can we donate additional items? club nintendo codes and so on
I'd love a copy of Wolfenstien, and Hyrule Historia as well, but can't donate for another few weeks. But I will donate, as soon as possible. Much love, Alex!
Threw in what I could, good luck, fuck cancer.
I remember kitchenmotors from the neogaf tinychat that used to be a thing and he seems like a very cool dude. Hate hearing about bad things happening and feeling helpless. I had back surgery in jan of this year and it was very tough financially and mentally. I could not imagine getting through it without help from family and friends so I'm def going to take a look and see what I can contribute. Best of luck KM.
Donated $10. All the best man, hope it all goes well!
Wolfenstein PS4
$5 eShop code, Hyrule Historia or Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, please.
I'll donate when I can get my laptop working right.
Donated what I could, good luck Alex!
Throw me in the pot for Hyrule Historia and Wolfenstein ps4.
Made a donation.
Wolfenstein, but I'm honestly not concerned with whether I win a prize. Just want Alex to recover.
can we donate additional items? club nintendo codes and so on
What region are the kid Icarus cards?
What region are the kid Icarus cards?
hold up. There's street fighter trading cards?
Donated, get well soon!
Gave what I could. You could use a lot more than I.
I'd be down for Wolfenstein PS4
Put me in for Wolfenstein.
And god damn it Alex, you must rise above this so you can PARTY ON PARTYPIG!
Will be donating to you later on today. Stay strong brosef. We're pulling for you here!
No problem, man. My pleasure!Thanks for the support guys!
Thanks guys, all the help is much appreciated!
Tatsunoko vs Capcom cards. I think they were a preorder bonus, I don't remember. They're lenticular cards.
Thanks guys. And Dynamite, can't believe you remember Party Pig, haha. That was such a long time ago.
How do you even forget an event as bizarre as Party Pig? You're like a modern day Max Headroom hahaha. Legends never die brah.
Anywho, I'd like to donate a couple of goodies to your raffle here.
C'mon guys let's help out a GAFbro in need!
I forgot to enter the giveaway after I had donated.
Put me down for Zacisa's Last Stand, or if that is a 3DSXL in Dynamite Ringo's post, put me down for that instead.
How do you even forget an event as bizarre as Party Pig? You're like a modern day Max Headroom hahaha. Legends never die brah.
Anywho, I'd like to donate a couple of goodies to your raffle here.
C'mon guys let's help out a GAFbro in need!
Oh wow, people are being really generous, that's great.
I'm in for a Club Nintendo digital game and for the Pokemon X Club Nintendo points, please.