Pretty sure I know what gold looks like.
Gold, besides the element, is also the name of a color. So technically this is a gold statue. It could have been a red statue, a blue statue but it is a gold statue.
The statue isn't real gold.
Every mass murderer deserves a statue like this, that's for sure. I think Stalin and Hitler need one, too.
No. Build a giant gold statue of someone giving him a lap dance.put a toilet under his butt
The USSR at least got a lot of that shit out of their system when Khrushchev took power and denounced Stalin.
China has too much of a face culture to ever do the same to Mao and the crimes that occurred during his reign.
China has too much of a face culture to ever do the same to Mao and the crimes that occurred during his reign.
HAD Mao died in 1956, his achievements would have been immortal. Had he died in 1966, he would still have been a great man but flawed. But he died in 1976. Alas, what can one say?
In the middle of nowhere.
Like Mount Rushmore
Actually not. At least partially not.
Everyone in China actually agress that the shit he did during the Cultural revolution was one of the worst times during the young Chinese history. While you have the glorified Mao/WW2 tv dramas on chinese TV, you also have the dramas about poverty, agony, shitty behaviour of soldiers, shitty economic decisions by Mao during the cultural revolution.
Chinese have a saying. 70% of what Mao did was great, helped China, the other 30% he did was shitty.
lol, Mao "embodiment of fairness and justice" gtfo
I'm pretty sure what blue looks like. I'm pretty sure what green looks like.
I'm pretty sure what gold looks like.
Trust me, the poster you are quoting a million times is talking about the color gold.
It's a gold statue.
Have you ever heard of the Secret Speech? To your expert knowledge has anything similar occurred within the Chinese government? Because that's what I'm talking about.
It isn't even gold tho.
Everyone in China actually agress that the shit he did during the Cultural revolution was one of the worst times during the young Chinese history. While you have the glorified Mao/WW2 tv dramas on chinese TV, you also have the dramas about poverty, agony, shitty behaviour of soldiers, shitty economic decisions by Mao during the cultural revolution.
Chinese have a saying. 70% of what Mao did was great, helped China, the other 30% he did was shitty.
Have you ever heard of the Secret Speech? To your expert knowledge has anything similar occurred within the Chinese government? Because that's what I'm talking about.
The 70:30 line came from Deng Xiaoping.
The issue is unlike Stalin, Mao basically led the peasant revolution that founded the government. So he was Lenin and Stalin rolled into one. Khrushchev advocated a return to a Leninist foundation in denouncing Stalin, something you can't really do when Mao is the Lenin-like foundation of the country.
As will I, to you!By a sort of indirect request, I'm going to divert you to my very first post in this topic. Laters.
As will I, to you!
It isn't even gold.
I don't think you are sure.
2> There are not really any TV shows that take place in what could be considered modern China. If you've seen it, then it isn't made in China, but made in Taiwan.
I would like to ask about people's opinions on, I guess for lack of a better word, obedience rating system coming into place?Source: am Chinese
As will I, to you!
It isn't even gold.
There are plenty of these shows in China and filmed in China. You can tell they are made in China because of the overuse of ADR. I live near a park where they do a lot of filming for these shows.
Here's a random, list of the top ten fiction TV shows in China, a majority take place in modern China:
Source: I am in China.
You said modern China... how was I supposed to know you meant 40-50 years ago?None of these shows are specifically about Mao or the Cultural Revolution.
You said modern China... how was I supposed to know you meant 40-50 years ago?