The list in OP sounds like a wish-list rather than anything that will happen. Tape backup is still a used method for backing up data, and it's not because the people in charge are unwilling to move forward.
There's already too many users on the little of frequencies we have for mobile use, no fucking way everyone will be using satellite technology instead of wired networks. Seen how ridiculously much longer the transit time for a packet is via satellite in mere terms of speed of light and distance needing to be traveled, it's not a viable option for time-critical networking like, well gaming. And don't come here with some "the future is a semi-concurrent loosely interconnected experience" shit. Dark Souls is awesome, but I can't play an FPS like that.
Why the flying fuck would SLRs go out of fashion? Everyone and their fricking dog has an SLR now. About 5 years ago there was a huge boom, and that won't go away. Sure, most of the sheeple out there will use smartphones, like they already do, but there is just no way SLRs will ever stop being relevant.
Slow-booting computers? Fuck yeah, they'll be gone. So what. 5 years ago it took my computer 3 minutes to start, no it takes 30 seconds. But computers will continue to bloat and boot slower and slower like always.
Movie theaters will be gone? It's like saying streets will be gone one day since we have airplanes. The two don't really connect.
The mouse? Really? You think I'm gonna tap my screen for everything? No.
And you know what? Gestures and voice recognition is fucking awesome. I got an iPhone 4S, and I tell Siri to note down too many of my thoughts for no reason. It's really awesome, but you know what? It's gimmicky. Tactile feedback will NEVER go out of style, and having to say "next" fifty times before finding a good show is never cool. I'm certain we're moving towards a future where we can assume people have a sort of "Personal Assistant Computing Machine And Networker" that is integrated towards most stuff - I mean, just today I realised the possibilities my iPhone could have if it wasn't Apple. Apple is so "user friendly" that it doesn't allow anything that can harm the user in any way, like allowing voice to add contacts, or changing anything on the phone. It's a shame, because with the voice recognition Siri has on and Android phone, I'm sure I could program my oven to turn on with a voice-command. And that's awesome.
I'm sure we'll move towards a place where our PACMAN (Personal Assistant etc) is no longer a brick we have in our pockets. I envision some sort of HUD (the new google stuff is really interesting and shows us where we're heading) combined with a tactile surface, like a bendable plastic screen that we will wear, maybe like bracelet. We'll remove it from our arms and get up icons to touch and a surface to gesture on.
But you know what, I will never be writing a long-ass message like this one, or dictating it via a microphone ever. Most of the internet will still be text. We won't start sending only voice memos to each other, and we won't be able to program with voice commands. Keyboards and mice - desktops and remote controls, and even fax machines will be around. Most people WANTED the fax machine to die in the 80s, but it's still here. It's not just that it'll be something young people won't use - these things just won't go out of fashion, much like pen and paper.
Desktop phones will be a bigger part of the office future. I worked with the University of Oslo in integrating a new VOIP system, and that thing is awesome. I made a web-page where you can go in and edit your contacts, see your call logs, push a button to call back. You can set up a conference, and there are phones that have camera and awesome screens so you can video conference. Desktop phones won't die. They'll be Voice over IP. Sure, small enterprises and offices can rely on smartphones and skype, but we're failing to realize how big enterprises work. How many calls go here and there, and the utility of a tactile phone. Fuck if I know. Maybe they'll all just be features of our HUD and PACMAN, but that will be fully integrated in 20 years minimum. You have no idea how sluggish the big corporations work on this. They're 10 years behind current technology.
Maybe phone numbers will disappear. I see it going one of two ways. We all either wake up and realize we're scared about the 'always connected' mentality we're moving towards and we won't upload our entire profiles onto the interbutt so that anyone can reach us. We don't want to be reachable by name, but by number, because there's a separation of layers that we still need. Or we'll all just be lazy and stop giving a fuck.
All in all, it's an optimistic list coming from someone that hasn't really considered the implications of the statements if they were to come true. They're not outlandish, but some things will never change.