Just watching the Giant Bomb QL of this and was really excited by it; it looked really cool to me. Came in here and doesn't look like people are enjoying it too much =\
Too bad. Seems like the type of game I'd really like to watch someone play through
Thanks.No, it's just frustrating, penalty for death means a complete restart and these chapters ain't short.
It's not the morality based adventure game people were expecting, but so far it's a brilliant morality based puzzle game. People should really pay more attention to the animations and sounds, it's pretty consistent. For example, in the first level there are three panic states, and three relaxed states before the hostages will react. It's not as random as people are making it out to be. The only randomness has been in the second chapter in the roulette bit.
It doesn't help when random chance seems to play a role in the events, completely undermining whatever you've learned about the scenario and forcing you back to the beginning (e.g. there were times the soldiers in part 1 fired their flashbang when they were nowhere near the door and ended the chapter).
If I have any impressions worth adding, I'll wait till I complete the game, but I absolutely agree with this. There is a consistency in the animations and I had to learn what the states were and how to manage them well enough to complete the first level. For reference, I've just finished Chapter 3.
It's not random chance. There's a specific action or set of actions you're taking that cause that. It took a bit for me to figure that out.
man, you cant tell me the part with the Russian roulette isn't bullshit.. that part is so bad
Has anyone finished this yet? I'm wondering how the game is after Chapter 2. It seems to have a bigger focus on story after 2.
Don't give up, people.
man, you cant tell me the part with the Russian roulette isn't bullshit.. that part is so bad
I'm at chapter 4 now, chapter 3 was actually ok, apart from the progression curveball it throws you but when you know that, it's ok.
Still highlights the unfairness of the game at times though.
choices and events do not matter (characters that die appear in other chapters like nothing happened).
Really disappointed about the lack of meaningful choice; choices and events do not matter (characters that die appear in other chapters like nothing happened).
Oh, and there's the soul-crushing difficulty that is never counterbalanced by enjoyable gameplay.
Well, looks like I fell for the hype.
Really disappointed about the lack of meaningful choice; choices and events do not matter (characters that die appear in other chapters like nothing happened).
Oh, and there's the soul-crushing difficulty that is never counterbalanced by enjoyable gameplay.
Well, looks like I fell for the hype.
Ouch. It reminds me of No More Heroes' mini games that were seen by some as time wasting filler, and others as intentional tongue in cheek retro throw backs. If I get this game it's almost out of curiosity- whether it is actually that good or bad.John Walker over at RPS eviscerated it in his review.
Definitely going to take a wait and see on this one.
Is this true? I know that (spoilers after chapter 2):Jack appears in the next chapter, but he's a ghost. When he dies you speak to his ghost in the next chapters. I'm guessing that his appearance in the next chapter is still as a ghost.
Edit: scratch that. It does seem like choices don't matter... Oh well.
Is this true? I know that (spoilers after chapter 2):Jack appears in the next chapter, but he's a ghost. When he dies you speak to his ghost in the next chapters. I'm guessing that his appearance in the next chapter is still as a ghost.
Edit: scratch that. It does seem like choices don't matter... Oh well.
The people that made this game don't seem to know the difference between "lose" and "loose", by the way.
What the fuck. Yeah, interest in this game killed. I was hoping the story would compensate for the gameplay.
This is of Chapter 7 I am labeling the hardest thing ever.
You fight laim, you try to predict his random moves so its like a dice roll of five choices times that 20ish times... I am stuck and I am about to become the angry german kid.
Fuck i'm stuck chapter 1 and you guys are bitching of a harder chapter later on? OMG i dunno about this game, i don't want to be weak and put it on easy but.....now that i think about there should be an option to rewind 10 turns or something, starting from scratch every time you fucked up seems insane.
I think I worked out how to play this game
Since the first three stages have just been game theory and rng, I might as well just extract the it down to the mathematics underneath!
... maybe I should just play it on easy
What the fuck.
I don't understand the point of making this game so insanely hard? Is it to prevent people from blasting through it in 50 minutes? Bizarre design choice.
Thankfully I finished chapter 5, I don't want to play anymore. Why do I do this to myself? I always feel obliged to finish my games =/
And try not to spoil things with images, some of us haven't gotten there yet. also that spreadsheet is uselessthe sequence is randomized!
Let me know what you think of the ending
I felt all your decisions were meaningless