Fucking hell... these things aren't supposed to be in the UK.
So, they don't even bleedin' know how it got here. I'm moving to another country...
A giant spider common in Australia, Africa and Asia, has been found inside a shipping container in Scotland.
The Huntsman spider was spotted by staff at a manufacturing firm in Dumbarton on Friday. They called in the Scottish SPCA amid concerns that it could be poisonous.
The animal charity contacted an arachnid specialist who helped identify the spider, which can give a painful bite. The Huntsman is being cared for while a suitable home is sought.
Ch Insp Henderson said: "An arachnid expert identified it as a Huntsman spider. We believe that due to a yellow stripe on its abdomen that the spider is female.
"It would be hard to say where it is from exactly due to the fact it arrived here in a shipping container. It must be a tough little spider as it has done well to survive living in a cold container for so long before arriving in Scotland."
"The spider appears in good condition and is already an adult so we are going to try to find a specialist home for it."
So, they don't even bleedin' know how it got here. I'm moving to another country...
