I wonder what happened to saves in the recent generations anyway. Some games take absurd space, even without some obvious Skyrim every object's location is saved nonsense, while others still manage to have reasonable sized saves. Especially replays in racing games or whatever take insane space. Iirc Driveclub had the biggest or among the biggest saves on PS4.
Cloud is nice to have for that but also taking so much space on fast but not really spacious SSDs is rather stupid and lazily implemented. It's almost like you are supposed to have a 5TB HDD just to move your saves somewhere...
The PS5 video clips for trophies are also an interesting idea that just eats up the limited storage.
Compressed PS5 games are often smaller than their PS4 version, but save space in SSD era is precious and save files need also compression, or trimed somehow else.
200MB limit is something but if games handle it just bad how is the player supposed to shrink it. This would need to be adressed with game devs and anything above would need to be negotiated with them, since probably they cause it?