attention. Awesome.



I have a friend who recently picked up Shadow of Mordor because of all the wardor talk lately. He's thinking about giving it up because he's found the opening hours too hard.

Sometimes it's good to have perspective when we think that GB is collectively bad at games.

It does start off a bit rough but if he upgrades just a bit and gains more moves, it becomes a breeze.
You'd think so, but Dan would rather talk about anything but the game in quick looks. And it seems like the rest of the crew followed his lead.

Yeah, Dan is a large part of it. If he's not hosting the QL it's basically a Dan question period with footage of a game playing. The lowest point was that weird Soulcalibur rematch during a QL which is just like what. It's not particularly engaging because it's always the same rote questions that Dan doesn't actually care about--he seems to just do it to fill the air.

But this problem affects all of GB, East and West. The thing is, no one reigns anyone else in, so once a bit starts it never ends. And it's doubly weird because the length of QLs has cratered over the past few years, which you think would increase the focus on the game, but has done the opposite.

Now granted, this problem doesn't affect every QL. Sometimes both people sitting in care about the game, and sometimes it can lead to some great moments. But I firmly believe the quality of QLs is suffering from this bit pandemic. (And to be clear: in non-QLs I don't think it's an issue--the problem is the bit is overriding the QL format.)


I totally forgot I had downloaded the free Ghost Recon demo. Gotta check it out this weekend.

Yeah, Dan is a large part of it. If he's not hosting the QL it's basically a Dan question period with footage of a game playing. The lowest point was that weird Soulcalibur rematch during a QL which is just like what. It's not particularly engaging because it's always the same rote questions that Dan doesn't actually care about--he seems to just do it to fill the air.

But this problem affects all of GB, East and West. The thing is, no one reigns anyone else in, so once a bit starts it never ends. And it's doubly weird because the length of QLs has cratered over the past few years, which you think would increase the focus on the game, but has done the opposite.

Now granted, this problem doesn't affect every QL. Sometimes both people sitting in care about the game, and sometimes it can lead to some great moments. But I firmly believe the quality of QLs is suffering from this bit pandemic. (And to be clear: in non-QLs I don't think it's an issue--the problem is the bit is overriding the QL format.)

Alex tried to stop their dumb chicken vagina talk and look what it good him here.


dan got to me for the first time by taking vince mcmahon's side in the montreal screwjob

Is this on today's Beastcast?

And yeah troll Dan is actively bothering me at this point whenever it comes up because it's either a completely transparent attempt to get people mad and riled up, or he's a fool that doesn't know how to fairly couch his criticisms for things he doesn't care for outside of hyperbolic blanket statements. Or both. Either way, it's some shit he should be past by now given his occupation and platform. Maybe the other people on the crew should try doing it to him.

Abby is right, fireworks are dumb loud and boring. They haven't changed since I was five.


Der so genannte Montreal Screwjob ging als der bis dato wichtigste Screwjob in die Geschichte des Wrestlings ein

There's even a German WIkipedia page for your weird wrestling thing.
sex in the workplace is never a good thing

bret michaels had it coming

Sex am Arbeitsplatz ist nie eine gute Sache

Bret michaels hatte es kommen


So every time I update my phone to a new numbered iOS the update breaks and I have to restore form nothing on a different computer, then restore from backup on the original laptop I backup/sync on. Was hoping to lessen the hassle this year by updating to 10.3, deleting all non compatible apps, and then going to 11 with a lower restore time due to the removed apps but... nah, going to 10.3 started the whole mess too. So I guess I'm going straight to 11 now.

This is probably my laptop's fault but for some reason I didn't think through just using my Macbook and backing up to an external on that instead. Hopefully by the time this happens next year I'll have a desktop and won't have to deal with this regardless.
Watching the Waypoint stream of Wardor made me realise I miss Giant Bomb's Quick Looks focusing on... you know, the game. Not so much in comparison to their Wardor QL, but in general they've really embraced the bit when on QL duty, which kinda defeats their purpose.

What I'm saying is... QLs should be edutainment.

Yeah but GB aren't journalists so it's ok they don't have to talk about the game.
If you got to be on UPF, what game would you bring in?

I would bring in Garry's Mod and play on an RP server

I've had quite the experiences with that game


Wow...this DnD talk with Dan. The systems can be overwhelming for a newcomer (THAC0), but the concepts are relatively simple. Maybe it's because I grew up playing role playing games? It didn't seem all that hard to pick up and play something like DnD in my teens. Hell, we created our own d20 systems after school. They weren't that good really and needed work (pokemon worked, DBZ had power level adjustments that didn't work that well), but the concepts on how to play the games weren't rocket science.

Gbgaf finally turning on Dan, huh?

GBGAF has always been against Dan, even if we (or at least me) recognize Dan has brought alot to the GB staff.


Man, this is the first time I'm seeing the aftermath of the fires in California


Insanely sad. Hope they can make progress in containing it

Wow I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was to this degree. Can't imagine how terrible this must be for those directly affected.

Also, is that mailman legit still doing his route? What is going on there... Hate to laugh but that seems so ridiculous, it's like if he was trying to deliver mail after a nuclear apocalypse.


It's a game you use your imagination to play. One person tells a story involving involving you guys playing the characters. Everything you do has a number associated with it, you use dice rolls to find out if you're successful. There are certain things that can affect the numbers, but it's something you'll catch on to pretty quickly as you play.

If Dan doesn't understand that, I dunno what to say.

Gbgaf finally turning on Dan, huh?
To be fair, I started turning on Dan months into his GB hire.


D&D is painfully simple to play. Though it really boils down to the DM. I've played it rather recently, and usually it boiled down to "roleplay along with the situation, attempt to do something, the DM will determine what to roll for, and see if you accomplished it."

Granted, it can be as esoteric as you want it to be, and our sessions had a guy that was reading the more "hidden" but perfectly legal rules.

The games I played featured a monk that was carrying around a half of a stone pillar as a weapon, and after he and the DM discussed it, he was allowed to use it for a bit.


I haven't gotten to the DND bit due to my phone being in update hell, but it'll be interesting to see what his thoughts on tabletop are after the holiday game if he's in that.

Didn't he play in Unplugged?
Everyone has highs and lows. Dan has some pretty high highs and some pretty low lows. But at the end of the day, I'll take bad opinions about Mario, LOTR and D&D over a fuckhead like Colin Moriarty.


Abby not knowing that Amazon started as an online bookstore hurts my brain.

I'm going to be honest and say I didn't really know either till I was looking at credit cards in the past year and learned it counts as a bookstore for cards that have specific reward point bonuses depending on what you're buying because of that.
I haven't gotten to the DND bit due to my phone being in update hell, but it'll be interesting to see what his thoughts on tabletop are after the holiday game if he's in that.

Didn't he play in Unplugged?

He did play in unplugged, and he pretty much singlehandedly killed that feature by trying to be Ric Flair.

(Singlehandedly is a stretch though, because Rorie wasn't prepared enough to counter a bunch of people who had zero ideas of the rules, and there was that pickpocketing problem)


Everyone has highs and lows. Dan has some pretty high highs and some pretty low lows. But at the end of the day, I'll take bad opinions about Mario, LOTR and D&D over a fuckhead like Colin Moriarty.

Sometimes I get the feeling people want Dan to be a milkshake dick.


Everyone has highs and lows. Dan has some pretty high highs and some pretty low lows. But at the end of the day, I'll take bad opinions about Mario, LOTR and D&D over a fuckhead like Colin Moriarty.

In the end, Dan is a good person at heart but just extremely ignorant about a lot of things. But he's still a good person.
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