Hope things get better, good luck Alex.
I'd like to enter for these:
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition
Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor
Assassin's Creed: Unity
Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion
I'm assuming the 3DS is a US-version? I would've liked to enter for that as well but I'm in the UK and they are region locked.
Just curious, how are you keeping track of who has entered for different things?
This is such a great thing you guys are doing here. I'm glad GAF is the kind of thing where people can organize something like this and actually get a lot of participation.
Best of luck to you in your surgery and cancer battle kitchenmotors. We'll all be rooting for you.
I guess put me down for:
-Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor
-Assassin's Creed: Unity
-Lords of the Fallen
It's not much, but I'd like to donate a couple Nintendo registration codes for the cause.
I got 2 3Ds LL codes to give if someone doesn't mind sending me a pm I'll be happy to give them up.
I'll donate as soon as I can(Alnost borke right now)but for now
I'd like to enter for the 3DS and the
Radeon graphics card.
Cancer sucks dude.![]()
Hope you make it through buddy.
Will do and best wishes.So they're the japanese codes? Gotta make sure Max knows that for when he puts them up in the OP.
I threw in a steam key for Crusader Kings Complete Edition, donated 10$, wish I could have donated more but can't really afford it right now.
Would love to be put down for the graphics card 7950.
Get well soon mate.
Fixed my original post with an updated list, but I just wanted to say that I donated $10. Wish I could do more. Best of luck to you.
Good luck, man! I'll donate as soon as I can.
Can I be put down for:
-Guacamelee! Gold Edition
-Monkey Island Bundle
-Sonic Generations
Bumping for more EU people to see it.
Where can I donate it directly to you?
I don't want you to wait/pay any % fee.
(Is there a % transfer fee/setup? If not, I will donate it directly to the site then)
PM me your paypal account?
I am in for the:
Radeon HD7970
Wolfstein PS4
3DS Cosmic Black
Edit: Sent, I hope you get better. My mom is also going to chemotherapy so I know how hard it is to go in those medical doors.
Donating 50 (maybe more) tomorrow Alex. I just need to confirm the address of my new apartment before I submit anything. I won't be in for any prizes. You are and always will be my friend. Thank you. I owe you anyway.
Are there any rules/guidelines/timeframes for the giveaway? I'm not seeing anything in the OP.
GAF, you so awesome.
If like to be put in for the Radeon 7950 as well.
How do you want us to update what we'd like to be put in for? Should we just make a new post regarding the bone new item we want, or keep one post updated?
Made a small donation. Really wish I could do more. Best of luck, I hope you get better soon!
I'd like to enter for:
- Dishonored (PS3)
- Ni no Kuni (PS3)
- Wolfenstein PS4
Just make a new post as to what you're re-entering for. And there are some timeframes we were looking at, I'm talking about it with Max and he will update the OP. Thanks guys!