Oh no! I'm so sorry. That's a whole pile of extra stress and worry.
I don't think either my husband or myself have slept more than a handful of hours the last couple of nights. The poor boy has to have his cone of shame on or he'll lick his bits and make it even worse, and he just looks so miserable. You can hear him donking his way around corners or into door frames. When he does finally make his way onto the bed at night, my husband's so desperate to make him feel better he just pets him and does everything he can to help him get comfortable. He even sat up with him for an hour so that he could have the cone off and get some rest...at 4am.
I'm sorry HPro, that sounds horrible. Maybe if you tell the handlers to be on the look out? Hopefully nothing happens though.
Thanks, Soul. I'm having them both over on Monday to walk them through stuff, and I don't doubt their responsibleness/responsiveness for pets in need, but the thought of him shaking in pain unable to pee like he did before for hours while he waits for their night visit fills me with awfulness. We're trying to get one of Leigh's coworkers to just take Pod to their place for the whole time, but it's a huge ask. And it's not like they don't have to go to work too. I wish we could just bring him. Why Australia has to have the strictest rules...
Sorry to hear that and I wish y'all the best in this situation.
Thanks, ShyMel. Hoping he improves significantly this week so we can at least leave with a little hope.
Cheers, wee. I seriously need one right now. He's the most lovable, loyal cat I've ever met and it just feels like we're abandoning him.
All my well wishes to my favorite cardboard bot!
Thanks, Beef. Keep sending them.
HPro, sorry to hear

I wish you all the best.
...Someone in the bus line asked me if I was a babysitter today. I don't know what to think.
Thanks, Lee. Keep your fingers crossed for the old boy.
Sorry H Pro. I hope everything goes well for you!
Appreciate it, BB. Hoping for many positive, happy cat updates while we're away.
Sorry to hear that HPro, I sincerely hope the best outcome happens. If it's possible, maybe the handlers can see pictures of him periodically to show that he's fine? That way you know he's doing okay and you know that they are looking out for him.
Thanks, Fox. They do send pics and weekly updates on how they're doing. If they're amendable, I'll definitely ask for more, though. I don't care if they think we're crazy. If they knew how much his vet, special diet, pills, and how much it cost to fly him over here was, they'd definitely think so.