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God Eater Burst |OT| Nomura and Rathian had a baby

Since Capcom wants to leave the west behind in MonHun!


The game's gameplay has been said to be very similar gameplay of Capcom's Monster Hunter series of video games,[2] however unlike the Monster Hunter series the game possesses a large storyline which can be experienced fully with names and voice actors in single-player mode. Players play as a young, previously unemployed, warrior who has decided to go up against powerful creatures called "Aragami"; warriors who face these beasts are called "God Eaters".[2] The game boasts a mission-based single-player mode consisting of more than 100 missions inclusive of co-operative play with up to three teammates over local adhoc wireless multiplayer or AI-controlled teammates. The North American version of the game will also support the PlayStation 3's adhoc Party.[1] The game also features character creation allowing customization of hair style, hair color, face, skin, clothing, voice as well as weapons using special materials. Equipment is divided into three groups: Blade, Gun, and Shield. Weapons can be switched between melee, ranged and shield en-mission.

Release Date: March 15th 2011

Official Site
Facebook page for the cool kids

Metacritic- Everyone's a Critic

I'm very interested. I enjoyed Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, but its lack of story, clunky controls and difficulty level put me off. What is the overall difficulty of this like? Does it get really hard near the end and require 4 players to beat bosses etc?


The japanese demo was super fun, already pre-ordered the game months ago (note: now it's called GodS Eater Burst in America / Europe).

Imho the gameplay is more complex (the controls for the Sword / Cannon mix weapon) but at the same time more "arcadish" (combat speed and Burst combos) and simple (no farming, a single arena instead than many "rooms" connected to create a big area) than Monster Hunter.

It should be great in coop with 3 friends. The latest promo-video is epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGy3nae6qdY


Didn't know it was coming out in Europe too, I thought I would have had to import.
Checking amazon.it looks like it's gonna be out on the 24, so there's still some time to wait for me.


I was pretty surprised to see that the euro version is called Gods Eater Burst ... wonder why they add a "s" ... Anyway, I've played a little bit and it seems pretty good, not Monster Hunter good, but I think I'll put a few hour in this one :)

The PSP is getting lot of good game lately, and I wonder where i'll find the time to play all games i've bought (MGS:pW,valkyria chronicles 2,MH3rd, Tactics Ogres, God Eater, and 3rd birthday is coming ... *sigh*)
Been thinking about this one. Can't decide if I should pick it up now or just save the $40 I have in my PSN wallet for Dissidia 012 next week (or hopefully 3rd Birthday if that hits psn in two weeks) or maybe Trails in the Sky

I do have a long flight tonight...
after 2-3 hrs of play:

good news: the game looks & feels just fine (& is a much more acceptable version of mh-style gameplay than lord of arcana, a game more bland & lifeless than i'd ever imagined it could've been)...

bad news: with yakuza 4 on the way, i'm not sure i'm ready to make 'the commitment' just yet...

thanks for the op, btw - game's certainly good enough to rate one...


so far its not bad

if I had to give it a unclear mishmash label, it would be Monster Hunter + PSO X a little of .hack with a apocalyptic setting

All characters have ranged / melee abilities, and there are lock-on, dash, block and jump moves.


i wish you could just normally lock on while using your gun instead of going to that sniper's aim thing


Lulz, I just made a buster sword that's nothing more than a giant tank tread. This game gets pretty awesome when you hit Rank 4 and they start throwing the harder monsters (and much more interesting looking monsters) at you. Said tank tread sword belonged to what can be best described as a fleshy anti-air gun that stands on four tank tread legs. Neat stuff.

One thing they did differently from MH is the vast increase of materials you can create, including many monster parts. They do this by letting you trade parts around, like five of the low-rank monster's horn can be traded for one of the high-rank monster's horns (and it also goes the other way, where one of a high-rank monster's parts can be used to produce three of its low-rank incarnation). You are limited to only certain parts, which won't include the rare parts, including the one evil material class borrowed from MH: monster gems.

::flashes back to many Rathian Ruby attempts, begins to convulse violently::


i'm thinking of picking this up today it sounds fun more story then Monster Hunter is good not that i don't like Monster Hunter but i do need abit for story


just got this it only cost me £16 so i thought what the hell am going to sit down with tonight and spend some time with it


I thought I was in a gaming lul but turns out I just needed the right game, can't put this one down.

Was really excited for this but still feared that it might be a lacklaster ripoff, glad to report that even though it is clearly based off of MH it is its own game. In many respects I am enjoying it more than MH.

Yes Monster Hunter has more in the way of bells and whistles but after playing this for over 20 hours I can say that I do not miss grinding away at the friggin village/farm or having to go around it to get stuff done after every mission or having to waste time going through multiple areas to find the boss. All this stuff is cool the first few times but not much at all after hours of play. Saving, bullet creation, information, item/equipment creation etc. is all done via simple menus through one Terminal. So convenient. Prefer the more modern setting, the Aragami are very memorable and well designed as well.

Also love the length of the battles, I haven't played Tri but going by the 40 hours I put into Portable 3rd it really feels like Capcom had a look at GE in this regard. The Aragami have a good amount of health but not overkill so battles last 10-20 minutes usually (even with multiple Aragami, since they apparently balance multiple boss battles by giving them less HP depending on how many there are).

Another thing I love about this game is that there is absolutely no need to grind if you just want to go through the main story (as I probably will, not a fan of playing just for equipment etc). In MHFU I grinded a ton so that didn't sit well with me at all, with Portable 3rd I grinded very little in comparison (the first armor and upgraded weapon I made lasted me till the very end of the village quests). With GEB I wanted to see how far I could take this and can say that I am close to the end of the story (I think) and haven't repeated a mission even once so have done zero grinding. All the equipment I have gotten in such a way is serving me extremely well and I don't feel underpowered at all.

Oh and I have to mention the AI partners, it feels so good to be part of a team (have no one to play MH with and don't have a PS3). Important to note is how damn good the AI has been. They attack relentlessly and revive me the moment they get a chance. I say the moment they get a chance because they are very smart about it. I was watchin my guy run towards me to help me but a Vajra shot a projectile at him while he was on his way, he immediately dodged, waited for the coast to clear and then proceeded towards me again. This happens often, not to mention all the recovery and Aragmi bullets they use on me regularly to boost me up.

Also love the super fast pace of the game and the options it gives you (dodging, double jump, air dash, block, air block etc) which are all very on point and precise. Burst is also a nice addition since you can devour as part of a combo (which results in lest Aragami bullets and a shorter boost but a boost nonetheless). Aside from just shooting them, the bullets you receive from the Aragemi through devouring can be used to power up your teamates temporarily, up to three levels. The three weapon classes feel different and all have their uses and uniqe features, find myself using all three depending on the Aragmi. And, of course, being able to switch between melee and long range combat on the fly feels so damn good. You can combo between the two as well.

Bullet creation looks to be very deep but its sorta going over my head, gotta check a faq later. Still, the bullets from the shop have been more than enough thus far.

Difficulty-wise I would say it is on par with Portable 3rd. I finished the village quests and went one mission short of HR4 in 3rd without having to redo a mission once (until I started timing out on the HR3 urgent). The same is applying here so far as well, I'm very far into the story mode and have done each mission from first try. This is just based off story mode though since I'm not doing any free missions.

Oh and, dat music! So invigorating and excellent, the guy from Tales of Legendia definitely delivers.

At the end of the day I'm glad Namco delivered and now I can have two series from the same genre to enjoy. Similar but different enough to be enjoyed in their own right and for different reasons.

So yeah... awesome game.
Does this suffer from the frequent load times of Monster Hunter?

Are the stages larger?

Lastly, is there still weapon maintenance?

All of these are things that turned me off of MH series. I get that's part of the appeal for the MH crowd, but for me MH is just a busted wanna-be Phantasy Star Online.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Does this suffer from the frequent load times of Monster Hunter?

Are the stages larger?

Lastly, is there still weapon maintenance?

All of these are things that turned me off of MH series. I get that's part of the appeal for the MH crowd, but for me MH is just a busted wanna-be Phantasy Star Online.

1. No; load times are pretty fast.
2. Haven't played MH, but the stages are pretty large.
3. Not so much maintanence as there is gun/sword and bullet customization.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Does this suffer from the frequent load times of Monster Hunter?

Are the stages larger?

Lastly, is there still weapon maintenance?

All of these are things that turned me off of MH series. I get that's part of the appeal for the MH crowd, but for me MH is just a busted wanna-be Phantasy Star Online.
From my time with the demo.

1. No, stages are seamless

2. No. As a consequence of point 1, stages are much smaller then what you see in MH.

3. *shrug*

4. Your loss.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Lastly, is there still weapon maintenance?

You can if you want to but its your choice, you can easily make it through the story with minimal weapon upgrading and no bullet creation.
BadWolf said:
You can if you want to but its your choice, you can easily make it through story mode with minimal weapon upgrading.

Cool, but I meant in terms of the effectiveness / durability of your weapon breaking down during combat MH style. Is that still present in GEB?

I may have to charge my PSP up since I haven't had time for it, or anything else, lately and check it out.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Cool, but I meant in terms of the effectiveness / durability of your weapon breaking down during combat MH style. Is that still present in GEB?

Nope, none of that. You don't need to sharpen your weapon or replenish your stamina guage over time ala MH.
BadWolf said:
Nope, none of that. You don't need to sharpen your weapon or replenish your stamina guage over time ala MH.


Yes, this is very much relevant to my interests. Thanks for the replies.

Not because I'm opposed to those mechanics in games, just because Capcom is so rubbish at implementing them in a way that doesn't make the game a chore to play in addition to a god awful camera.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Yes, because the stacks of games I have to play leave me wanting. :p

Is this a US PSN demo you refer to?
Japanese (as usual). You can download the burst demo here, or the original demo that I played here.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Does this suffer from the frequent load times of Monster Hunter?

Are the stages larger?

Lastly, is there still weapon maintenance?

All of these are things that turned me off of MH series. I get that's part of the appeal for the MH crowd, but for me MH is just a busted wanna-be Phantasy Star Online.

The stages are smaller but there's no loading between the areas. The design for some of the environments is pretty lazy, there's a lot of asset re-use with each map and the world is basically empty. The only thing that will be present in the world is what you've been sent to fight/kill/harvest.

You're not going to have to worry about sharpening your weapon mid-fight. The only thing you'll have to worry about is building up a meter with melee combat for your gun form.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Anyone who likes the core idea behind Monster Hunter but finds it too unforgiving should definitely check this out. The game is far from easy, but there's little things that they put in that make it less frustrating than a Monster Hunter or Phantasy Star Portable. For example, if you die one of your allies, if they can avoid the monster, can come resurrect you at the expense of their own health(which the NPCs seem to be good at avoiding death so I never worry about their healt) also one of the party members you bring along can heal you with her gun, even if it's just a little bit it helps.

Game's also much quicker paced, and the lock on feature helps a ton. I will say the gun mode I only use for bursting because of the aiming system, but no one can help that. So far it's great, looks great, and is incredibly addictive. I'd definitely say a must-have PSP game.



Noticed the similarity instantly.

The game isn't too bad. I prefer the artstyle and detail of MH much more, though.


zoner said:
For example, if you die one of your allies, if they can avoid the monster, can come resurrect you at the expense of their own health

Really like this as well since you get right back into the action, unlike MH where you get taken all the way back to camp and have to make your way back to the boss. I know some people view that as punishment for getting KOed but I just see it as a waste of time.

I will say the gun mode I only use for bursting because of the aiming system, but no one can help that.

Just buy the H (homing) and S bullets from the vendor and the aiming problem is solved, you can shoot them from a mile away without any need for manual aiming. For my second shot I use a thruster or emmitter type bullet (close range) so there is no need to aim for that as well. And the aim on those homing shots is very good, more often then not they hit green or max damage areas.


After 30 hours of playtime:

-Holy god, the cutscenes are brain poison; I don't care if some of you wanted more story in your MH-type games, because this is certainly not the way to do it.
-The missions remain very fun (especially when they start throwing the most interesting monster combos at you), but the lack of complexity to the areas is kind of grating; I know this helped out a lot with the loading, but they're just really boring and uninteresting, especially the donut ruins and the water treatment facility.
-There really isn't an easy way to farm for lesser materials, and a lot of this has to do with how flawed the item gathering is in general; you really don't know what area has what unless you look at the dossier, and even if you do memorize what goes where, you're still stuck at the mercy of the gathering points being completely random in what they dole out. Compare this Monster Hunter, where you know what you're going to find by a tree or a mining vein; at best, GEB's method is incredibly inelegant.
-The music is really awesome.
-The clothing choices are really not awesome.
-It's still a really easy game compared to your average MH, but I wouldn't take that as a negative; I think that GEB is a lot more portable friendly as a result of it, but that has a lot more to do with how camera reliant MH can be in comparison.


Dear Lucent Crystal:

Please spawn at a gather point, you awful motherfucker.


PS: Thanks for all the rare Sariel parts, though.


Hot tip!

Your potential teammates actually have special abilities associated with them. Kanon, for example, increases the odds of finding rare items in the gather spots, while Karel improves the odds of getting a vendor item as a reward at the end. Experiment to see what benefits you can gain.
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