You guys know kitchenmotors, right?
This guy! AKA Alex. Kind, considerate GAFer going on 10+ years as a member of this community. Fellow GAFer BlueSteel set up a thread over in OT, but I'm hoping posting this over here with a bit of an incentive will help garner some more donations. Anyway, as you might've surmised from the title, Alex has been dealing with some serious stuff. He can explain it better than I could:
His GOFUNDME page is here if you'd like to donate, anything would be immensely appreciated:
I believe PayPal does not work on GFM. If you want to donate on Paypal, please send the payment to motorde at gmail dot com.
Here's Alex smiling for the camera while miniature Yoshi photobombs:
In an effort to drum up some attention and interest, Alex is giving away some gaming goods. If you'd like to donate something to be given away, shoot me a PM.
To enter, simply reply and post what you would like, and winners will be selected at random over the course of the next week or so. You're welcome to ask for as many items as you're interested in!
Rules update: the giveaway will continue until we hit $10k total between Paypal and the GFM page, within reason. I believe we can achieve this goal. We will continue taking donations of items to give away as long as people would like to donate them, in the meantime. We will start giving away prizes at $5K, then more at $7500, and the remainder at $10K. (If we don't hit $10K, we'll still give away everything promised.
Here's the prize list right now, all currently up for grabs:
New Prizes 9/7
New Prizes 9/6:
Nightwing Maquette Statue
Steam Games
Recently added prizes:
Super Nintendo with 2 controllers
Super Mario World
Earthworm Jim w/ Box
New Prizes 8/28
New Prizes 8/26
New Prizes 8/24
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf (cart only w/ CN code)
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (cart only w/ CN code)
-Virtue's Last Reward for PS Vita (physical, CIB)
-practically new RAT 7 mouse
New Prizes 8/23
New Prizes 8/21
STEAM games
-Anomaly Warzone Earth
-Civilization III Complete
-Little Inferno
-Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
-The Tiny Bang Story
-Half Life 2: Episode 2
-The Ship
-The Ship (Two copies...)
-Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed
-Dust: An Elysian Tail
-Guacamelee! Gold Edition
-Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
-The Swapper
-Mark Of the Ninja
-Trine 2 Complete Story
-Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
-Orion: Dino Horde
-Orion: Dino Horde (two copies)
-Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
-Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition
-Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor
-Assassin's Creed: Unity
-Lords of the Fallen
-Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
-F.E.A.R. 2
-F.E.A.R. 3
-Thomas Was Alone
-Brütal Legend
-Swords and Soldiers HD
-Trine Enhanced Edition
-Arcania and Gothic Bundle
-Monkey Island Bundle
-Mount and Blade Collection
-Sniper Elite
-Bejeweled 3
-Deus Ex:HR
-Penny Arcade Adventures: Precipice of Darkness Combo Pack
-Aliens vs. Predator
-L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition
-Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
-Legend of Grimrock
-Trine 2: Complete Story
-Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
-Indie Bundle I
-Alan Wake Franchise
-Alice: Madness Returns
-Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition
-Orcs Must Die 2- Complete Pack 2 Gift
-Mirror's Edge
-Sonic Generations
-Company of Heroes Complete Pack
-Super Meatboy Soundtrack
-Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition
-Darksiders Franchise Pack
-Torchlight II
-Prince of Persia
-Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™ Digital Deluxe Edition
-Red Orchestra 2
-Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
-Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
-Dead Island GOTY Gift
-Star Wars Republic Commando
-Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile
-Just Cause 2
-Tomb Raider: Anniversary
-Tomb Raider III
-Tomb Raider II
-Tomb Raider I
-Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness
-Tomb Raider V: Chronicles
-STAR WARS®: Knights of the Old Republic™ II
-Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion
-Sleeping Dogs
-Infestation: Survivor Stories
-Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
-Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
-Just Cause
-Retro City Rampage
-Rise of the Triad
-Don't Starve
-The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
-The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
-Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2
-Dead Island: Epidemic
-Master Reboot
-Can't Stop Laughing Bundle
-Tropico 4
-Tropico 4 (two copies)
-Original XCOM game set (X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Enforcer, X-COM: Interceptor, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, X-COM: UFO Defense)
-Original XCOM game set (X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Enforcer, X-COM: Interceptor, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, X-COM: UFO Defense) (two copies)
-Crusader Kings II w/ 3 DLC sets (African, Norse, Russian Unit packs)
-Hitman Blood Money
-Just Cause
-The Last Remnant
-Nosgoth Veteran Pack
-Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
-Hitman: Codename 47
-Thief Gold
-Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Out of the Park Baseball 14
The Last Remnant
Just Cause
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Skulls of the Shogun
Mini Ninjas
Fieldrunners 2
X-COM Apocalypse
X-COM Enforcer
X-COM Interceptor
X-COM Terror from the Deep
Galcon Legends
Galcon Fusion
Draw a Stickman: EPIC
Breach & Clear
BioShock 2
Peggle Deluxe, Bejeweled 3, Bookworm Deluxe, Escape Rosecliff Island, and Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro Last Light Redux
Dishonored Game of the Year
Crusader Kings Complete Edition
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Little Inferno
English Country Tune
Intrusion 2
Oil Rush
KOF Steam Edition
Dead Space Origin Key
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Key
Dead Space 3 Origin Key
Medal of Honor Origin Key
Battlefield 3 Origin Key
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Origin Key
Dead Space 3 Origin Key (two copies total)
Battlefield 3 Origin Key (two copies total)
Populous Origin Key (two copies total)
This guy! AKA Alex. Kind, considerate GAFer going on 10+ years as a member of this community. Fellow GAFer BlueSteel set up a thread over in OT, but I'm hoping posting this over here with a bit of an incentive will help garner some more donations. Anyway, as you might've surmised from the title, Alex has been dealing with some serious stuff. He can explain it better than I could:
After my battle with Testicular Cancer in 2012 with an Orchiectomy and 3 rounds of Chemotheraphy, I have been diagnosed with a teratoma tumor. It is growing in one of my lymph nodes.
The teratoma has to be removed via an RPLND (Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection), which is a procedure that will remove the abdominal lymph nodes. There will be an incision that extends from my sternum to below my belly button. The surgery itself is extremely complicated and will keep me in the hospital anywhere from 4 to 7 days, not to mention a full month off of work. If left untreated, teratoma can turn into another type of cancer or grow and cause issues with my other organs. It is not treatable via Chemo or Radiation and comes with a list of side effects depending on how much nerve damage is done via the surgery.
I decided to create a GoFundMe page to call for a little help. I get no benefits for medical leave from work, which is an Afterschool Program at an Elementary School. I also have been having trouble getting financial help for medical benefits, but the type of insurance that I would need for the constant check ups and surgery is too costly. Any donations would help offset the month of medical leave I will have to take, pay for some of the medical bills and visits I will have to leading up to my RPLND in late October at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago. All help is appreciated.
His GOFUNDME page is here if you'd like to donate, anything would be immensely appreciated:
I believe PayPal does not work on GFM. If you want to donate on Paypal, please send the payment to motorde at gmail dot com.
Here's Alex smiling for the camera while miniature Yoshi photobombs:
In an effort to drum up some attention and interest, Alex is giving away some gaming goods. If you'd like to donate something to be given away, shoot me a PM.
To enter, simply reply and post what you would like, and winners will be selected at random over the course of the next week or so. You're welcome to ask for as many items as you're interested in!
Rules update: the giveaway will continue until we hit $10k total between Paypal and the GFM page, within reason. I believe we can achieve this goal. We will continue taking donations of items to give away as long as people would like to donate them, in the meantime. We will start giving away prizes at $5K, then more at $7500, and the remainder at $10K. (If we don't hit $10K, we'll still give away everything promised.
Here's the prize list right now, all currently up for grabs:
New Prizes 9/7
-a digital code for Legend of Zelda: LBW for 3DS. (complete game)
New Prizes 9/6:
Steam Games
Jet Set Radio
SEGA Bass Fishing
Virtua Tennis 4
Recently added prizes:
5 NA PSN codes:
God of War: Origins PS3
Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty PS3
Final Fantasy X-2 Vita
Dead Space 3 Limited Edition DLC PS3
Crysis 3 Hunter's Edition DLC PS3
Nintendo 64 with 4 controllers
2 memory cards and 2 rumble packs
Mario 64
Blast Corps
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask w/ Box
Super Mario World
Earthworm Jim w/ Box
New Prizes 8/28
5 codes for Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
5 DLC codes for Oddworld: New 'n'
Paper Mario N64 for Wii code (should be usable on Wii U in Wii mode as well)
Shank 2 (HB code)
Drawfs?! (HB code)
Silent Hill: Book of Origins for vita
Hot Shots Golf for vita
Udraw game tablet for ps3 with game (new)
Digital code for Donkey Kong Country Returns on 3DS
The Walking Dead complete first season vita (the game)
Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 together on ps3
Classic strategy guide collection with guides for these games : lunar silver star story complete, final Fantasy four heroes of light, fire emblem sacred stones, and GBA fire emblem.
A mystery box with random pop culture memorabilia from comics, movies, video games, and TV.
New Prizes 8/26
Battlefield 4, Xbox One, Physical CIB
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Wii U VC)
New Prizes 8/24
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (cart only w/ CN code)
New Prizes 8/23
-Radeon HD 7950
-$5 XBLA code
-30-Day Music Unlimited Voucher
New Prizes 8/21
-3 NA copies and 3 EU copies of SCRAM KITTY for Wii U!
-Borderlands 2 (PS3)
-Dishonored (PS3)
-Ni no Kuni (PS3) (all physical)
-Nintendo 3DS Cosmic Black with case + charger, like new
-Rhythm Thief 3DS (physical)
-NES Remix Wii U (digital code)
Wolfenstein PS4
-$5 Nintendo eShop code
-CN Animal Crossing posters
-unused extra Club Nintendo codes to give away: a Fire Emblem code, an Ocarina of Time 3D code, and a Pokemon X code which are all 40. Also a Skyward Sword code which is 50.
-one more Fire Emblem code courtesy of Byronic Hero!
-one of the Club Nintendo digital games of your choice that's available at the moment. **three available**
-some promo packs of those Kid Icarus cards, two opened and one still sealed.
-Street Fighter Bundle: A Tatsunoko vs Capcom lenticular trading card set with a sealed Street Fighter 4 Ryu headband.
-Keychain bundle: A Kirby's Epic Yarn airplane keychain, two Pocket Monster/Pokemon voice keychains of Ash/Meowth, and a Yoshi plush keychain
-Sony swag bundle: Playstation sunglasses, light up bracelet, Playstation guitar keychains and Vita Sackboy promo coin
-a physical copy of Hyrule Historia.
5 Copies of GAFer-made ZaciSa's Last Stand for Wii U
STEAM games
-Anomaly Warzone Earth
-Civilization III Complete
-Little Inferno
-Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
-The Tiny Bang Story
-Half Life 2: Episode 2
-The Ship
-The Ship (Two copies...)
-Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed
-Guacamelee! Gold Edition
-Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
-Mark Of the Ninja
-Trine 2 Complete Story
-Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
-Orion: Dino Horde
-Orion: Dino Horde (two copies)
-Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition
-Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor
-Assassin's Creed: Unity
-Lords of the Fallen
-Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
-F.E.A.R. 2
-F.E.A.R. 3
-Brütal Legend
-Swords and Soldiers HD
-Trine Enhanced Edition
-Arcania and Gothic Bundle
-Monkey Island Bundle
-Mount and Blade Collection
-Sniper Elite
-Bejeweled 3
-Deus Ex:HR
-Penny Arcade Adventures: Precipice of Darkness Combo Pack
-Aliens vs. Predator
-L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition
-Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
-Legend of Grimrock
-Trine 2: Complete Story
-Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
-Indie Bundle I
-Alan Wake Franchise
-Alice: Madness Returns
-Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition
-Orcs Must Die 2- Complete Pack 2 Gift
-Mirror's Edge
-Sonic Generations
-Company of Heroes Complete Pack
-Super Meatboy Soundtrack
-Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition
-Darksiders Franchise Pack
-Torchlight II
-Prince of Persia
-Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™ Digital Deluxe Edition
-Red Orchestra 2
-Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
-Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
-Dead Island GOTY Gift
-Star Wars Republic Commando
-Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile
-Just Cause 2
-Tomb Raider: Anniversary
-Tomb Raider III
-Tomb Raider II
-Tomb Raider I
-Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness
-Tomb Raider V: Chronicles
-STAR WARS®: Knights of the Old Republic™ II
-Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion
-Sleeping Dogs
-Infestation: Survivor Stories
-Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
-Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
-Just Cause
-Retro City Rampage
-Rise of the Triad
-Don't Starve
-The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
-The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
-Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2
-Dead Island: Epidemic
-Master Reboot
-Can't Stop Laughing Bundle
-Tropico 4
-Tropico 4 (two copies)
-Original XCOM game set (X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Enforcer, X-COM: Interceptor, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, X-COM: UFO Defense)
-Original XCOM game set (X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Enforcer, X-COM: Interceptor, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, X-COM: UFO Defense) (two copies)
-Crusader Kings II w/ 3 DLC sets (African, Norse, Russian Unit packs)
-Hitman Blood Money
-Just Cause
-The Last Remnant
-Nosgoth Veteran Pack
-Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
-Hitman: Codename 47
-Thief Gold
-Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Out of the Park Baseball 14
The Last Remnant
Just Cause
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Skulls of the Shogun
Mini Ninjas
Fieldrunners 2
X-COM Apocalypse
X-COM Enforcer
X-COM Interceptor
X-COM Terror from the Deep
Galcon Legends
Galcon Fusion
Draw a Stickman: EPIC
Breach & Clear
BioShock 2
Peggle Deluxe, Bejeweled 3, Bookworm Deluxe, Escape Rosecliff Island, and Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe
Metro Last Light Redux
Crusader Kings Complete Edition
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Little Inferno
English Country Tune
Intrusion 2
Oil Rush
Dead Space Origin Key
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Key
Dead Space 3 Origin Key
Medal of Honor Origin Key
Battlefield 3 Origin Key
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Origin Key
Dead Space 3 Origin Key (two copies total)
Battlefield 3 Origin Key (two copies total)
Populous Origin Key (two copies total)