GmanLives: The Underappreciated Ghost in the Shell Games


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

0:00 Intro
03:46 Ghost in the Shell (PS1)
07:34 Gameplay
09:48 The Missions
14:21 Closing Remarks
16:00 Standalone Complex (PS2)
19:10 Gameplay
23:37 More Gameplay
26:11 Closing Remarks
26:48 Standalone Complex (PSP)
29:23 Gameplay
31:37 Critique
33:34 Ghost in the Shell Online
34:47 Outro
I agree with the title, will watch in a bit.

Honorable mention Ghost in the Shell game that's not called Ghost in the Shell:



Gold Member
Looks like I got some new white noise to listen to before I go to bed tonight.
I have zero knowledge of these games.


I miss the SCEI GIS games, but I think the PS1 was the most novel one compared to the rest. S.A.C. on PS2 was a great action game, though, while the PSP one was a bit run of the mill.
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