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God Bless You, Kurt Vonnegut

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I thought this was going to be a Kurt Vonnegut thread. I'm reading Cat's Cradle right now. Oh well. :)


I like him, but as hated/feared as Nazis? Maybe by the arabs, but nowhere close to that to the rest of the world.

Bush "is a christian, so was Hitler" WOW. We got some high class Moore intelligence going on here.


Our president is a Christian? So was Adolf Hitler.

What can be said to our young people, now that psychopathic personalities, which is to say persons without consciences, without a sense of pity or shame, have taken all the money in the treasuries of our government and corporations and made it all their own?

Is this a joke?

White Man

You'd enjoy meeting Kurt, Raoul. He's a pretty big drunk. Or at least he was as of the release of Timequake (but then again, he had just written Timequake).


Hates quality gaming
Anyone that's read any of his major novels (of course, Slaughterhouse-Five in this instance) shouldn't be too surprised at his stance here.

I haven't kept up; has he written anything since God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian? is it Timequake?

Mason said:
I'm reading Cat's Cradle right now.

White Man

Vonney has retired. He writes the occassional colmumn for a publication, but he hasn't done a novel or short story since 97's Timequake. I'm not really counting Dr. Kevorkian. He also did a nice editorial piece back in January, I believe. It was also political.

If he ever does put out another quality novel, I think he's on the shortlist for the Nobel. I think they would've given it to him without publishing a novel if America were in better political standing. The American 'Old Guard' is due for one. . .all the authors are getting pretty old and are way past their prime. They need to get their bit of respect before they die.

EDIT: I believe Bagombo Snuff Box was also released after Timequake. That's miscellaneous uncollected short fiction that spans the length of his career. It's overall not as strong as Monkey House, but the best bits are just as good. The man could write an amazing short story.


force push the doodoo rock
dude, some guy came into gamestop today and reminded me of the crazy book writer dude from breakfast of champions. it was uncanny.


God I love that man's style. Got me wanting to read more Vonnegut now!

Okay, so I've read Slaughterhouse, Hocus Pocus, Cat's Cradle, and God Bless You Mr. Rosewater. Anyone have any big ideas about what to go with next?
Gruco said:
God I love that man's style. Got me wanting to read more Vonnegut now!

Okay, so I've read Slaughterhouse, Hocus Pocus, Cat's Cradle, and God Bless You Mr. Rosewater. Anyone have any big ideas about what to go with next?

Absolutely Breakfast of Champions.


kurt has directly influenced my writing, he is my favorite author. a very patriotic american, the way we all should be. too bad modern america does not reflect what he idealized, and it shows in his writing. great man.


Yes, Vonnegut exemplifies to me what makes America great. Incredible wit and passion, and a desire to see Peace in Our Time. He's not afraid to tell it like it is, and for this reason I have always admired him, much like Hunter S. Thompson.

Breakfast of Champions and Bluebeard are two of my favorite books of all time. When Rabo Karabeckian gives his speech to the people in the hotel bar/lobby concerning what his paintings are about, it struck a chord that resonates in me to this day. That is what good authors are able to do. I would much rather see him as President than the stupid, mean spirited rich kid we've currently got embarassing us daily.


sorta off topic, but i was watching the opening ceremony of the olympics, and the stupid NBC commentators completely pissed me off. they kept making callous, ignorant, uncultured and overall stupid comments as the parade went on. i was cringing and wincing on every other sentence.
it was very very offensive.
SKluck said:
Bush "is a christian, so was Hitler" WOW. We got some high class Moore intelligence going on here.

I took it as a counterpoint to the people who cite Bush's religious nature as reason to support him.
nitewulf said:
sorta off topic, but i was watching the opening ceremony of the olympics, and the stupid NBC commentators completely pissed me off. they kept making callous, ignorant, uncultured and overall stupid comments as the parade went on. i was cringing and wincing on every other sentence.
it was very very offensive.

Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. Although they would throw in some useful comments on the rare occasions, their constant blathering, particularly through the parade and the "evolution" piece made me uncomfortable.


Tag of Excellence
I love Kurt Vonnegut but I hate his cooky political opinions and insight. I expected more but that's my own fault for setting the bar too high.

Yes God Bless him for hating Bush. Doesn't matter who it is just as long as they hate Bush, right? Pure stupidity.

On the topic of Olympics:
Nitewulf do what I did, turn off the channel. I even suggest you mail a letter to the execs or any name you can get a hold of. I found it ridiculous and stupid but complaining about a serious manner isn't going to help unless you take action. I think it'd be great of we were able to amass a sizeable amount of letters to let these people know that something on the magnitude of the Olympics (anything really but with these media outlets we can't expect miracles) deserves respect and intellect.


TekunoRobby said:
I love Kurt Vonnegut but I hate his cooky political opinions and insight. I expected more but that's my own fault for setting the bar too high.

Yes God Bless him for hating Bush. Doesn't matter who it is just as long as they hate Bush, right? Pure stupidity.
You swine! Listen, just because you think you're well informed doesn't make it so. George W. Bush is a failure as a man and especially as a President. Respect those with the capacity to tell it like it is.


nitewulf said:
sorta off topic, but i was watching the opening ceremony of the olympics, and the stupid NBC commentators completely pissed me off. they kept making callous, ignorant, uncultured and overall stupid comments as the parade went on. i was cringing and wincing on every other sentence.
it was very very offensive.

I completely agree! I just flipped it on to listen to as I got ready to go out for the night, and after about ten minutes I had to shut it off because I was literally yelling at the TV, "Who the fuck is doing this commentary?!" It seemed very informal and unprofessional.


from what i remember:

two lovers frolicking at the beach, eros flying around overhead. commentators saying, "eros, the goddess of love, or perhaps lust, he he"
my comments:
1) "lust" was a callous word to use, they used it since the couple was kissing very passionately. they turned something beautiful into something lurid.
2) eros is the son of aphrodite, and aphrodite is the goddess of love. not only did they make a mistake in identifying him, they also got the wrong gender!

a mathematical float displaying the progress of men.
commentator1: aah, and here comes pythagorus, who we all should remember.
commentaor2: yes, a^2 + b^2 = c^2, which i learned in junior high school 30 years ago and never used since!!
my comments:
shut the fuck up, you stupid disrepectful ingrate idiot.

delegates of china are passing, a former american basketball coach is the official coach of the chinese basketball team. he is waving, taking pictures, smiling along with his players and other chinese delegates.
commentator1: [snide tone]ah, he seems seems to be rather enjoying himself![/snide tone]
my comments: oh, like he shouldnt, you stupid bitch?

delegates of laos passing by.
commentator: one of only 7 remaining communist states.
my comments: uhhhh, wtf?

lots of fun was made about clothes, names, and which countries were "allies" during the war, where US bases were located etc.

IMO that sort of info was not pertinent and callously mentioned.

The most important thing about kazakhstan could not have been the fact that there was a US military base there during the desert storm.

similarly, there was no need to point out saudi arabia's hard line islamic views and the lack of female athletes. it is not a political affair, nobody should be judged here!

olympics is about promoting peace, commoradory, and sportsmanship between countries of the world.

the comments were very unsportsman-like and insensitive.

those are just from my head, just follow this link for more hilarity, such as:

"Alexanger wasnt really great in the olympics. As an athlete, he might have been Alexander the so-so."


shameful conduct. its as if they expect every american to be stupid. as if americans would only be able to identify foreign nations where an US base was located, who is an ally, or who is in contrast with our politics.

they were making it "easy" for us ignorants to relate/recognize the countries with those anecdotes/snippets.

as an intellectual american, i am embarrassed, frustrated, and offended.


Kurt said:
Our president is a Christian? So was Adolf Hitler.

What can be said to our young people, now that psychopathic personalities, which is to say persons without consciences, without a sense of pity or shame, have taken all the money in the treasuries of our government and corporations and made it all their own?
This man needs to be hitten good. And by the way : Hitler wasn't a Christian. He was an atheist, but was interested in (don't know the specific word for it) the religion with Thor and those other gods.


I believe his point is something to the effect of: being Christian doesn't save anyone from corruption.

Not: Hitler = Bush = Evil


Jacobi said:
Why'd you need someone to point that out ?
Because of the part of my post that you decided not to quote. Makura, if not you as well, seemed to take to the quote unusually harshly and I figured you must have misunderstood.

I'm here to help, Jacobi. I'm here... to heal.
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